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Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineering Specialisation


Professional Recognition

Why study at ECU?

  • QILT - Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching

    A great student experience

    As an ECU postgraduate, you can expect the best overall student experience of any public universities in Western Australia. More about QILT.

  • The Good Universities Guide - teaching quality

    A 5-star postgrad experience

    Our postgraduate students have rated us 5 stars for their overall experience in the latest Good Universities Guide. More 5-star ratings included: skills development, student support and teaching quality.

  • THE World University Rankings Top 100 Young

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    We're ranked one of the world's best universities under 50 years old, and we've already established a global reputation for such a young institution.

About this Specialisation

Designed for students interested in pursuing a career in the renewable energy or electrical power industry.

This specialisation is intended to provide graduates with strong competencies in the fundamental electrical engineering discipline areas with a complementary focus on the utilisation, generation, management and design of renewable energy resources. The course provides broad coverage across a range of core electrical power subjects, leading to more in-depth studies relating to renewable energy systems. As with all of the School’s engineering programs, the Electrical and Renewable Energy program focuses on the development of knowledge and skills relevant to professional engineering practice and along with a sound theoretical base, includes strong elements of practical problem solving, team work and project development. As a result, as well as having multiple technical and transferable skill competencies, graduates will gain strong analytical skills, and have the ability to lead complex projects.


Availability & Campus

Location Availability
Mount Lawley
South West
= Available

Professional Recognition

  • This Specialisation has been Accredited by: Engineers Australia.

    This professional recognition only applies when you study this Specialisation in the following course:



Unit Code Unit Title Credit Points
ENS5562Renewable Energy Conversions 115
ENS6215Power Electronics15
ENS6100Fluid Mechanics15
ENS6160Signals and Systems15
ENS5191Electrical Engineering Design15
ENS6143Power Systems 115
ENS5230Electrical Machines and Transformers15
ENS5253Control Systems15
ENS5361Power Systems 215
ENS6161Data Communication and Computer Networks15
ENS5240Industrial Control15
ENS5563Renewable Energy Conversions 215

Note: Where a student has completed the equivalent of one or more of the above units in prior undergraduate level studies at an appropriate level, the Course Coordinator may, in some cases, consider substitutions with other available units. Students should consult with their course coordinator to see whether this is possible.

For more detailed unit information for this Specialisation take a look at our Handbook. To organise your life for next semester visit the Teaching timetable.

Student handbook


Learning Outcomes

  1. Reflect critically on a complex body of technical and theoretical Engineering knowledge, research principles and methods with advanced knowledge in electrical and renewable energy professional practice.
  2. Apply cognitive, technical and creative skills to investigate, evaluate and synthesise complex ideas, concepts and theories in authentic engineering situations.
  3. Apply high level communication and collaboration skills in a professional engineering context.
  4. Use high level self-management skills to initiate, plan and execute a substantial electrical and renewable energy engineering project.

Career Opportunities

Employment opportunities

Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineers have a wide range of employment opportunities across the energy generation, conversion, distribution and management sectors, including power utilities, the mining industry, larger manufacturing businesses as well as the domestic markets where renewable energy systems are now quite common.

Possible future job titles

Electrical Engineer, Power Systems Engineer, Renewable Energy Engineer

This Specialisation can be studied in the following courses


The Important Things

Things you should know about if you're thinking about studying here.

Course Entry

There's more than one admission pathway into an ECU course. It depends on what you've studied already, or your work or life experience.

Fees & Scholarships

Course tuition fees can change, but we can give you an estimate of your costs. If you're eligible, a scholarship or student loan can help too.


Applying for a course is a fairly simple process, especially if you have scanned copies of qualifications, your resume or other paperwork, ready to upload.

ECU Experience

Starting a course is an exciting and sometimes daunting time, so we make a massive effort to ensure you get all the support you need to have a positive experience.