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Dr David Cook


Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5104
Mobile: 0448 701 705
Facsimile: +61 8 6304 2599
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO18.334  

David is a Lecturer within the School of Science, a member of the Australian Centre for Cyber Security Excellence (ACCSE), and a Fellow of the Australian Computer Society.

Current Teaching

David had taught across a range of computer and security science areas including Information Warfare, Terrorism, Counter Terrorism, Systems Resilience, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Aviation Security, Communicating in an IT Environment, Radicalisation and Political Extremism.  David supervises a wide range of student projects and research topics. Through his engagement with the ACS he has negotiated with industry and government to secure student placements and workplace opportunities for final year undergraduate and post-graduate students.

  • IT Professionalism and Practice
  • Principles of Project Management
  • Project Preparation
  • Applied IT Project
  • Project Methods and Professionalism
  • Special Topic


David has extensive business and academic experience within South-east Asia, especially in Indonesia and Australia. He previously held the position of Manager in the SECAU Security Research Centre and holds a number of directorships and board appointments. David has won numerous academic, professional, and industry awards.

Professional Associations

  • Australian Computer Society ACS - Certified Professional
  • Australian Information Security Association AISA
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE

Awards and Recognition

University and National Teaching Awards

  • 2009 - Dean’s Award for Excellence
  • 2013 - Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Community Engagement


  • 2007 - The Berndt Memorial Prize in Anthropology
  • 2008 - The State Anthropology Prize – Anthropological Society of WA
  • 2010 - The WA Police Award for the Best Counter Terrorism paper, 1st Australian Counter Terrorism Conference
  • 2010 - The Australian Computer Society “Education Across the Nation” Australia-Wide Touring Keynote Lecturer
  • 2012 - 2016 Chairman of the Australian Computer Society WA
  • 2012 - WAITTA Winner of the Service and Training Award for Services to the Elderly – The Seniors Identity Training Program.
  • 2015 - Fellow of the Australian Computer Society

Research Areas and Interests

David’s principal research interests surround the broad field of security through Governance. He specialises in Gerontechnology,  the advancement of Human Computer Interaction, and the proliferation of Cyber Crime. His research activities include Counter Terrorism, Money-Laundering, Senior Citizen Security, Social Media, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, Financial Elder Abuse, Social Network Analysis, Online Radicalisation, Political Extremism and Technology Ethics.

  • New Modes of Governance
  • Counter Terrorism
  • Financial Elder Abuse
  • Gerontechnology
  • Human Computer Interaction, HCI
  • Virtual Reality Acceptance
  • Digital Legacies
  • Haptics
  • Technology Ethics
  • Money Laundering
  • Information Security


  • Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration, Murdoch University.
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration, Murdoch University.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Edith Cowan University, 2018.
  • Master of Business Administration, Murdoch University, 2010.
  • Bachelor of Arts First Class Honours in Asian Studies, Murdoch University, 2009.
  • Bachelor of Asian Studies, Murdoch University, 2008.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Bughio, SK., Cook, D., Shah, A. (2024). Investigating the intersections of vulnerability detection and Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) in healthcare, a scoping review protocol for Remote Patient Monitoring. Research, Society and Development, 13(6), Article number e11313646080.
  • Bughio, K., Cook, D., Shah, A. (2024). Developing a Novel Ontology for Cybersecurity in Internet of Medical Things-Enabled Remote Patient Monitoring. Sensors, 24(9), Article number 2804.
  • Hossain, S., Armstrong, L., Cook, D., Zaenker, P. (2024). Application of Histopathology Image Analysis Using Deep Learning Networks. Human-Centric Intelligent Systems, 4(2), 20 pages.
  • Muafi, MZ., Umami, N., Suhartanto, B., Suwignyo, B., Haq, MS., Suseno, N., Widiyatno, W., Armstrong, L., Cook, D., Prasojo, YS. (2024). Characteristic Morphology and Biomass Production of Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum) Cultivar Gama Umami Under Teak Tree (Tectona grandis) Shade in Blora, Central Java. Buletin Peternakan (Bulletin of Animal Science), 48(2), 99-105.

Conference Publications


  • Macêdo, RJ., Pias, M., Liwanage, L., Cook, D., Murayama, Y., Herzog, O., Kayakutlu, G., Kreps, D. (2024). Digital Technologies for Environmental Sustainability. 2024 IFIP General Assembly. International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP).

Journal Articles

Conference Publications

  • Maqbool, H., Cook, D., Napier, C., Armstrong, L., Diepeveen, D., Nyeete, H. (2023). Early Aesthetics Integration in Digital Twin Dashboards in Isolated Agriculture: Data Modelling and Remote Networks. 2023 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology (AGERS) (77-83). IEEE.
  • Napier, C., Cook, D., Armstrong, L., Diepeveen, D. (2023). Improved image recognition via Synthetic Plants using 3D Modelling with Stochastic Variations. 4th International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture (ICoSIA 2023), BIO Web of Conferences. (7 pages). EDP Sciences.
  • Napier, C., Cook, D., Armstrong, L., Diepeveen, D. (2023). A Synthetic Wheat L-System to Accurately Detect and Visualise Wheat Head Anomalies. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture (ICoSIA 2022) (379 - 391). Springer Nature.

Journal Articles

  • Smith, T., Lee, KH., Yu, K., Armstrong, L., Cook, D. (2022). Exploring issues of Resilience and Technology Use for Older People - A scoping review protocol. Research, Society and Development, 11(15), 1-6.
  • Pradhan, P., Subba, B., Jamtsho, T., Ghimiray, GR., Cook, D. (2022). Asymmetrical Trusted Technology Networks in Developing Economies: A Case Study on Critical Infrastructure in Bhutan.. Bhutan Journal of Research and Development, 2022(Special Edition), 1-20.

Conference Publications

  • Hossain, M., Armstrong, L., Abu-Khalaf, J., Cook, D., Zaenker, P. (2021). Overlapping Cell Nuclei Segmentation in Digital Histology Images using Intensity-based Contours. 2021 Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA) (1-9). IEEE Xplore.

Conference Publications

  • Da Paz, R., Sehovic, A., Cook, D., Armstrong, L. (2019). A Novel Approach to Resource Starvation Attacks on Message Queuing Telemetry Transport Brokers. Proceedings of the 2019 4th International Conference on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE) (150-154). IEEE.
  • Dissanayake, D., Cook, D. (2019). Social Computing and Older Adults: Challenges with Data Loss and Digital Legacies. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Cyberworlds (171-174). IEEE.
  • Cook, D., Dissanayake, D., Kaur, K. (2019). Virtual Reality and Older Hands: Dexterity and Accessibility in Hand-held VR Control. Proceedings of the 5th International ACM In-Cooperation HCI and UX Conference (147 - 151). ACM.
  • Beti, R., Al-Khatib, FM., Cook, D. (2019). The Efficacy of Using Virtual Reality for Job Interviews and Its Effects on Mitigating Discrimination. Recent Advances in Information and Communication Technology 2018: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (IC2IT 2018) (43-52). Springer International Publishing.
  • Cook, D., Dissanayake, D., Kaur, K. (2019). The Usability factors of lost Digital Legacy data from regulatory misconduct: older values and the issue of ownership. Proceedings of the 2019 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) (223-229). IEEE Xplore.
  • Kaur, K., Cook, D. (2019). Haptic Alternatives for Mobile Device Authentication by Older Technology Users. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (IC2IT 2018) (243-254). Springer.

Conference Publications

  • Dissanayake, D., Cook, D. (2018). The Changing Values of Digital Legacies: E-books and the challenges of data mobility and the perceived value of books. Emerging Trends in Librarianship: Role of Libraries in Learning environment (273-278). Learning Resource Centre.
  • Dissanayake, D., Cook, D. (2018). A Low-Cost Framework for the Digital Preservation of Indigenous Artwork and Languages: An Australian Case Study Review. Proceeedings of the International Symposium on Emerging Trends in Education and Library & Information Science, LibSym 2018 (pp 36 - 45). Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Thurkka Press.
  • Sannd, P., Cook, D. (2018). Older Adults and the Authenticity of Emails: Grammar, Syntax, and Compositional Indicators of Social Engineering in Ransomware and Phishing Attacks. Proceedings of the Fourteenth international Conference on Information Processing (ICInPro) 2018 (196-200). IEEE eXpress Conference Publishing.

Conference Publications

  • Coldham, G., Cook, D. (2017). VR Useability from Elderly Cohorts: Preparatory challenges in overcoming technology rejection. Proceedings of the 35th National Information Technology Conference (NITC) (131-135). IEEE.

Conference Publications

  • Cook, D. (2015). Birds of a feather deceive together: The chicanery of multiplied metadata. Journal of Information Warfare (85-96). Mindsystems Pty. Ltd..
  • Cook, D., Apoorv Kumar, ., Satiah, C. (2015). Loyalty cards and the problem of CAPTCHA: 2nd Tier security and usability issues for senior citizens. The Proceedings of 13th Australian Information Security Management Conference (101 - 111). Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University.

Journal Articles

  • Cook, D., Waugh, B., Abdipanah, M., Hashemi, O., Abdul Rahman, S. (2014). Twitter Deception and Influence: Issues of Identity, Slacktivism, and Puppetry. Journal of Information Warfare, 13(1), 58 - 71.

Conference Publications

  • Cook, D. (2014). Identity Multipliers and the Mistaken Twittering of Birds of a Feather. Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (42 - 48). Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.

Conference Publications

  • Waugh, B., Abdipanah, M., Hashemi, O., Abdul Rahman, S., Cook, D. (2013). The influence and deception of Twitter: the authenticity of the narrative and slacktivism in the Australian electoral process. The Proceedings of 14th Australian Information Warfare Conference (28 - 38). Security Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.
  • Blanquart, G., Cook, D. (2013). Twitter Influence and Cumulative Perceptions of Extremist Support: A Case Study of Geert Wilders. The Proceedings of the 4th Australian Counter Terrorism Conference (1 - 11). Security Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.

Conference Publications

  • Smith, T., Cook, D. (2012). Regulations for Retail Remittances: Compliance Entropy in Store-Front Transfers. e-Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Financial Criminology (ICFC) 2013 (10-23). Universiti Teknologi Mara.

Book Chapters

  • Cook, D. (2011). E-governance of the Forest: Management by Multivalence. Common Property Resource Management: A Focus on Forestry (177 - 203). Academic Foundation.

Journal Articles

  • Cook, D., Smith, T. (2011). The Battle for Money Transfers: The allure of PayPal and Western Union over Familial remittance networks. The Journal of Information Warfare, 10(1), 18 - 35.

Conference Publications

  • Cook, D., Szewczyk, P., Sansurooah, K. (2011). Securing the Elderly: A Developmental Approach to Hypermedia-Based Online Information Security for Senior Novice Computer Users. Proceedings of the 2nd International Cyber Resilience Conference (20 - 28). Security Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.
  • Letch, J., McGlinn, E., Bell, J., Downing, E., Cook, D. (2011). An Exploration of 1st and 2nd Generation CPTED for End of Year School Leavers at Rottnest Island. Proceedings of The 4th Australian Security and Intelligence Conference (38 - 48). Security Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.
  • Cook, D., Smith, T. (2011). Finance, Fear and Family: Issues of Trust and the Common Ground with Terrorist Funding. Proceedings of The 2nd Australian Counter Terrorism Conference (1 - 11). Security Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.
  • Cook, D., Szewczyk, P., Sansurooah, K. (2011). Seniors Language Paradigms: 21st Century Jargon and the Impact on Computer Security and Financial Transactions for Senior Citizens. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Information Security Management Conference (63-68). Security Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.

Conference Publications

  • Cook, D., Smith, T. (2010). The Malarkey of Money Transfers: Overlooking e-Bay whilst the Hawaladars are Hunted. Proceedings of the 1st Australian Counter Terrorism Conference (15 - 23). Security Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.
  • Cook, D. (2010). The use of governance to identify cyber threats through social media. Proceedings of the 2010 International Cyber Resilience Conference ICR 2010 (31-40). Security Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.
  • Cook, D. (2010). Mitigating cyber-threats through public private partnerships: low cost governance with high impact returns. Proceedings of the 2010 International Cyber Resilience Conference ICR 2010 (22-30). Security Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.

Research Projects

  • SCATES: Securing Critical Agriculture Technology and Emerging Solutions, Cyber Security Research Centre Ltd, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $180,000.
  • Digital methods for decision making when using semi-autonomous machinery in Australian agriculture, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, 2018 ‑ 2023, $17,500.
  • On-line security and resilience of older West Australians, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Covid-19 Research Fund, 2020 ‑ 2023, $100,000.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Computing and Security by Research, Older people's drinks consumption activity: A study using IoT smart sensors in smart fridges
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication (AMFA) as a viable solution for cyber-attacks and data access associated with Smart Wrist Wearables (SWWs) in healthcare

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Master of Science (Computer Science), Using Virtual Reality Learning Environments in science to engage secondary students in Hazardous activities
  • Master of Computing and Security by Research, Crop Yield using Novel Parametric L-system plant modelling

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Machine learning approaches for anatomical feature measurement in fetal ultrasound imaging

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Computing and Security by Research, An Investigation of Change in Drone Practices in Broadacre Farming Environments
  • Master of Computing and Security by Research, Optimising a Defense-aware Threat Modelling Diagram Incorporating a Defense-in-Depth Approach for the Internet-of-Things
  • Doctor of Philosophy, IoMT Security: A Semantic Framework for Vulnerability Detection in Remote Patient Monitoring
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Aesthetic choices: Defining the range of aesthetic views in interactive digital media including games and 3D virtual environments (3D VEs)

Associate Supervisor

  • Master of Science (Computer Science), The challenges of digital legacy management on the value of digital objects to older Australians
  • Doctor of Philosophy, An Automated Deep Learning Based Approach for Nuclei Segmentation of Renal Digital Histopathology Image Analysis
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