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Professor Amanda Devine

Associate Dean

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5527
Mobile: 0416 114 810
Facsimile: +61 8 6304 5384
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO31.468  

Amanda is the Associate Dean of Public Health and OHS and Professor of Public Health Nutrition in the School of Medical and Health Sciences. Amanda is the program coordinator for Nutrition and supervises postgraduate students in a range of nutrition research areas that extend from regional and remote nutrition and food security, and how patterns of eating impact gut health across the life course, chronic disease and clinical nutrition; food literacy and food and nutrition education. To extend the reach and impact of these research areas, with others Amanda has produced two cookbooks and developed four websites to implement and translate public health and educational projects.

Current Teaching

  • NUT2210 and NUT2220


Amanda Devine, has 25 years’ experience in research at UWA and ECU. As a Professor of Public Health Nutrition at ECU she has worked on 60 nutrition-related research projects with total funding worth over $4.2m where research into practice is a priority. She was Chair of Nutrition Australia WA Division for a decade; has been on the WA Food Science & Technology, School Curriculum and Standards Authority Committee for 10 years and actively researches in nutrition education from the early years to Year 12. She is committed to training our educators using innovative, relevant research informed information delivered through websites.

Amanda is currently a Co-Lead for Jamie’s Ministry of Food Progam at ECU and is passionate about food literacy and investigating the role of nutrition on health and vitality. She is eager to share knowledge of how to nurture mind and body through food variety and optimise wellness and reduce chronic disease..

Professional Associations

  • Nutrition Australia 1994-current
  • Associate Member of Dietetic Association 2003-current
  • Nutrition Society of Australia 2007-current
  • Australasian Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 2014-2015
  • World Public Health Nutrition Association 2014-current

Research Areas and Interests

Strategic areas of research focus:

  • Nutrition Education;
  • Food Literacy;
  • Gut Health; Chronic Disease and Clinical Nutrition; and
  • Food Security.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Western Australia, 1999.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Hollett, R., Butt, J., Mills, B., Godrich, S., Trapp, G., Devine, A. (2025). An anti‐junk food ad from a sports commercial break reduced junk food consumption inclinations, yet junk food ads had minimal to no impact. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 36(1), Article number e943.
  • Bloomfield, L., Boston, J., Masek, M., Andrew, L., Barwood, D., Devine, A. (2025). Evaluating the Efficacy of a Serious Game to Deliver Health Education About Invasive Meningococcal Disease: Clustered Randomized Controlled Equivalence Trial.. JMIR Serious Games, 13(e60755). 10.2196/60755.
  • Godrich, S., Goodwin, S., Doe, J., Stoneham, M., Devine, A. (2025). Shaping Effective Food Action Groups: Participant Perspectives on Structure and Stakeholder Involvement in Regional and Remote Western Australia.. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 36(2), 1-10.
  • Godrich, S., Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Stoneham, M., Devine, A. (2025). Lived Experience of Regional and Remote Food Systems: Barriers to and Enablers of Food Access in Western Australia. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 36(2), 1-13.

Journal Articles

  • Connolly, E., Liu, A., Radavelli Bagatini, S., Shafaei Darestani, A., Boyce, M., Wood, LG., McCahon, L., Koch, H., Sim, M., Hill, C., Parmenter, B., Bondonno, N., Devine, A., Croft, KD., Mithen, R., Gan, SK., Schultz, CJ., Woodman, RJ., Bondonno, C., Lewis, J., Hodgson, J., Blekkenhorst, L. (2024). Cruciferous vegetables lower blood pressure in adults with mildly elevated blood pressure in a randomized, controlled, crossover trial: the VEgetableS for vaScular hEaLth (VESSEL) study. BMC Medicine, 22(1), article number 353.
  • Rees, J., Ryan, J., Laws, M., Devine, A. (2024). A comprehensive examination of the evidence for whole of diet patterns in Parkinson's disease: a scoping review. Nutritional Neuroscience, 27(6), 547-565.
  • Radavelli Bagatini, S., Bondonno, C., Dalla Via, J., Sim, M., Gebre, A., Blekkenhorst, L., Connolly, E., Bondonno, N., Schousboe, JT., Woodman, RJ., Zhu, K., Mullin, S., Szulc, P., Jackson, B., Dimmock, J., Schlaich, MP., Cox, KL., Kiel, DP., Lim, W., Stanley, M., Devine, A., Thompson, PL., Williams, EJ., Wood, LG., Sim, M., Daly, RM., Hodgson, J., Lewis, J. (2024). Impact of provision of abdominal aortic calcification results on fruit and vegetable intake: 12-week randomized phase 2 controlled trial. Nature Communications, 15(1), article number 8126.
  • Lawlis, T., Bowden, M., Lo, J., Devine, A. (2024). Dietary Intake of Women from Two Australian Cities Living in Poverty. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 19(4), 557-570.
  • Voisin, R., Horwitz, P., Godrich, S., Sambell, R., Cullerton, K., Devine, A. (2024). What goes in and what comes out: a scoping review of regenerative agricultural practices. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 48(1), 124-158.
  • Wallace, R., Sambell, R., Fu, SC., Lo, J., Cook, E., Devine, A. (2024). Enhancing nutrition information utilisation, confidence and role legitimacy and adequacy among early childhood education professionals through evidence-based online training. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 2024(Article in press), 16 pages.
  • Hill, S., Miller, M., Devine, A., Genoni, A., Wenden, E., Byrne, M. (2024). Supporting nutrition education in low socioeconomic schools in Western Australia. Issues in Educational Research, 34(1), 58-76.
  • Lawlis, T., Mawer, T., Bevitt, T., Arthur, T., Andrew, L., Wallace, R., Sambell, R., Devine, A. (2024). Host organizations’ perceptions to providing safe and inclusive work-integrated learning programs for students with disability. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 25(1), 95-107.

Journal Articles

  • Johnston, M., O'Sullivan, T., Devine, A., Wallace, R., Costello, L., Sambell, R. (2023). Toddlers may be getting enough iron in long day-care services after all. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 36(5), 1901-1911.
  • Hoteit, M., Hoteit, R., Aljawaldeh, A., Van Royen, K., Pabian, S., Decorte, P., Cuykx, I., Teunissen, L., De Backer, C., Bergheim, I., Staltner, R., Devine, A., Sambell, R., Wallace, R., Allehdan, SS., Alalwan, TA., Al-Mannai, MA., Ouvrein, G., Poels, K., Vandebosch, H., Maldoy, K., Matthys, C., Smits, T., Vrinten, J., Desmet, A., Teughels, N., Geuens, M., Vermeir, I., Proesmans, V., Hudders, L., De Barcellos, MD., Ostermann, C., Brock, AL., Favieiro, C., Trizotto, R., Stangherlin, I., Mafra, AL., Correa Varella, MA., Valentova, JV., Fisher, ML., Maceacheron, M., White, K., Habib, R., Dobson, DS., Schnettler, B., Orellana, L., Miranda-Zapata, E., Wen-Yu Chang, A., Jiao, W., Liu, MT., Grunert, KG., Christensen, RN., Reisch, L., Janssen, M., Abril-Ulloa, V., Encalada, L., Kamel, I., Vainio, A., Niva, M., Salmivaara, L., Mäkelä, J., Torkkeli, K., Mai, R., Risch, PK., Altsitsiadis, E., Stamos, A., Antronikidis, A., Henchion, M., McCarthy, S., McCarthy, M., Micalizzi, A., Schulz, PJ., Farinosi, M., Komatsu, H., Tanaka, N., Kubota, H., Tayyem, R., Al-Awwad, NJ., Al-Bayyari, N., Ibrahim, MO., Hammouh, F., Dashti, S., Dashti, B., Alkharaif, D., Alshatti, A., Al Mazedi, M., Mansour, R., Naim, E., Mortada, H., Gutierrez Gomez, YY., Geyskens, K., Goukens, C., Roy, R., Egli, V., Morenga, LT., Waly, M., Qasrawi, R., Hamdan, M., Sier, RA., Al Halawa, DA., Agha, H., Liria Domínguez, MR., Palomares, L., Wasowicz, G., Bawadi, H., Othman, M., Pakari, J., Farha, AA., Abu-El-Ruz, R., Petrescu, DC., Petrescu Mag, RM., Arion, F., Vesa, SC., Alkhalaf, MM., Bookari, K., Arrish, J., Rahim, Z., Kheng, R., Ngqangashe, Y., June-Rose McHiza, Z., Gonzalez-Gross, M., Pantoja-Arévalo, L., Gesteiro, E., Ríos, Y., Yiga, P., Ogwok, P., Ocen, D., Bamuwamye, M., Al Sabbah, H., Taha, Z., Ismail, LC., Aldhaheri, A., Pineda, E., Miraldo, M., Holford, DL., Van Den Bulck, H. (2023). Call for emergency action to restore dietary diversity and protect global food systems in times of COVID-19 and beyond: Results from a cross-sectional study in 38 countries. Heliyon, 9(11), article number e21585.
  • Malekpour, P., Devine, A., Dare, J., Costello, L. (2023). Investigating the perspectives of older adults in residential aged care on oral health-related quality of life. Gerodontology: an international journal, 40(2), 220-230.
  • Hill, S., Byrne, M., Wenden, L., Devine, A., Miller, M., Quinlan, H., Cross, D., Eastham, J., Chester, M. (2023). Models of school breakfast program implementation in Western Australia and the implications for supporting disadvantaged students. Children and Youth Services Review, 145(February 2023), Article number 106770.
  • Andrew, L., Barwood, D., Boston, J., Masek, M., Bloomfield, L., Devine, A. (2023). Serious games for health promotion in adolescents – a systematic scoping review. Education and Information Technologies, 28(5), 5519-5550.
  • Zhong, L., Lewis, J., Sim, M., Bondonno, C., Wahlqvist, M., Mugera, A., Purchase, S., Siddique, K., Johnson, S., Devine, A., Hodgson, J. (2023). Three-dimensional food printing: its readiness for a food and nutrition insecure world. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 82(4), 468-477.
  • Miller, M., Barwood, D., Devine, A., Boston, J., Smith, S., Masek, M. (2023). Rethinking Adolescent School Nutrition Education Through a Food Systems Lens. Journal of School Health, 96(10), 891-899.

Journal Articles

  • Godrich, S., Lo, J., Kent, K., Romero Macau, F., Devine, A. (2022). A mixed-methods study to determine the impact of COVID-19 on food security, food access and supply in regional Australia for consumers and food supply stakeholders. Nutrition Journal, 21(1), article number 17.
  • Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Hayne, D., Lopez Da Cruz, PL., Lyons-Wall, P., Tang, C., Chambers, S., Devine, A., Spry, N., Jeffery, E., A S Kudiarasu, C., Joseph, D., Newton, R. (2022). Weight loss for overweight and obese patients with prostate cancer: a study protocol of a randomised trial comparing clinic-based versus Telehealth delivered EXercise and nutrition intervention (the TelEX trial). BMJ Open, 12(6), article number e058899.
  • Godrich, S., Romero Macau, F., Kent, K., Lo, J., Devine, A. (2022). Food Supply Impacts and Solutions Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Regional Australian Case Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(7), 1-16.
  • Rees, J., Fu, SC., Lo, J., Sambell, R., Lewis, J., Christophersen, C., Byrne, M., Newton, R., Boyle, S., Devine, A. (2022). How a 7-Week Food Literacy Cooking Program Affects Cooking Confidence and Mental Health: Findings of a Quasi-Experimental Controlled Intervention Trial. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9(March 2022), Article number 802940.
  • Rewa, J., Devine, A., Godrich, S. (2022). Evaluating the impact of a community- based food security project: The value in facilitating collaboration and understanding. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33(2), 346-349.
  • Maisey, G., Cattani, M., Devine, A., Lo, J., Fu, SC., Dunican, I. (2022). Digging for data: How sleep is losing out to roster design, sleep disorders, and lifestyle factors. Applied Ergonomics: human factors in technology and society, 99(Feb 2022), Article number 103617.
  • Maisey, G., Cattani, M., Devine, A., Dunican, I. (2022). Fatigue Risk Management Systems Diagnostic Tool: Validation of an organizational assessment tool for shiftwork organizations. Safety and Health at Work, 13(4), 408-414.
  • Middeke, J., Palmer, K., Lövestam, E., Vivanti, A., Orrevall, Y., Steiber, A., Lyons-Wall, P., Lo, J., Devine, A., Lieffers, J., Papoutsakis, C., Lang, N., Thoresen, L., Lloyd, L., O'Sullivan, T. (2022). Predictors of nutrition care process knowledge and use among dietitians internationally. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 35(3), 466-478.
  • Latino, C., Gianatti, E., Mehta, S., Lo, J., Devine, A., Christophersen, C. (2022). Does a high dietary intake of resistant starch affect glycaemic control and alter the gut microbiome in women with gestational diabetes? A randomised control trial protocol. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(1), article number 46.
  • Trapp, G., Hooper, P., Billingham, W., Thornton, L., Sartori, A., Kennington, K., Devine, A., Godrich, S., Sambell, R., Howard, J., Bivoltsis, A. (2022). Would you like fries with that? Investigating fast‐food outlet availability near schools in Perth, Western Australia. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33(S1), 262-265.

Journal Articles

  • Shafaei Darestani, A., Rees, J., Christophersen, C., Devine, A., Broadhurst, D., Boyce, M. (2021). Extraction and quantitative determination of bile acids in feces. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1150(15 March 2021), Article 338224.
  • Blekkenhorst, L., Sim, M., Radavelli Bagatini, S., Bondonno, N., Bondonno, C., Devine, A., Schousboe, J., Lim, W., Kiel, D., Woodman, R., Hodgson, J., Prince, R., Lewis, J. (2021). Cruciferous vegetable intake is inversely associated with extensive abdominal aortic calcification in elderly women: a cross-sectional study. The British Journal of Nutrition: an international journal of nutritional science, 125(3), 337-345.
  • Maisey, G., Cattani, M., Devine, A., Lo, J., Dunican, I. (2021). The Sleep of shift workers in a remote mining operation: Methodology for a randomized control trial to determine evidence-based interventions. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14(January 2021), Article number 579668.
  • Rees, J., Radavelli Bagatini, S., Lo, J., Hodgson, J., Christophersen, C., Daly, R., Magliano, D., Shaw, J., Sim, M., Bondonno, C., Blekkenhorst, L., Dickson, J., Lewis, J., Devine, A. (2021). Association between Fruit and Vegetable Intakes and Mental Health in the Australian Diabetes Obesity and Lifestyle Cohort. Nutrients, 13(5), Article number 1447.
  • Rewa, J., Devine, A., Godrich, S. (2021). Food community: Understanding community needs for a food security website to support rural and remote Western Australians. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32(S2), 283-291.
  • Radavelli Bagatini, S., Blekkenhorst, L., Sim, M., Prince, R., Bondonno, N., Bondonno, C., Woodman, R., Anokye, R., Dimmock, J., Jackson, B., Costello, L., Devine, A., Stanley, M., Dickson, J., Magliano, D., Shaw, J., Daly, R., Hodgson, J., Lewis, J. (2021). Fruit and vegetable intake is inversely associated with perceived stress across the adult lifespan. Clinical Nutrition, 40(5), 2860-2867.
  • Sambell, R., Andrew, L., Devine, A., Darby, J., Beatty, S., Godrich, S. (2021). Opportunities to identify and develop people skills: What university students need early in their degree journey. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 12(2), 348-365.
  • Yan, T., Andrew, L., Marlow, E., Kunaratnam, K., Devine, A., Dunican, I., Christophersen, C. (2021). Dietary Fibre Intervention for Gut Microbiota, Sleep, and Mental Health in Adults with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Scoping Review. Nutrients, 13(7), Article number 2159.
  • Butcher, L., O'Sullivan, T., Ryan, M., Lo, J., Nyanjom, J., Wilkins, H., Devine, A. (2021). To dine in or not to dine in: A comparison of food selection and preparation behaviours in those with and without food security. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32(S2), 267-282.
  • Forde, K., Costello, L., Devine, A., Sambell, R., Wallace, R. (2021). A multifaceted approach increased staff confidence to develop outside of school hours care as a health promoting setting. BMC Public Health, 21(15 December 2021), Article number 2286.
  • Carman, R., Andrew, L., Devine, A. (2021). The knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of midwives on the vaccination coverage rates in Perth's Aboriginal children. BMC Public Health, 21(1), Article number 1845.

Journal Articles

  • Genoni, A., Christophersen, C., Lo, J., Coghlan, M., Boyce, M., Bird, A., Lyons-Wall, P., Devine, A. (2020). Long‑term Paleolithic diet is associated with lower resistant starch intake, different gut microbiota composition and increased serum TMAO concentrations. European Journal of Nutrition, 59(5), 1845-1858.
  • Anokye, R., Radavelli Bagatini, S., Bondonno, C., Sim, M., Blekkenhorst, L., Mattock, E., Bondonno, N., Schousboe, J., Woodman, R., Zhu, K., Szulc, P., Jackson, B., Dimmock, J., Schlaich, M., Cox, K., Kiel, D., Lim, W., Devine, A., Thompson, P., Gianoudis, J., De Ross, B., Daly, R., Hodgson, J., Lewis, J., Stanley, M. (2020). Implementation, mechanisms of impact and key contextual factors involved in outcomes of the Modification of Diet, Exercise and Lifestyle (MODEL) randomised controlled trial in Australian adults: Protocol for a mixed-method process evaluation. BMJ Open, 10(11), Article number 036395.
  • Sambell, R., Wallace, R., Lo, J., Costello, L., Devine, A. (2020). Increasing food expenditure in long day-care by an extra $0.50 per child/day would improve core food group provision. Nutrients, 12(4), Article number 968.
  • Barwood, D., Smith, S., Miller, M., Boston, J., Masek, M., Devine, A. (2020). Transformational game trial in nutrition education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 45(4), 18-29.
  • Rewa, J., Devine, A., Godrich, S. (2020). South West Food Community: understanding systemic change, and its associated challenges and successes, among food security projects. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 44(6), 493-501.
  • Spence, A., Love, P., Byrne, R., Wakem, A., Matwiejczyk, L., Devine, A., Golley, R., Sambell, R. (2020). Childcare Food Provision Recommendations Vary across Australia: Jurisdictional Comparison and Nutrition Expert Perspectives. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), Article number 6793.
  • Hua, D., Sambell, R., Wallace, R., Vale, S., Devine, A. (2020). Food allergy management in Early Childhood Education and Care Services in Australia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 56(3), 394-399.
  • Lombardi, K., Beatty, S., Devine, A., Wallace, R., Costello, L. (2020). Fat talk: Influences on body image in childcare. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 31(2), 224-231.
  • Deering, K., Devine, A., O'Sullivan, T., Lo, J., Boyce, M., Christophersen, C. (2020). Characterizing the composition of the pediatric gut microbiome: A systematic review. Nutrients, 12(1), Article number 16.
  • Yan, T., Murphy, M., Genoni, A., Marlow, E., Dunican, I., Lo, J., Andrew, L., Devine, A., Christophersen, C. (2020). Does Fibre-fix provided to people with irritable bowel syndrome who are consuming a low FODMAP diet improve their gut health, gut microbiome, sleep and mental health? A double-blinded, randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open Gastroenterology, 7(1), article number e000448.
  • Mattock, E., Bondonno, C., Sim, M., Radavelli Bagatini, S., Croft, K., Boyce, M., James, A., Clark, K., Anokye, R., Bondonno, N., Woodman, R., Devine, A., Gan, SK., Schultz, C., Mithen, R., Lewis, J., Hodgson, J., Blekkenhorst, L. (2020). A randomised controlled crossover trial investigating the short-term effects of different types of vegetables on vascular and metabolic function in middle-aged and older adults with mildly elevated blood pressure: the VEgetableS for vaScular hEaLth (VESSEL) study protocol. Nutrition Journal, 19(1), Article number 41.
  • Godrich, S., Kent, K., Murray, S., Auckland, S., Lo, J., Blekkenhorst, L., Penrose, B., Devine, A. (2020). Australian consumer perceptions of regionally grown fruit and vegetables: importance, enablers and barriers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(1), Article number 63.
  • Sambell, R., Devine, A., Lo, J., Lawlis, T. (2020). Work-integrated learning builds student identification of employability skills: Utilizing a food literacy education strategy. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 21(1), 63-87.
  • Rees, J., Christophersen, C., Lewis, J., Lo, J., Sambell, R., Costello, L., Walker, C., Byrne, M., Boyce, M., Newton, R., Devine, A. (2020). The study protocol for a pseudo-randomised pre-post designed controlled intervention trial to study the effects of a 7-week cooking program on self-efficacy and biomarkers of health: The ECU lifestyle and biomarkers get connected study (ECULABJMOF) including the Jamie's Ministry of Food WA participant experience. BMC Public Health, 20(1), Article number 1037.
  • Hill, C., Blekkenhorst, L., Radavelli Bagatini, S., Sim, M., Woodman, R., Devine, A., Shaw, J., Hodgson, J., Daly, R., Lewis, J. (2020). Fruit and Vegetable Knowledge and Intake within an Australian Population: The AusDiab Study. Nutrients, 12(12), Article number 3628.
  • Lovestam, E., Vivanti, A., Steiber, A., Bostrom, A., Devine, A., Haughey, O., Kiss, C., Lang, N., Lieffers, J., Lloyd, L., O'Sullivan, T., Papoutsakis, C., Peersen, C., Thoresen, L., Orrevall, Y. (2020). Barriers and enablers in the implementation of a standardised process for nutrition care: findings from a multinational survey of dietetic professionals in 10 countries. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 33(2), 252-262.
  • Wallace, R., Lombardi, K., De Backer, C., Costello, L., Devine, A. (2020). Sharing is Caring: A Study of Food-Sharing Practices in Australian Early Childhood Education and Care Services. Nutrients, 12(January 2020), Article 229.
  • Godrich, S., Stoneham, M., Edmunds, M., Devine, A. (2020). South West Food Community: how government and community initiatives are supporting systemic change towards enhanced food security. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 44(2), 129-136.
  • Cooper, SL., Butcher, L., Scagnelli, SD., Lo, J., Ryan, M., Devine, A., O'Sullivan, T. (2020). Australian Consumers Are Willing to Pay for the Health Star Rating Front-of-Pack Nutrition Label. Nutrients, 12(12), Article number 3876.
  • Sim, M., Lewis, J., Prince, R., Levinger, I., Brennan-Speranza, T., Palmer, C., Bondonno, C., Bondonno, N., Devine, A., Ward, N., Byrnes, E., Schultz, C., Woodman, R., Croft, K., Hodgson, J., Blekkenhorst, L. (2020). The effects of vitamin K-rich green leafy vegetables on bone metabolism: a 4-week randomised controlled trial in middle-aged and older individuals. Bone Reports, 12(June 2020), Article number 100274.
  • Kent, K., Godrich, S., Murray, S., Auckland, S., Blekkenhorst, L., Penrose, B., Lo, J., Devine, A. (2020). Definitions, Sources and Self-Reported Consumption of Regionally Grown Fruits and Vegetables in Two Regions of Australia. Nutrients, 12(4), Article number 1026.
  • Blekkenhorst, L., Lewis, J., Bondonno, C., Sim, M., Devine, A., Zhu, K., Lim, WH., Woodman, RJ., Beilin, LJ., Thompson, PL., Prince, RL., Hodgson, J. (2020). Vegetable diversity in relation with subclinical atherosclerosis and 15-year atherosclerotic vascular disease deaths in older adult women. European Journal of Nutrition, 59(1), 217-230.
  • Radavelli Bagatini, S., Bondonno, C., Sim, M., Blekkenhorst, L., Anokye, R., Mattock, E., Bondonno, N., Schoesboe, J., Woodman, R., Zhu , K., Szulc, P., Jackson, B., Dimmock, J., Schlaich, M., Cox, K., Kiel, D., Lim, W., Stanley, M., Devine, A., Thompson, P., Gianoudis, J., De Ross, B., Daly, R., Lewis, J., Hodgson, J. (2020). Modification Of Diet, Exercise and Lifestyle (MODEL) study: a randomised controlled trial protocol. BMJ Open, 10(11), Article number 036366.
  • Grosse, C., Christophersen, C., Devine, A., Lawrance, I. (2020). The role of a plant-based diet in the pathogenesis, etiology and management of the inflammatory bowel diseases. Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 14(3), 137-145.


  • Bentley, T., Farr-Wharton, B., Omari, M., Vassiley, A., Onnis, L., Shafaei Darastani, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Pooley, JA., Devine, A., De Almeida Neto, A. (2020). Flexible work and psychological safety - Best practice to advance psychologically safe solutions from alternate locations: A report on findings from interviews with NSW flexible employees and managers: Phase 2 Report. Australia. Centre for Work Health and Safety NSW.

Journal Articles

  • Newton, R., Christophersen, C., Fairman, C., Hart, N., Taaffe, D., Broadhurst, D., Devine, A., Chee, R., Tang, C., Spry, N., Galvao, D. (2019). Does exercise impact gut microbiota composition in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer? A single-blinded, two-armed, randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 9(4), article no. e024872.
  • Sim, M., Lewis, J., Blekkenhorst, L., Bondonno, C., Devine, A., Zhu, K., Peeling, P., Prince, R., Hodgson, J. (2019). Dietary nitrate intake is associated with muscle function in older women. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 10(3), 601-610.
  • Sambell, R., Wallace, R., Costello, L., Lo, J., Devine, A. (2019). Measuring food provision in Western Australian long day care (LDC) services: a weighed food record method/protocol at a service level. Nutrition Journal, 18(1), Article 38.
  • Godrich, S., Payet, J., Brealey, D., Edmunds, M., Stoneham, M., Devine, A. (2019). South West Food Community: A Place-Based Pilot Study to Understand the Food Security System. Nutrients, 11(4), Article number 738.
  • Genoni, A., Lo, J., Lyons-Wall, P., Boyce, M., Christophersen, C., Bird, A., Devine, A. (2019). A Paleolithic diet lowers resistant starch intake but does not affect serum trimethylamine-N-oxide concentrations in healthy women. The British Journal of Nutrition: an international journal of nutritional science, 121(3), 322-329.
  • Lovestam, E., Vivanti, A., Steiber, A., Bostrom, A., Devine, A., Haughey, O., Kiss, C., Lang, N., Lieffers, J., Lloyd, L., O'Sullivan, T., Papoutsakis, C., Thoreson, L., Orrevall, Y., Corish, C., Eisenbraun, C., Hanning, R., Kristiansen, I., Lorentzen, SS., Maclean, AK., Peerson, C. (2019). The International Nutrition Care Process and Terminology Implementation Survey: Towards a Global Evaluation Tool to Assess Individual Practitioner Implementation in Multiple Countries and Languages. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 119(2), 242-260.
  • Butcher, L., O'Sullivan, T., Ryan, M., Lo, J., Devine, A. (2019). Utilising a multi-item questionnaire to assess household food security in Australia. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 30(1), 9-17.
  • Lövestam, E., Steiber, A., Vivanti, A., Boström, A., Devine, A., Haughey, O., Kiss, C., Lang, N., Lieffers, J., Lloyd, L., O'Sullivan, T., Papoutsakis, C., Peersen, C., Thoresen, L., Orrevall, Y., Corish, C., Eisenbraun, C., Hanning, R., Kristiansen, I., Lorentzen, S., Maclean, A. (2019). Use of the Nutrition Care Process and Nutrition Care Process Terminology in an International Cohort Reported by an Online Survey Tool. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 119(2), 225-241.
  • Butcher, L., Ryan, M., O'Sullivan, T., Lo, J., Devine, A. (2019). Food-Insecure Household’s Self-Reported Perceptions of Food Labels, Product Attributes and Consumption Behaviours. Nutrients, 11(4), Article number 828.
  • Lawlis, T., Torres, S., Coates, A., Clark, K., Charlton, K., Sinclair, A., Wood, L., Devine, A. (2019). Development of nutrition science competencies for undergraduate degrees in Australia. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 28(1), 166-176.
  • Lawlis, T., Sambell, R., Douglas-Watson, A., Belton, S., Devine, A. (2019). The Food Literacy Action Logic Model: A Tertiary Education Sector Innovative Strategy to Support the Charitable Food Sectors Need for Food Literacy Training. Nutrients, 11(4), Article number 837.
  • Chong, J., Prince, R., Thompson, P., Thavapalachandran, S., Ooi, E., Devine, A., Lim, E., Byrnes, E., Wong, G., Lim, W., Lewis, J. (2019). Association Between Plasma Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin and Cardiac Disease Hospitalizations and Deaths in Older Women. Journal of the American Heart Association, 8(1), Article number e011028.
  • Le, TT., Shafaei Darestani, A., Genoni, A., Christophersen, C., Devine, A., Lo, J., Lyons-Wall, P., Boyce, M. (2019). Development and validation of a simple LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantitative determination of trimethylamine-N-oxide and branched chain amino acids in human serum. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 411(5), 1019–1028.
  • Devine, A., Wallace, R., Lo, J., Miller, M., Sambell, R., Costello, L., Lombardi, K., Veurink, S. (2019). Online programs build confidence and improve healthy eating messages in Early Years services. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 44(2), 139-152.
  • Sambell, R., Andrew, L., Godrich, S., Wolfgang, J., Vandenbroeck, D., Stubley, K., Rose, N., Newman, L., Horwitz, P., Devine, A. (2019). Local Challenges and Successes Associated with Transitioning to Sustainable Food System Practices for a West Australian Context: Multi-Sector Stakeholder Perceptions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(11), Article number 2051.
  • Carman, R., Andrew, L., Devine, A., Oosthuizen, J. (2019). Barriers to vaccination service delivery within general practice: opportunity to make a sustainable difference in Aboriginal child health?. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 43(6), 563-569.

Journal Articles

  • Deering, K., Callan, A., Prince, RL., Lim, WH., Thompson, PL., Lewis, J., Hinwood, A., Devine, A. (2018). Low-level cadmium exposure and cardiovascular outcomes in elderly Australian women: A cohort study. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 221(2), 347-354.
  • Godrich, S., Davies, C., Darby, J., Devine, A. (2018). Which ecological determinants influence Australian children's fruit and vegetable consumption?. Health Promotion International, 33(2), 229-238.
  • Wallace, R., Costello, L., Devine, A. (2018). Exploring sense of community among early childhood education and care professionals through the Supporting Nutrition for Australian Childcare (SNAC) website. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 43(4), 23-32.
  • Blekkenhorst, L., Bondonno, N., Liu, A., Ward, N., Prince, R., Lewis, J., Devine, A., Croft, K., Hodgson, J., Bondonno, C. (2018). Nitrate, the oral microbiome, and cardiovascular health: a systematic literature review of human and animal studies. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 107(4), 504-522.
  • Godrich, S., Davies, C., Darby, J., Devine, A. (2018). Strategies to Address the Complex Challenge of Improving Regional and Remote Children’s Fruit and Vegetable Consumption. Nutrients, 10(11), article no.1603.
  • Wallace, R., Costello, L., Devine, A. (2018). Netnographic Slog: Creative Elicitation Strategies to Encourage Participation in an Online Community of Practice for Early Education and Care. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 17(1), 13p..
  • Sim, M., Blekkenhorst, L., Lewis, J., Bondonno, C., Devine, A., Zhu, K., Woodman, R., Prince, R., Hodgson, J. (2018). Vegetable Diversity, Injurious Falls, and Fracture Risk in Older Women: A Prospective Cohort Study. Nutrients, 10(8), Article no.1081.
  • Blekkenhorst, L., Lewis, J., Prince, R., Devine, A., Bondonno, N., Bondonno, C., Wood, L., Puddey, I., Ward, N., Croft, K., Woodman, R., Beilin, L., Hodgson, J. (2018). Nitrate-rich vegetables do not lower blood pressure in individuals with mildly elevated blood pressure: a 4-wk randomized controlled crossover trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 107(6), 894-908.
  • Butcher, L., Ryan, M., O'Sullivan, T., Lo, J., Devine, A. (2018). What Drives Food Insecurity in Western Australia? How the Perceptions of People at Risk Differ to Those of Stakeholders. Nutrients, 10(8), article no.1059.
  • Lawlis, T., Devine, A., Upton, P. (2018). Vulnerable, single and living in poverty: Women’s challenges to accessing food in the Australian Capital Territory. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 42(6), 541-546.
  • Blekkenhorst, L., Bondonno, C., Lewis, J., Woodman, R., Devine, A., Bondonno, N., Lim, W., Zhu, K., Beilin, L., Thompson, P., Prince, R., Hodgson, J. (2018). Cruciferous and Total Vegetable Intakes Are Inversely Associated With Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Older Adult Women. Journal of the American Heart Association, 7(8), Article no.e008391.
  • Ridge, A., Devine, A., Lyons-Wall, P., Conlon, J., Lo, J. (2018). The impact of whey protein supplementation in older adults on nutrient intakes and satiety over an 11-week exercise intervention. Food Quality and Preference, 68(Sept 2018), 72-79.
  • Hammershaimb Jacobsen, K., Sambell, R., Devine, A., Vale, S. (2018). Food allergy readiness and anaphylaxis management in early childhood education and care in Western Australia. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 43(4), 43-47.
  • Blekkenhorst, L., Sim, M., Bondonno, C., Bondonno, N., Ward, N., Prince, R., Devine, A., Lewis, J., Hodgson, J. (2018). Cardiovascular Health Benefits of Specific Vegetable Types: A Narrative Review. Nutrients, 10(5), Article no.595.
  • Sim, M., Blekkenhorst, L., Lewis, J., Bondonno, C., Devine, A., Zhu, K., Woodman, R., Prince, R., Hodgson, J. (2018). Vegetable and fruit intake and injurious falls risk in older women: a prospective cohort study. The British Journal of Nutrition: an international journal of nutritional science, 120(8), 925-934.


  • Byrne, M., Hill, S., Wenden, L., Devine, A., Miller, M., Quinlan, H., Shaw, T., Eastham, J., Cross, D. (2018). Evaluation of the Foodbank WA School Breakfast and Nutrition Education Program. Australia. Foodbank WA, Department of Education, Department of Health, Department of Regional Development.

Journal Articles

  • Godrich, S., Davies, C., Darby, J., Devine, A. (2017). What are the determinants of food security among regional and remote Western Australian children?. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 41(2), 172-177.
  • Blekkenhorst, L., Bondonno, C., Lewis, J., Devine, A., Woodman, R., Croft, K., Lim, W., Wong, G., Beilin, L., Prince, R., Hodgson, J. (2017). Association of dietary nitrate with atherosclerotic vascular disease mortality: a prospective cohort study of older adult women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 106(1), 207-216.
  • Blekkenhorst, L., Bondonno, C., Lewis, J., Devine, A., Zhu, K., Lim, W., Woodman, R., Beilin, L., Prince, R., Hodgson, J. (2017). Cruciferous and allium vegetable intakes are inversely associated with 15-year Atherosclerotic Vascular disease deaths in older adult women. Journal of the American Heart Association, 6(10), Article number e006558.
  • Godrich, S., Lo, J., Davies, C., Darby, J., Devine, A. (2017). Prevalence and socio-demographic predictors of food insecurity among regional and remote Western Australian children. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 41(6), 585-590.
  • Blekkenhorst, L., Hodgson, J., Lewis, J., Devine, A., Woodman, R., Lim, W., Wong, G., Zhu, K., Bondonno, C., Ward, N., Prince, R. (2017). Vegetable and Fruit Intake and Fracture-Related Hospitalisations: A Prospective Study of Older Women. Nutrients, 9(5), Article number 511.
  • Bondonno, C., Blekkenhorst, L., Prince, R., Ivey, K., Lewis, J., Devine, A., Woodman, R., Lundberg, J., Croft, K., Thompson, P., Hodgson, J. (2017). Association of vegetable nitrate intake with Carotid Atherosclerosis and Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease in older women. Stroke, 48(7), 1724-1729.
  • Wallace, R., Costello, L., Devine, A. (2017). Over-provision of discretionary foods at childcare dilutes the nutritional quality of diets for children. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 41(4), 447.
  • Godrich, S., Lo, J., Davies, C., Darby, J., Devine, A. (2017). Are regional and remote Western Australian children eating for good health? An investigation into fruit and vegetable consumption. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 28(3), 233-237.
  • Godrich, S., Lo, J., Davies, C., Darby, J., Devine, A. (2017). Which Food Security Determinants Predict Adequate Vegetable Consumption among Rural Western Australian Children?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(1), article no.40.
  • Blekkenhorst, L., Prince, R., Ward, N., Croft, K., Lewis, J., Devine, A., Shinde, S., Woodman, R., Hodgson, J., Bondonno, C. (2017). Development of a reference database for assessing dietary nitrate in vegetables. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 61(8), Article no. 1600982.
  • Wallace, R., Devine, A., Costello, L. (2017). Determining educator's need to support healthy eating environments in early childhood settings. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 42(2), 20-28.

Journal Articles

  • Genoni, A., Lyons-Wall, P., Lo, J., Devine, A. (2016). Cardiovascular, metabolic effects and dietary composition of ad-libitum paleolithic vs. Australian guide to healthy eating diets: A 4-week randomised trial. Nutrients, 8(5), Article no. 314.
  • Wallace, R., Lo, J., Devine, A. (2016). Tailored nutrition education in the elderly can lead to sustained dietary behaviour change. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 20(1), 8-15.
  • Genoni, A., Lo, J., Lyons-Wall, P., Devine, A. (2016). Compliance, palatability and feasibility of paleolithic and Australian guide to healthy eating diets in healthy women: A 4-week dietary intervention. Nutrients, 8(8), Article no. 481.
  • Solah, V., Meng, X., Kerr, D., Zhu, K., Devine, A., Prince, R., Binns, C. (2016). Effects of whole grain food consumption in older Australian women. Cereal Foods World, 61(2), 51-58.

Journal Articles

  • Ooi, E., Adams, L., Zhu, K., Lewis, J., Kerr, D., Meng, X., Solah, V., Devine, A., Binns, C., Prince, R. (2015). Consumption of a whey protein-enriched diet may prevent hepatic steatosis associated with weight gain in elderly women. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 25(4), 388-395.
  • Porter, J., Devine, A., O'Sullivan, T. (2015). Evaluation of a Nutrition Care Process implementation package in hospital dietetic departments. Nutrition and Dietetics, 72(3), 213-221.
  • O'Sullivan, T., Bremner, A., Bremer, H., Seares, M., Beilin, L., Mori, T., Lyons-Wall, P., Devine, A., Oddy, W. (2015). Dairy product consumption, dietary nutrient and energy density and associations with obesity in Australian adolescents. J Hum Nutr Diet, 28(5), 452-464.
  • Porter, J., Devine, A., Vivanti, A., Ferguson, M., O'Sullivan, T. (2015). Development of a Nutrition Care Process implementation package for hospital dietetic departments. Nutrition and Dietetics, 72(3), 205-212.
  • Zhu, K., Kerr, DA., Meng, X., Devine, A., Solah, V., Binns, C., Prince, RL. (2015). Two-year whey protein supplementation did not enhance muscle mass and physical function in well-nourished healthy older postmenopausal women.. The Journal of Nutrition, 145(11), 2520-2526.
  • Blekkenhorst, L., Prince, R., Hodgson, J., Lim, W., Zhu, K., Devine, A., Thompson, P., Lewis, J. (2015). Dietary saturated fat intake and atherosclerotic vascular disease mortality in elderly women: a prospective cohort study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 101(6), 1263-1268.
  • Lim, W., Wong, G., Lim, E., Byrnes, E., Zhu, K., Devine, A., Pavlos, N., Prince, R., Lewis, J. (2015). Circulating Lipocalin 2 Levels Predict Fracture-Related Hospitalizations in Elderly Women: A Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 30(11), 2078-2085.
  • Callan, A., Devine, A., Qi, L., Ng, J., Hinwood, A. (2015). Investigation of the relationship between low environmental exposure to metals and bone mineral density, bone resorption and renal function. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 218(5), 444-451.
  • Myers, G., Prince, RL., Kerr, DA., Devine, A., Woodman, RJ., Lewis, J., Hodgson, JM. (2015). Tea and flavonoid intake predict osteoporotic fracture risk in elderly Australian women: A prospective study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 102(4), 958-965.

Journal Articles

  • Callan, A., Hinwood, A., Devine, A. (2014). Metals in commonly eaten groceries in Western Australia – a market basket survey and dietary assessment. Food Additives and Contaminants Part A: Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment, 31(12), 1968-1981.
  • Martin, K., Rosenberg, M., Pratt, I., Miller, M., McCormack, G., Giles-Corti, B., Magarey, A., Bull, F., Devine, A. (2014). Prevalence of overweight, obesity and underweight in Western Australian school-aged children; 2008 compared with 2003. PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION, 17(12), 2687-2691.

Conference Publications

  • Sambell, R., Devine, A., Lo, J. (2014). Does the food group provision in early years' education and care settings in metropolitan Perth, Western Australia, meet national dietary requirements; and how can Home Economics support this?. Journal of the Home Economics Institute of Australia (20-27). Home Economics Institute of Australia.

Journal Articles

  • Meng, X., Kerr, D., Zhu, K., Devine, A., Solah, V., Wright, J., Binns, C., Prince, R. (2013). Under-reporting of energy intake in elderly Australian women is associated with a higher body mass index. Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging, 17(2), 112-118.

Journal Articles

  • Hodgson, J., Zhu, K., Lewis, J., Kerr, D., Meng, X., Solah, V., Devine, A., Binns, C., Woodman, R., Prince, R. (2012). Long-term effects of a protein-enriched diet on blood pressure in older women. The British Journal of Nutrition: an international journal of nutritional science, 107(11), 1664-1672.

Journal Articles

  • Zhu, K., Devine, A., Lewis, J., Dhaliwal, SS., Prince, RL. (2011). "Timed up and go" Test and Bone Mineral Density Measurement for Fracture Prediction. Archives of Internal Medicine, 171(18), 1655-1661.
  • Zhu, K., Meng, X., Kerr, DA., Devine, A., Solah, V., Binns, CW., Prince, RL. (2011). The effects of a two-year randomized, controlled trial of whey protein supplementation on bone structure, IGF-1, and urinary calcium excretion in older postmenopausal women. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 26(9), 2298-2306.

Journal Articles

  • Zhu, K., Austin, N., Devine, A., Bruce, D., Prince, R. (2010). A randomized controlled trial of the effects of vitamin D on muscle strength and mobility in older women with vitamin D insufficiency. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58(11), 2063–2068.
  • Rodrigues, M., Foster, J., Verdile, G., Joesbury, K., Prince, R., Devine, A., Mehta, P., Beilby, J., Martins, R. (2010). Predicting memory decline as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease in older post-menopausal women: Quod erat demonstrandum?. International Psychogeriatrics, 22(2), 332-335.
  • Lewis, J., Prince, R., Zhu, K., Devine, A., Thompson, P., Hodgson, J. (2010). Habitual chocolate intake and vascular disease: a prospective study of clinical outcomes in older women.. Archives of Internal Medicine, 170(20), 1857-1858.
  • Solah, V., Kerr, D., Adikara, C., Meng, X., Binns, C., Zhu, K., Devine, A., Prince, R. (2010). Differences in satiety effects of alginate- and whey protein-based foods.. Appetite, 54(3), 485-491.
  • Zhu, K., Devine, A., Suleska, A., Tan, C., Toh, C., Kerr, D., Prince, R. (2010). Adequacy and change in nutrient and food intakes with aging in a seven-year cohort study in elderly women.. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 14(9), 723-729.

Journal Articles

  • Zhu, K., Beilby, JP., Dick, IM., Devine, A., Soos, M., Prince, RL. (2009). The effects of homocysteine and MTHFR genotype on hip bone loss and fracture risk in elderly women. Osteoporosis International, 20(7), 1183-1191.
  • Meng, X., Zhu, K., Devine, A., Kerr, D., Binns, C., Prince, R. (2009). A 5-year cohort study of the effects of high protein intake on lean mass and BMC in elderly postmenopausal women. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 24(11), 1827-1834.
  • Sanders, K., Nowson, C., Kotowicz, M., Briffa, K., Devine, A., Reid, I. (2009). Calcium and bone health: position statement for the Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society, Osteoporosis Australia and the Endocrine Society of Australia.. Medical Journal of Australia, 190(6), 316-320.
  • Zhu, K., Devine, A., Prince, R. (2009). The effects of high potassium consumption on bone mineral density in a prospective cohort study of elderly postmenopausal women. Osteoporosis International, 20(2), 335-340.
  • Ueland, T., Wilson, S., Islam, F., Mullin, B., Devine, A., Bollerslev, J., Zhu, K., Prince, R. (2009). A cohort study of the effects of serum osteoprotegerin and osteoprotegerin gene polymorphisms on cardiovascular mortality in elderly women. Clinical Endocrinology, 71(6), 828-833.

Journal Articles

  • Zhu, K., Beilby, J., Dick, I., Devine, A., Soos, M., Prince, R. (2008). The effects of homocysteine and MTHFR genotype on hip bone loss and fracture risk in elderly women. Osteoporosis International, 20(7), 1183-1191.
  • Mullin, B., Prince, R., Dick, I., Islam, F., Hart, D., Spector, T., Devine, A., Dudbridge, F., Wilson, S. (2008). Bone structural effects of variation in the TNFRSF1B gene encoding the tumor necrosis factor receptor 2. Osteoporosis International, 19(7), 961-968.
  • Hodgson, J., Devine, A., Burke, V., Dick, I., Prince, R. (2008). Chocolate consumption and bone density in older women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 87(1), 175-180.
  • Prince, R., Austin, N., Devine, A., Dick, I., Bruce, D., Zhu, K. (2008). Effects of ergocalciferol added to calcium on the risk of falls in elderly high-risk women.. Archives of Internal Medicine, 168(1), 103-108.
  • Zhu, K., Devine, A., Prince, R. (2008). The effects of high potassium consumption on bone mineral density in a prospective cohort study of elderly postmenopausal women. Osteoporosis International, 20, 335-340.
  • Zhu, K., Bruce, D., Austin, N., Devine, A., Ebeling, P., Prince, R. (2008). Randomized controlled trial of the effects of calcium with or without vitamin D on bone structure and bone-related chemistry in elderly women with vitamin D insufficiency.. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 23(8), 1343-1348.
  • Zhu, K., Devine, A., Dick, I., Wilson, S., Prince, R. (2008). Effects of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Hip Bone Mineral Density and Calcium-Related analytes in Elderly Ambulatory Australian Women: A Five-Year Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 93(3), 743-749.
  • Rodrigues, M., Verdile, G., Foster, J., Hogervorst, E., Joesbury, K., Dhaliwal, S., Corder, E., Laws, S., Hone, E., Prince, R., Devine, A., Mehta, P., Beilby, J., Atwood, C., Martins, R. (2008). Gonadotropins and Cognition in Older Women. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 13(3), 267-274.

Journal Articles

  • Zhu, K., Devine, A., Dick, I., Prince, R. (2007). Association of back pain frequency with mortality, coronary heart events, mobility, and quality of life in elderly women. Spine, 32(18), 2012-2018.
  • Ueland, T., Bollerslev, J., Wilson, S., Dick, I., Islam, F., Mullin, B., Devine, A., Prince, R. (2007). No associations between OPG gene polymorphisms or serum levels and measures of osteoporosis in elderly Australian women. Bone, 40(1), 175-181.
  • Austin, N., Devine, A., Dick, I., Prince, R., Bruce, D. (2007). Fear of falling in older women: a longitudinal study of incidence, persistence, and predictors. American Geriatrics Society Journal, 55(10), 1598-1603.
  • Nurzenski, M., Briffa, N., Price, R., Khoo, B., Devine, A., Beck, T., Prince, R. (2007). Geometric indices of bone strength are associated with physical activity and dietary calcium intake in healthy older women. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 22(3), 416-424.
  • Prince, R., Dick, I., Beilby, J., Dhaliwal, S., Devine, A. (2007). A Cohort Study of the Effect of Endogenous Estrogen on Spine Fracture Risk and Bone Structure in Elderly Women and an Assessment of its Diagnostic Usefulness. Bone, 41(1), 33-38.
  • Prince, R., Devine, A., Dick, I. (2007). The clinical utility of measured kyphosis as a predictor of the presence of vertebral deformities. Osteoporosis International, 18(5), 621-627.
  • Devine, A., Hodgson, J., Dick, I., Prince, R. (2007). Tea drinking is associated with benefits on bone density in older women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 86(4), 1243-1247.

Journal Articles

  • Teo, J., Briffa, K., Devine, A., Dhaliwal, SS., Prince, R. (2006). Do Sleep Problems or Urinary Incontinence Predict falls in Elderly Women?. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 52(1), 19-24.
  • Prince, R., Devine, A., Dhaliwal, SS., Dick, I. (2006). Effects of calcium supplementation on clinical fracture and bone structure: Results of a 5-year, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in elderly women. Arcives of Internal Medicine, 166(8), 869-875.
  • Hodgson, J., Devine, A., Puddey, I., Beilby, J., Prince, R. (2006). Drinking tea is associated with lower plasma total homocysteine in older women. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 15(2), 253-258.

Journal Articles

  • Ramesh Babu, L., Wilson, S., Dick, I., Islam, A., Devine, A., Prince, R. (2005). Bone mass effects of a BMP4 gene polymorphism in postmenopausal women. Bone, 36(1), 555-561.
  • Dick, I., Devine, A., Beilby, J., Prince, R. (2005). Effects of endogenous estrogen on renal calcium and phosphate handling in elderly women. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism, 288(2), E430-E435.
  • Devine, A., Dick, I., Islam, A., Dhaliwal, SS., Prince, R. (2005). Protein consumption is an important predictor of lower limb bone mass in elderly women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 81(6), 1423-1428.
  • Devine, A., Dick, I., Dhaliwal, S., Naheed, R., Beilby, J., Prince, R. (2005). Prediction of incident osteoporotic fractures in elderly women using the free estradiol index. Osteoporosis International, 16(2), 216-221.
  • Bollerslev, J., Wilson, S., Dick, I., Islam, F., Ueland, T., Palmer, L., Devine, A., Prince, R. (2005). LRP5 gene polymorphisms predict bone mass and incident fractures in elderly Australian women. Bone, 36(4), 599-606.
  • Dick, I., Devine, A., Prince, R. (2005). Association of an aromatase TTTA repeat polymorphism with circulating estrogen, bone structure and biochemistry in older women. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 288(5), E989-E995.
  • Mullin, B., Wilson, S., Islam, F., Calautti, M., Dick, I., Devine, A., Prince, R. (2005). Klotho gene polymorphisms are associated with osteocalcin levels but not bone density of aged postmenopausal women. Calcif Tissue Int, 77(3), 145-151.

Journal Articles

  • Bollerslev, J., Wilson, S., Dick, I., Devine, A., Dhaliwal, S., Prince, R. (2004). Calcium-sensing receptor gene polymorphism A986S does not predict serum calcium level, bone mineral density, calcaneal ultrasound indices, or fracture rate in a large cohort of elderly women. Calcified Tissue International, 74(1), 12-17.
  • Hodgson, J., Chan, S., Puddey, I., Devine, A., Wattanapenpaiboon, N., Wahlqvist, M., Lukito, W., Burke, V., Ward, N., Prince, R., Croft, K. (2004). Phenolic acid metabolites as biomarkers for tea- and coffee-derived polyphenol exposure in human subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 91(2), 301-305.
  • Rossi, E., Kuek, C., Beilby, J., Jeffrey, G., Devine, A., Prince, R. (2004). Expression of the HFE hemochromatosis gene in a community-based population of elderly women. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 19(10), 1150-1154.
  • Devine, A., Dhaliwal, SS., Dick, I., Bollerslev, J., Prince, R. (2004). Physical activity and calcium consumption are important determinants of lower limb bone mass in older women. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 19(10), 1634-1639.

Journal Articles

  • Chen, J., Devine, A., Dick, I., Dhaliwal, S., Prince, R. (2003). Prevalence of lower extremity pain and its association with functionality and quality of life in elderly women in Australia. Journal of Rheumatology, 30(12), 2689-2693.
  • Dick, I., Devine, A., Li, S., Dhaliwal, S., Prince, R. (2003). The T869C TGF beta polymorphism is associated with fracture, bone mineral density, and calcaneal quantitative ultrasound in elderly women. Bone, 33(3), 335-341.

Research Projects

  • Immunomodulation of the GIT through nutrition , Department of Health WA, Clinician Researcher Training Scholarship, 2023 ‑ 2029, $225,000.
  • The effectiveness of culturally competent resources in the WA Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) parent communities, to inform health behaviours. , Nutrition Australia, Scholarships to support Industry Engagement PhD Projects, 2023 ‑ 2028, $53,141.
  • Printing an appetite for life: developing three-dimensional printed texture modified foods for aged care residents, National Health and Medical Research Council, Ideas Grants (2023), 2024 ‑ 2028, $1,108,065.
  • Weight loss for overweight and obese prostate cancer patients: a randomised trial of a clinic-based versus telehealth delivered exercise and nutrition intervention, Cancer Council of WA Inc, Prostate Cancer Research Initiative, 2021 ‑ 2026, $472,739.
  • Little Aussie Bugs: Designing, piloting and evaluating online professional development to support early years educators build health literacy among young children, Academic Staff Association of Edith Cowan University, Solidarity Research Fund (SRF), 2024 ‑ 2025, $19,990.
  • Brain Bites: the feasibility of a co-designed meal box solution for people living with Huntington’s disease , Huntington's Australia, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $13,636.
  • The Effect of Dietary Resistant Starch on Maternal Glycaemia and the Gut Microbiome in Gestational Diabetes. , Spinnaker Health Research Foundation, Edith Cowan University Spinnaker Explorers Grant, 2022 ‑ 2025, $60,000.
  • Food Community: A systemic approach to support healthy food availability, access and use across regional Western Australia., Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Health Promotion Project Grant, 2022 ‑ 2025, $555,274.
  • Can a novel fibre supplement improve gut symptoms and well-being in athletes and community members with gut complaints?, Edith Cowan University, Early-Mid Career Researcher Grant Scheme 2024 (Stream 1), 2024 ‑ 2025, $38,488.
  • Meningococcal Infection, Awareness Prevention and Protection (MIapp) – Improving and evaluating adolescent access to meningococcal education through the use of an app , Lotterywest, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2024, $290,910.
  • What is the role of the safety Regulator in suicides?, Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $125,000.
  • Investing in your bones: supporting lifelong health and performance, Arthritis Foundation of WA, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2024, $307,694.
  • Developing a novel approach to improve diet and lifestyle, National Health and Medical Research Council, MRFF Preventive and Public Health, 2020 ‑ 2024, $309,660.
  • Develop a systematic profiling of neurological conditions that will facilitate personalised treatment and streamline service delivery, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Western Australia, MS WA - Research funding for social and applied research, 2019 ‑ 2024, $5,716,059.
  • Application of a plant based diet in active Ulcerative Colitis (UC), St John of God Health Care, Scholarships to support Industry Engagement PhD Projects, 2018 ‑ 2024, $40,000.
  • An exploratory study to determine if exercise can impact the gut microbiota composition of men receiving androgen suppression therapy for prostate cancer, Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, Grant, 2018 ‑ 2024, $98,875.
  • Local Eats, Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Healthy Communities Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $4,795.
  • Influence of Enzyme Rich Malt Extract on gut health symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and endurance exercise performance, Ateria Health Australia Pty Ltd, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2023, $534,799.
  • The feasibility and therapeutic utility of a 12-week telehealth delivered environmental enrichment program for young stroke survivors experiencing cognitive impairment, Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science, Neurotrauma Research Program, 2021 ‑ 2023, $84,600.
  • Evaluation of Foodbank WA s School Breakfast and Food Nutrition Program (01/2015FBWA), Foodbank, Grant, 2015 ‑ 2023, $180,000.
  • Food Action Groups Project – Peel Region, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Grant, 2023, $828.
  • Pathway to healthy food environments: a guide for local governments in Western Australia, Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Healthway - Grant, 2018 ‑ 2023, $469,078.
  • What motivates and supports primary school teachers to teach nutrition?, Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Healthway - Scholarship, 2016 ‑ 2022, $111,111.
  • Request for food and nutrition curriculum support materials as part of the WA Healthy Children Program - K-10 School Food and Nutrition Curriculum Support Materials, Department of Health WA, WA Healthy Children Program, 2013 ‑ 2022, $1,141,835.
  • Flexible work and psychological safety: best practice to advance psychologically safe work from alternate locations, NSW Government, Understanding the Changing World of Work (Tender), 2020 ‑ 2021, $135,157.
  • Fostering positive body image among young children: Development and evaluation of an online professional development resource for early childhood educators , Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Healthway - Scholarship, 2014 ‑ 2020, $112,844.
  • Can the quality of life of young adults with Chronic Inflammatory Arthritis [CIA] be improved through participation in a DRUMBEAT© program?, Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Health Promotion Project Grant, 2019 ‑ 2020, $5,000.
  • Parenting Program Evaluation, GP Down South Ltd, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2020, $12,275.
  • Healthy Soils, Healthy Communities: Pathways for regeneration from farm to fork, Edith Cowan University, ECU Collaboration Enhancement Scheme – 2017 Round 2, 2018 ‑ 2019, $10,000.
  • Barriers to Achieving High Immunisation Coverage in Perth’s Aboriginal Children: a Midwives Study, Department of Health WA, Grant, 2019, $11,217.
  • Transformational games: A way to engage adolescents in nutrition education? , Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Health Promotion Research - Exploratory Research Grants, 2016 ‑ 2018, $56,634.
  • Bringing the nation together: Australia’s Charitable Food Sector Forum, Edith Cowan University, ECU Collaboration Enhancement Scheme - 2016 Round 2, 2017 ‑ 2018, $9,800.
  • Monash University collaboration, Edith Cowan University, School of Medical and Health Sciences Research Collaboration Travel Grant Scheme 2016, 2016 ‑ 2018, $9,975.
  • Social connectedness and healthy lifestyle support - What do regional communities want and do they use it?, Edith Cowan University, ECU Development Grant, 2017 ‑ 2018, $50,000.
  • Food and Nutrition Postgraduate Scholarship , Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), CSIRO - Scholarship, 2016 ‑ 2018, $18,382.
  • Regular fat versus reduced fat dairy consumption: a pilot study of effects on cardiometabolic and gut health in young children, Department of Health WA, WA Child Research Fund, 2016 ‑ 2018, $40,493.
  • A Cross-Sectional Study to Measure and Describe the Association between Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Food Security Determinants of children (9-13 years) Living in Regional and Remote Western Australia, Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Healthway - Scholarship, 2015 ‑ 2017, $75,614.
  • Charitable food sector steps up to improve food literacy of recipients of emergency food relief. , Edith Cowan University, ECU Collaboration Enhancement Scheme - 2016 Round 1, 2016 ‑ 2017, $7,000.
  • Integrating student engagement and best practice pedagogy relevant to Year 7-8 students in a nutrition education (life skills) context: A conceptual framework approach., Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Healthway - Scholarship, 2015 ‑ 2017, $58,816.
  • Effects of Dairy-Derived Nutritional Supplementation Combined with Physical Activity on Health and Physical Function in 40 - 60 Year-Old Women, Fonterra Cooperative Ltd, Grant, 2015 ‑ 2017, $729,998.
  • Regular fat versus low fat dairy consumption: a pilot study of adiposity and cardiometabolic outcomes in young children, The Kids Research Institute Australia, Grant, 2016 ‑ 2017, $20,179.
  • Regular vs. reduced fat dairy: a pilot study of effects on cardiometabolic and gut health in children, Edith Cowan University, School of Medical and Health Sciences Research Grant Scheme 2016, 2016, $10,000.
  • SNACPlus: A whole-of-centre approach to healthy eating in WA Child Care Centres., Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Healthway - Research Starter Grant, 2014 ‑ 2016, $28,216.
  • Metals exposure and musculoskeletal and renal health in peri-menopausal Australian women, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher - Grant, 2011 ‑ 2012, $24,672.
  • Diets to Defy Dementia, Council On The Ageing (WA) Inc, Grant, 2010 ‑ 2011, $5,000.
  • Communicating the Role of Vegetables and Fruit in the Diet. Optimising Health, Preventing Disease and Advance Healing, West Australian Vegetable Growers Association Inc, Action Grant, 2007 ‑ 2008, $50,960.
  • New Independent Researcher Infrastructure Support Award 2004, Department of Health WA, Grant, 2004, $17,300.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Place based sustainable horticulture: a co-participatory exploration of agricultural metrics in southwestern Australia
  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, Co-designing culturally appropriate resource(s) to improve food literacy in Western Australian Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) mothers of primary school-aged children
  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, Understanding operational challenges: an exploration of barriers perceived by government and community food security initiatives across regional Western Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Study of the Immunomodulation of the GIT through Nutrition
  • Doctor of Philosophy, What motivates and supports primary teachers to teach nutrition

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Effect of Dietary Resistant Starch on Maternal Glycaemia and Gut Microbiome in Gestational Diabetes

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Efficacy of a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet in ulcerative colitis: A randomised controlled trial
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Impact of dairy lipid intake on gut microbiota, and its association with cardiovascular related metabolites in Australian children

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Health impacts and dietary composition of the paleolithic and Australian guide to healthy eating diets in Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Food provision in long day care requires a multilevel approach to optimise health and developmental outcomes for young children
  • Master of Public Health, Development of the meal framework: A multiliteracies approach to engaging adolescents in nutrition education
  • Master of Public Health, Food allergy management in early childhood education and care (ecec) services: Are services aware of training guidelines for food allergy management?
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Diet quality and mental health: how does improved cooking confidence after a food literacy cooking program affect mental health outcomes and associations with dietary and gut biomarkers of the gut-brain axis.?
  • Master of Science (Medical Science), DRUMBEAT© for arthritis “a shared purpose” rather than a “lonely struggle”
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Supporting nutrition for Australian childcare (snac): The development, implementation and evaluation of an online nutrition education intervention
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Developing and evaluating online education for dietitians to enhance learning of the nutrition care process (ncp)
  • Master of Public Health, Doncp: Incorporating the nutrition care process into hospital dietetic practice using an evidence based implementation package
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Food insecurity and fruit and vegetable consumption among regional and remote Western Australian children: Determinants, prevalence and predictors
  • Doctor of Philosophy, An investigation of the associated factors and measurement of food insecurity in Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Does Fibre-fix provided to people with irritable bowel syndrome who are consuming a low FODMAP diet improve their gut health, gut microbiome, sleep and mental health?
  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, Best practice recommendations for coaching gymnasts to avoid burnout and reframe performance anxiety

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy: vitamin D, neuromuscular control and falling episodes in Australian postmenopausal women
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A mixed methods obesity prevention intervention for Australian children aged 6-12 years: Influence of parent misperceptions about food and exercise on the efficacy of educational obesity simulations.
  • Master of Science (Interdisciplinary Studies), Evaluation of a modified food frequency questionnaire to measure lignans in Australian men and women
  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, Compliance of pre-packaged food products imported from Asian countries, and sold in Western Australia, with the Australian and New Zealand Food Standards Code

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Design, implementation and evaluation of the impact of a body image professional development program for early childhood educators

Assistant Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Mining for Sleep Data: An investigation into the sleep of fly-in fly-out shift workers in the mining industry and potential solutions
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