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Dr Joanna Pearce

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2804
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO2.256  

Joanna is a senior lecturer and current Course Coordinator for the Tourism and Hospitality Management Discipline. She teaches across various units including Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality and Sustainable Tourism Development.

Key Research Areas

  • Nature-based tourism
  • Visitors to protected areas
  • Emotional connections with nature/protected areas


Joanna has a passion for both qualitative and quantitative research regarding the emotional connections people form with the national parks and protected areas they visit. Whether through forming a deep and personal attachment to a place, developing a sense of loyalty or fostering pro-environmental behaviours, or simply whether they just had a satisfying experience. Current research has focused on the well-being of peer to peer accommodation providers, and the gender pay-gap in the tourism and hospitality industries. She is also currently involved in a multi-agency project looking at cross-cultural knowledge translation of social and cultural values with Traditional Owners in the Kimberly.

Joanna has previously worked in environmental departments both in Western Australian and Victoria before undertaking her PhD in 2009. She has worked at Murdoch and Notre Dame Universities and has been with Edith Cowan University since 2016. She is the ECU Chapter Director and Associate Member of CAUTHE (Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education) and served from 2017-2023 as the Deputy Chair of the Swan River Trust and member of the Burswood Park Board.

  • Nature-based tourism
  • Pro-environmental behaviours
  • Sustainable tourism
  • Visitors to national parks and protected areas
  • Nature Based Tourism Lead for School of Business and Law Centre for Tourism Research
  • Nature-based tourism
  • Pro-environmental behaviours
  • Emotional connections with nature/protected areas
  • Social and cultural values of tourism spaces
  • Tourism and hospitality worker well-being
  • CAUTHE (Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education), Chapter Director and Associate Member


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Murdoch University, 2013.
  • Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science with Honours, Murdoch University, 2004.
  • Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology, Murdoch University, 2003.

Research Outputs

Book Chapters

  • Vorobjovas-Pinta, O., Pearce, J. (2024). COVID-19 Disruption at Mullaloo Wharf Apartment Hotel: Choosing a Strategic Route to Success. Case Based Research in Tourism, Travel and Hosptiality: Rethinking Theory and Practice (37-60). Springer.

Journal Articles

  • Vorobjovas-Pinta, O., Pearce, J., Hardy, A. (2024). The role of regional LGBTQI+ festivals and events in promoting social movements: A local stakeholder perspective. Tourism Management Perspectives, 53(September 2024), Article number 101300.
  • Vorobjovas-Pinta, O., Pearce, J. (2024). Scoping the role of LGBTQI+ festivals in regional Australia: A local community perspective. Event Management: an international journal, 28(6), 955-960.

Journal Articles

  • Esfandiar, K., Pearce, J., Dowling, R., Goh, E. (2023). The extended theory of planned behaviour model and national parks visitors' pro-environmental binning behaviour: A cross cultural perspective. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 42(June 2023), Article number 100602.

Journal Articles

  • Esfandiar, K., Pearce, J., Dowling, R., Goh, E. (2022). Pro-environmental behaviours in protected areas: A systematic literature review and future research directions. Tourism Management Perspectives, 41(January 2022), article number 100943.
  • Pearce, J., Huang, S., Dowling, R., Smith, AJ. (2022). Effects of social and personal norms, and connectedness to nature, on pro-environmental behavior: A study of Western Australian protected area visitors. Tourism Management Perspectives, 42(April 2022), article number 100966.

Journal Articles

  • Esfandiar, K., Dowling, R., Pearce, J., Goh, E. (2021). What a load of rubbish! The efficacy of theory of planned behaviour and norm activation model in predicting visitors’ binning behaviour in national parks. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 46(March 2021), 304-315.

Journal Articles

  • Esfandiar, K., Dowling, R., Pearce, J., Goh, E. (2020). Personal norms and the adoption of pro-environmental binning behaviour in national parks: an integrated structural model approach. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(1), 10-32.
  • Huang, S., Pearce, J., Wen, J., Dowling, R., Smith, AJ. (2020). Segmenting Western Australian national park visitors by perceived benefits: A factor-item mixed approach. International Journal of Tourism Research, 22(6), 814-824.

Journal Articles

  • Pearce, J., Dowling, R. (2019). Monitoring the quality of the visitor experience: An evolutionary journey. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 25(March 2019), 87-90.
  • Su, L., Huang, S., Pearce, J. (2019). Toward a model of destination resident-environment relationship: the case of Gulangyu, China. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 36(4), 469-483.
  • Esfandiar, K., Pearce, J., Dowling, R. (2019). Personal norms and pro-environmental binning behaviour of visitors in national parks: the development of a conceptual framework. Tourism Recreation Research, 44(2), 163-177.
  • Newsome, D., Rodger, K., Pearce, J., Chan, J. (2019). Visitor satisfaction with a key wildlife tourism destination within the context of a damaged landscape. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(6), 729-746.

Journal Articles

  • Pearce, J., Huang, S., Su, L. (2018). How does destination social responsibility contribute to environmentally responsible behaviour? A destination resident perspective. Journal of Business Research, 86(May 2018), 179-189.

Conference Publications

  • Pearce, J., Huang, S., Crotts, J., Gu, Q. (2018). Examining the connection of wine tourism to wine export in China: The case of Margaret River. Get Smart: Paradoxes and Possibilities in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Education and Research (665-669). Newcastle Business School, The University of Newcastle.

Journal Articles

  • Munro, J., Pearce, J., Brown, G., Kobryn, H., Moore, S. (2017). Identifying 'public values' for marine and coastal planning: Are residents and non-residents really so different. Ocean and Coastal Management, 148(November 2017), 9-21.
  • McGuiness, V., Rodger, K., Pearce, J., Newsome, D., Eagles, P. (2017). Short-stop visitation in Shark Bay World Heritage Area: an importance-performance analysis. Journal of Ecotourism, 16(1), 24-40.
  • Pearce, J., Strickland-Munro, J., Moore, S. (2017). What fosters awe-inspiring experiences in nature-based tourism destinations?. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25(3), 362-378.

Journal Articles

  • Pinkus, E., Moore, SA., Taplin, R., Pearce, J. (2016). Re-thinking visitor loyalty at 'once in a lifetime' nature-based tourism destinations: Empirical evidence from Purnululu National Park, Australia. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 16(1 December), 7-15.

Journal Articles

  • Pearce, J., Ryan, M., Moore, SA., Beckley , LE. (2015). The Effect of Place Attachment on Pro-environment Behavioral Intentions of Visitors to Coastal Natural Area Tourist Destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 54(6), 730-743.

Journal Articles

  • Smith, AJ., Tuffin, M., Taplin, RH., Moore, SA., Pearce, J. (2014). Visitor segmentation for a park system using research and managerial judgement. Journal of Ecotourism, 13(2-3), 93-109.

Conference Publications

  • Cripps, H., Pearce, J., Ryan, M. (2014). Photo Elicitation: Understanding Factors Contributing to a Successful Public Marina in Western Australia?. ANZMAC Annual Conference 2014 (794 - 800). ANZMAC.

Journal Articles

  • Pearce, J., Valesini, FJ., Moore, SA., Beckley, LE., Ryan, M. (2013). The Relation Between Place Attachment and Management Preferences of Visitors at Remote Coastal Campsites in Western Australia. Visitor Studies, 16(1), 39-58.
  • Pearce, J., Moore, SA., Ryan, M., Beckley, LE. (2013). A Photo-elicitation Approach to Exploring the Place Meanings Ascribed by Campers to the Ningaloo Coastline, North-western Australia. Australian Geographer, 44(2), 143-160.

Research Projects

  • Reconciling ecological, social and cultural values of WA's coastal waters: the case of Yawuru Nagulagun (Roebuck Bay), Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, WA Marine Science Project, 2023 ‑ 2027, $6,331.

Research Student Supervision

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, How does metaphorical message contribute to tourist low-carbon behaviour?
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Migrant Residents’ Pro-Destination Marketing Behaviours Towards Their Residential Place: A Case Study of Chinese Migrant Residents in Western Australia

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Understanding pro-environmental binning behaviour of national park visitors: A cross-cultural study
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