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Associate Professor Martin Masek

Associate Professor

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 6410
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO18.317  

A/Prof Masek is an Associate Professor of Computer Science in the School of Science, where he leads the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CAIML).


Martin joined Edith Cowan University in 2005 after completing his PhD in 2004 at The University of Western Australia. His research involves the application of artificial intelligence and image processing techniques to solve problems in a variety of domains such as health, education and defence. Martin’s publications consist of thousands of words, his achievements are too numerous to mention, and he has been honoured with prizes beyond value – please see the list of grants and publications which are indicative of current collaborations and pursuits.

If you are looking to collaborate on exciting research – whether as a student, post-doc or for a shorter visit, get in touch.

Research Areas and Interests

  • Computer vision and image processing
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning – in particular Evolutionary Algorithms and Neural Networks.
  • Applications of games technology (modeling, simulation and visualisation)


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Western Australia, 2004.
  • Bachelor Of Engineering with 2nd Class Honours in IT, The University of Western Australia, 1998.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Bloomfield, L., Boston, J., Masek, M., Andrew, L., Barwood, D., Devine, A. (2025). Evaluating the Efficacy of a Serious Game to Deliver Health Education About Invasive Meningococcal Disease: Clustered Randomized Controlled Equivalence Trial.. JMIR Serious Games, 13(e60755). 10.2196/60755.

Journal Articles

  • Mills, B., Masek, M., Boston, J., De Souza, W., Snell, J., Bender, S., Thompson, M., Sung, B., Hansen, S. (2024). ParaVerse: co-design of a parachute rehearsal and training virtual-reality enhanced simulator for the Australian Defence Force: combining a generative co-design framework and an agile approach to development. Virtual Reality: research, development and applications, 28(4), Article number 161.

Conference Publications

  • Rybicki, T., Masek, M., Lam, P. (2024). Maritime Behaviour Anomaly Detection with Seasonal Context. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (295-301). Copernicus Publications.
  • Gopinathan, K., Masek, M., Abu-Khalaf, J., Suter, D. (2024). StratXplore: Strategic Novelty-seeking and Instruction-aligned Exploration for Vision and Language Navigation. 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (12093-12100). IEEE.
  • Abela, B., Masek, M., Abu-Khalaf, J., Suter, D., Gupta, A. (2024). An Exploration of Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis X-ray Data for Deep Learning Applications. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (30-39). Springer.
  • Kelly, L., Masek, M., Lam, P., Abela, B., Gupta, A. (2024). Evolving Visual Counterfactual Medical Imagery Explanations with Cooperative Co-evolution using Dynamic Decomposition. GECCO '24 Companion: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (291–294). Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Kelly, L., Masek, M., Lam, P. (2024). Behaviour Discovery in Real-Time Strategy Games using Cooperative Co-evolution with Dynamic Binary Tree Decomposition. GECCO '24 Companion: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (287–290). Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Gopinathan, K., Masek, M., Abu-Khalaf, J., Suter, D. (2024). Spatially-Aware Speaker for Vision Language Navigation Instruction Generation. Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) (13601–13614). Association for Computational Linguistics.

Journal Articles

  • Masek, M., Lam, P., Kelly, L., Wong, M. (2023). Discovering optimal strategy in tactical combat scenarios through the evolution of behaviour trees. Annals of Operations Research, 320(2), 901-936.
  • Miller, M., Barwood, D., Devine, A., Boston, J., Smith, S., Masek, M. (2023). Rethinking Adolescent School Nutrition Education Through a Food Systems Lens. Journal of School Health, 96(10), 891-899.
  • Hassan, A., Bass, O., Al-Abdeli, Y., Masek, M., Masoum, MA. (2023). A novel approach for optimal sizing of stand-alone solar PV systems with power quality considerations. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 144(Janurary 2023), Article number 108597.
  • Andrew, L., Barwood, D., Boston, J., Masek, M., Bloomfield, L., Devine, A. (2023). Serious games for health promotion in adolescents – a systematic scoping review. Education and Information Technologies, 28(5), 5519-5550.

Conference Publications

  • Masek, M., Kelly, L., Snell, J., Wheat, D., Lam, P. (2023). Interactive Evolutionary Computation for Strategy Discovery in Multi-Phase Operations. GECCO '23 Companion: Proceedings of the Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (743-746). Association for Computing Machinery.

Journal Articles

  • Hassan, A., Al-Abdeli, Y., Masek, M., Bass, O. (2022). Optimal sizing and energy scheduling of grid-supplemented solar PV systems with battery storage: Sensitivity of reliability and financial constraints. Energy, 238(Part A), article number 121780.

Conference Publications

  • Kelly, L., Masek, M., Lam, P. (2022). Environment driven dynamic decomposition for cooperative coevolution of multi-agent systems. GECCO '22: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (1218–1226). Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Abela, B., Abu-Khalaf, J., Yang, CR., Masek, M., Gupta, A. (2022). Automated Radiology Report Generation Using a Transformer-Template System: Improved Clinical Accuracy and an Assessment of Clinical Safety. AI 2022: Advances in Artificial Intelligence (530-542). Springer.

Journal Articles

  • Miller, M., Barwood, D., Furfaro, M., Boston, J., Smith, S., Masek, M. (2021). Identifying Differences in Nutrition-Related Learning Interests of Adolescent Students. Journal of School Health, 91(4), 277-284.

Conference Publications

  • Masek, M., Lam, P., Kelly, L., Benke, L., Papasimeon, M. (2021). A Genetic Programming Framework for Novel Behaviour Discovery in Air Combat Scenarios. Data and Decision Sciences in Action 2. Proceedings of the ASOR/DORS Conference 2018 (263-277). Springer.
  • Masek, M., Lam, P., Rybicki, T., Snell, J., Wheat, D., Kelly, L., Glassborow, D., Smith-Gander, C. (2021). The Open Maritime Traffic Analysis Dataset. MODSIM2021, 24th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (981-987). Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand.
  • Snell, J., Masek, M., Lam, P. (2021). An evolutionary approach to balancing and disrupting real-time strategy games. MODSIM2021, 24th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (967-973). Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand.
  • Maqbool, H., Masek, M. (2021). Image Aesthetics Classification using Deep Features and Image Category. 36th International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (1-5). IEEE.

Journal Articles

  • Barwood, D., Smith, S., Miller, M., Boston, J., Masek, M., Devine, A. (2020). Transformational game trial in nutrition education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 45(4), 18-29.
  • Pech, A., Lam, P., Masek, M. (2020). Quantifiable Isovist and Graph-Based Measures for Automatic Evaluation of Different Area Types in Virtual Terrain Generation. IEEE Access, 8(2020), 216491-216506.

Conference Publications

  • Mohsin, A., Janjua, N., Masek, M., Neto, VV. (2020). Model Synthesis and Stochastic Automated Verification of Systems-of-Systems Dynamic Architectures. 2020 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems, ICACSIS 2020 (285-293). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..

Journal Articles

  • Lam, P., Masek, M., Kelly, L., Papasimeon, M., Benke, L. (2019). A simheuristic approach for evolving agent behaviour in the exploration for novel combat tactics. Operations Research Perspectives, 6(2019), Article Number 100123.

Conference Publications

  • Masek, M., Lam, P., Kelly, L., Wong, M. (2019). Evolving behaviour trees for automated discovery of novel combat strategy in real-time strategy wargames. MODSIM2019, 23rd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (277-283). Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand.

Journal Articles

  • Masek, M., Lam, P., Tranthim-Fryer, C., Jansen, B., Baptist, K. (2018). Sleep monitor: A tool for monitoring and categorical scoring of lying position using 3D camera data. SoftwareX, 7(January–June 2018), 341-346.

Conference Publications

  • Masek, M., Lam, P., Benke, L., Kelly, L., Papasimeon, M. (2018). Discovering Emergent Agent Behaviour with Evolutionary Finite State Machines. PRIMA 2018: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (19-34). Springer.

Book Chapters

  • Fitzgibbons, Y., Masek, M. (2017). Bringing Texts to Life: An Augmented Reality Application for Supporting the Development of Information Literacy Skills. Mobile Technology and Academic Libraries: Innovative Services for Research and Learning (223-236). Association of College and Research Libraries.

Journal Articles

  • Masek, M., Boston, J., Lam, P., Corcoran, S. (2017). Improving mastery of fractions by blending video games into the Math classroom. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 33(5), 486-499.

Conference Publications

  • Pazhoumanddar, H., Lam, P., Masek, M. (2017). An Automatic Approach for Generation of Fuzzy Membership Functions. Agents and Artificial Intelligence 8th International Conference, ICAART 2016, Revised Selected Papers (247-264). Springer.

Journal Articles

Conference Publications

  • Pech, A., Lam, P., Hingston, P., Masek, M. (2016). Using isovists to evolve terrains with gameplay elements. Applications of Evolutionary Computation (636-652). Springer Verlag.
  • Pazhoumanddar, H., Lam, P., Masek, M. (2016). Automatic Generation of Fuzzy Membership Functions using Adaptive Mean-shift and Robust Statistics. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (160-171). Science and Technology Publications.
  • Wheat, D., Masek, M., Lam, P., Hingston, P. (2016). Modeling perceived difficulty in game levels. Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference (Article no. a74). Australian Computer Society Inc..
  • Pazhoumanddar, H., Lam, P., Masek, M. (2016). A Novel Fuzzy Based Home Occupant Monitoring System Using Kinect Cameras. 2015 IEEE 27th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI) (1129-1136). IEEE.
  • Pazhoumanddar, H., Masek, M., Lam, P. (2016). Unsupervised monitoring of electrical devices for detecting deviations in daily routines. 2015 10th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS) (1-6). IEEE.

Journal Articles

  • Pazhoumanddar, H., Lam, P., Masek, M. (2015). Joint movement similarities for robust 3D action recognition using skeletal data. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 30(July 2015), 10-21.

Conference Publications

  • Wheat, D., Masek, M., Lam, P., Hingston, P. (2015). Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment in 2D Platformers through Agent-Based Procedural Level Generation. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2015) (2778-2785). IEEE.
  • Pech, A., Hingston, P., Masek, M., Lam, P. (2015). Evolving Cellular Automata for Maze Generation. Artificial Life and Computational Intelligence: First Australasian Conference, ACALCI 2015 (112-124). Springer.

Conference Publications

  • Gulatee, Y., Masek, M. (2014). Giving students an informed choice when selecting teams for group work. Rhetoric and Reality: Critical perspectives on educational technology. Proceedings ascilite Dunedin 2014 (751-755). ASCILITE.
  • Boston, J., Masek, M., Brogan, M., Lam, P. (2014). Digitally Augmenting Physical Spaces for Personalised Learning. 26th Australian Computers in Education Conference (52-60). ACEC.

Journal Articles

Conference Publications

  • Subramanian, R., Masek, M., Lee, CS. (2013). Connectivity check for modular self reconfigurable robots. IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON (1-4). IEEE.
  • Masek, M., Ophelders, F., Pangeni, S., Boeing, A., Braunl, T. (2013). WAMbot: Simulation and modelling of a team of autonomous mobile robots. IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON (1-4). IEEE.
  • Da Luz, L., Masek, M., Lam, P. (2013). Activities of daily living classification using depth features. IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON (1-4). IEEE.

Journal Articles

  • Masek, M., Murcia, K., Morrison, J. (2012). Getting serious with iPads: The intersection of game design and teaching principals. Australian Educational Computing, 27(2), 34-38.
  • Boeing, A., Boulton, M., Braunl, T., Frisch, B., Lopes, S., Morgan, A., Ophelders, F., Pangeni, S., Reid, R., Vinsen, K., Garel, N., Lee, CS., Masek, M., Attwood, A., Fazio, M., Gandossi, A. (2012). WAMbot: Team MAGICian's entry to the Multi Autonomous Ground-robotic International Challenge 2010. Journal of Field Robotics, 29(5), 707-728.

Conference Publications

  • Beard, D., Hingston, P., Masek, M. (2012). Using Monte Carlo Tree Search for Replanning in a Multistage Simultaneous Game. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (1-8). IEEE.
  • Hingston, P., Ranjeet, T., Lam, P., Masek, M. (2012). A Multimodal Problem for Competitive Coevolution. Proceedings of the 25th Australasian joint conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence (338-349). Springer.
  • Masek, M., Murcia, K., Morrison, J., Newhouse, P., Hackling, M. (2012). Learning in transformational computer games: Exploring design principles for a nanotechnology game. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference Proceedings (1-12). Australian Association for Research in Education.
  • Nguyen, K., Li, B., Masek, M., Gulatee, Y. (2012). Exploration games played on a DDR Pad can constitute beneficial physical exercise. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) (2190-2194). IEEE.

Journal Articles

  • Brogan, M., Masek, M. (2011). AE2 Commander: Simulation and serious games in the online cultural heritage space. Archives and Manuscripts: The Journal of the Australian Society of Archivists Inc., 39(1), 85-106.

Conference Publications

  • Ranjeet, T., Hingston, P., Lam, P., Masek, M. (2011). Analysis of Key Installation Protection using Computerized Red Teaming. Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Music Conference 2011 (137-144). Australian Computer Society Inc.
  • Lee, CS., Lam, P., Masek, M. (2011). Rough-fuzzy hybrid approach for identification of bio-markers and classification on Alzheimer's disease data. Proceedings of 2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE 2011 (84-91). IEEE.
  • Ranjeet, T., Masek, M., Hingston, P., Lam, P. (2011). The effects of diversity maintenance on coevolution for an intransitive numbers problem. AI 2011: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 24th Australasian Joint Conference. Proceedings (331-340). Springer.
  • Masek, M., Jung, J., Clarkson, B. (2011). Managing Multidisciplinary Student Design Teams. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (465-470). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
  • Jung, J., Clarkson, B., Masek, M. (2011). Thinking outside the “I am the user” box: a trial of social-emotional design in HCI education. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (412-418). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
  • Clarkson, B., Jung, J., Masek, M. (2011). Shared Assessment: a Strategy for Managing Multidisciplinary Projects. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (2925-2930). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Conference Publications

  • Sinclair, JR., Hingston, P., Masek, M., Nosaka, K. (2010). Testing an Exergame for Effectiveness and Attractiveness.. Games Innovations Conference (ICE-GIC), 2010 International IEEE Consumer Electronics Society's (1-8). IEEE.
  • Masek, M., Boeing, A., Bailey, W. (2010). Critical infrastructure protection risk modelling with games technology. What kind of information society? Governance, Virtuality, Surveilance, Sustainability, Resilience (363-372). Springer.

Journal Articles

  • Sinclair, JR., Hingston, P., Masek, M., Nosaka, K. (2009). Using a Virtual Body to Aid in Exergaming System Development. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 29(2), 39-48.

Conference Publications

  • Lee, CS., Masek, M., Lam, P., Tan, A. (2009). Towards Higher Accuracy and Better Noise Tolerance for Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring Using Doppler Ultrasound. TENCON 2009 - 2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference (1-6). IEEE.
  • Sinclair, J., Hingston, P., Masek, M. (2009). Exergame development using the dual flow model. IE '09 Proceedings of the Sixth Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment (7p.). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
  • Lee, CS., Masek, M., Lam, P., Tan, A. (2009). Advances in fetal heart rate monitoring using smart phones. Communications and Information Technology, 2009. ISCIT 2009. 9th International Symposium on (735-740). IEEE.
  • Masek, M., Lee, CS., Lam, P., Tan, A., Fyneman, A. (2009). Remote Home-Based Ante and Post Natal Care. 11th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications & Services 2009. Healthcom 2009 (60-65). IEEE.
  • Masek, M., Hingston, P., Carrigy, M., Collins, L., Nosaka, K. (2009). Raising heart rate with dance pad based computer games. Proceedings Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technology 09 (245-252). Research Publishing Services.

Conference Publications

  • Boeing, A., Masek, M., Bailey, B. (2008). Protecting Critical Infrastructure with Games Technology. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Information Warfare and Security Conference (27 - 34). Centre for Security Research, Edith Cowan University.

Conference Publications

  • Masek, M. (2007). Use of online tools to aid group work. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Transforming Information and Learning (TILC) Conference: T2 Transformations and Technology (71-78). SCIS, ECU.
  • Hingston, P., Masek, M. (2007). Experiments with Monte Carlo Othello. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2007) (4059-4064). IEEE.
  • Sinclair, JR., Hingston, P., Masek, M. (2007). Considerations for the Design of Exergames. Graphite 2007 (289-295). Association for Computing Machinery.

Conference Publications

  • Hingston, P., Combes, B., Masek, M. (2006). Teaching an Undergraduate AI Course with Games and Simulation. Technologies for E-learning and Digital Entertainment (494-506). Springer.

Research Projects

  • Immersive Violence and Aggression De-escalation Experience (IVADE), Department of Health WA, Future Health Research and Innovation Fund - Innovation Challenge 2023 - Sustainable Health Priorities, 2024 ‑ 2026, $474,122.
  • AI-driven virtual character simulation for aggression and violence de-escalation training in virtual reality, Department of Health WA, Future Health Research and Innovation Fund - Generative AI Applications, 2025, $499,660.
  • Meningococcal Infection, Awareness Prevention and Protection (MIapp) – Improving and evaluating adolescent access to meningococcal education through the use of an app , Lotterywest, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2024, $290,910.
  • Generative Artificial Intelligence for Feature-Specific Augmentation of Radiological Image Datasets, Department of Health WA, Future Health Research and Innovation Fund - Generative AI Applications, 2024, $49,964.
  • AI-driven virtual character animation for aggression and violence de-escalation training in virtual reality, Department of Health WA, Future Health Research and Innovation Fund - Generative AI Applications, 2024, $49,967.
  • Improving bone mineral density estimation from DXA scans of the forearm using AI techniques -facilitating early screening for osteoporosis. , Spinnaker Health Research Foundation, Seed Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $28,245.
  • Better and faster than the human eye: artificial intelligence and computational radiomics for foot x-rays in patients with diabetes-related foot infections, Department of Health WA, Research Translation Projects, 2022 ‑ 2024, $93,265.
  • Development and evaluation of a novel gamified education package enhancing pandemic preparedness for frontline healthcare response staff and students, Department of Health WA, Future Health Research and Innovation FHRI Focus Grants: COVID-19, 2021 ‑ 2024, $224,446.
  • Virtual-reality-enhanced advanced tactical parachute training , Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Defence Science Collaborative Research Grants, 2021 ‑ 2024, $346,145.
  • Pathway to healthy food environments: a guide for local governments in Western Australia, Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Healthway - Grant, 2018 ‑ 2023, $469,078.
  • Integration of Seasonal Factors in Automated Maritime Traffic Anomaly Detection, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Defence Science Research Higher Degree Student Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $10,000.
  • Developing a novel deep learning architecture for automatic cardiac arrhythmia detection and classification, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, WA Science Industry PhD Fellowship Program, 2019 ‑ 2022, $30,000.
  • Interactive Evolutionary Computation for the Discovery of Warfighting Strategies , Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Defence Science Collaborative Research Grants, 2020 ‑ 2022, $149,880.
  • Opportunities and Implications of using Artificial Intelligence in the Establishment of Secure Physical Environments, ASIS International, ASIS - Grant, 2020 ‑ 2021, $47,800.
  • Methods for Identifying Anomalies in Real Time Maritime Traffic Data, Defence Science and Technology Group of the Department of Defence, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2021, $196,756.
  • Evolutionary Algorithms for Real Time Strategy games, Defence Science and Technology Group of the Department of Defence, Grant, 2018 ‑ 2019, $53,373.
  • Transformational games: A way to engage adolescents in nutrition education? , Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Health Promotion Research - Exploratory Research Grants, 2016 ‑ 2018, $56,634.
  • Evolutionary Algorithms for Complex Multi-Agent Simulation of Air Operations, Defence Science and Technology Group of the Department of Defence, Grant, 2017 ‑ 2018, $97,846.
  • Co-Evolutionary Algorithms for Multi-Agent Simulation of Air Operations, Defence Science and Technology Group of the Department of Defence, Grant, 2016 ‑ 2017, $44,339.
  • Establishing a 3D sensing, visualisation and analytics lab, Edith Cowan University, Edith Cowan University, School of Science 2017 Strategic Initiative Fund, 2017, $115,368.
  • Simulation game engines for Maritime Experimentation, Defence Science and Technology Group of the Department of Defence, Grant, 2016, $22,043.
  • Trailblazer: A Framework for Context Aware Multimodal Learning, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2013, 2013 ‑ 2015, $49,969.
  • Game based learning and educational data mining, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2014 (Round 1), 2014 ‑ 2015, $60,000.
  • NanoCity : Stage Two Nanotechnology Game Development, The Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, DIISRTE - Grant, 2013, $83,425.
  • Nanotechnology Online game, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2012 (Round 1), 2012 ‑ 2013, $65,000.
  • Remote Blood Pressure Monitoring for Preeclampsia, Nortel Networks, Grant - Development, 2011 ‑ 2012, $25,000.
  • Promoting Youth Mental Health Using Gaming Technology: An RCT Pilot Study, Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Healthway - Research Starter Grant, 2010 ‑ 2012, $29,072.
  • Autonomous Mobile Robotic Mapping and Surveillance, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration - Grant, 2009 ‑ 2011, $60,000.
  • AE2 Simulation National Archives of Australia, National Archives of Australia, Grant - Ian Maclean Award, 2009 ‑ 2011, $21,000.
  • Fetal Heart Rate and Activity Monitoring via Smart Phones, Microsoft Research, Grant, 2008 ‑ 2009, $108,063.
  • Development of an ad-hoc wireless network routing protocol optimised for multiplayer peer-to-peer computer games, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher - Grant, 2007 ‑ 2008, $14,939.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Computing and Security by Research, Anomaly detection of seasonal vessel activity

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Adaptive Algorithm for Interpreting Cognitive and Physiological Impairment from Multimodal Data

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Evolving gameplay elements into virtual terrains
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A Cooperative Co-evolutionary Approach to the Automated Discovery of Team Behaviour in Real-time Strategy Games

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Master of Computing and Security by Research, Detecting diabetic foot osteomyelitis in plain radiographic images using deep learning
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Towards embodied navigation through vision and language
  • Doctor of Information Technology, A feedback control system for exergames.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, An investigation into trust and security in the mandatory and imposed use of financial icts upon older people
  • Doctor of Information Technology, Coevolutionary algorithms for the optimization of strategies for red teaming applications

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, On the recognition of emotion from physiological data
  • Doctor of Philosophy, SSAMA@SoS: A framework to support the stochastic software architecture modelling and analysis for systems of systems
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A
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