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Master of Occupational Health and Safety

Course code L65

Professional Recognition

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About this Course

Aims to develop professionals in the field of occupational health and safety (OHS) who are able to develop OHS systems and research workplace OHS issues.

On completion of the program it is expected that students should be able to: design and implement an occupational health and safety management system that reflects the OHS needs of an organisation; critically review the risk management processes that have been developed for a workplace and/or industry including the characterisation of incident-investigation processes identifying issues in specific industries/workplaces; critically review and synthesise the factors that influence the application of occupational health and safety legislation in the workplace; synthesise the potential impacts of hazards according to type and predict when a hazard may become a risk; use research skills to assess the implementation of safe design in relation to controlling potential impacts on people, plant and/or the environment; undertake and report on a workplace-based research project; and demonstrate professional skills which include making verbal and written arguments in support of workplace safety and health issues.

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level

This course has been accredited by ECU as an AQF Level 9 Masters Degree (Coursework) Award.

Course code L65

Entry requirements

ECU admission and English language requirements apply.

See Course Entry for further information.


Domestic fee paying - estimated 1st year indicative fee AUD $26,400

See Fees and Scholarships for further information.


2 years full-time or part-time equivalent

See Course Details for further information.

Availability & Campus

Location Semester 1 Semester 2
Mount Lawley
South West
Online FT PT FT PT
*FT = Full-time study PT = Part-time study


This course has a modified timetable. See Course Notes.

About this Course

Aims to develop professionals in the field of occupational health and safety (OHS) who are able to develop OHS systems and research workplace OHS issues.

On completion of the program it is expected that students should be able to: design and implement an occupational health and safety management system that reflects the OHS needs of an organisation; critically review the risk management processes that have been developed for a workplace and/or industry including the characterisation of incident-investigation processes identifying issues in specific industries/workplaces; critically review and synthesise the factors that influence the application of occupational health and safety legislation in the workplace; synthesise the potential impacts of hazards according to type and predict when a hazard may become a risk; use research skills to assess the implementation of safe design in relation to controlling potential impacts on people, plant and/or the environment; undertake and report on a workplace-based research project; and demonstrate professional skills which include making verbal and written arguments in support of workplace safety and health issues.

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level

This course has been accredited by ECU as an AQF Level 9 Masters Degree (Coursework) Award.

Course code L65

Entry requirements

ECU admission and English language requirements apply.

See Course Entry for further information.


International students - estimated 1st year indicative fee AUD $41,550

See Fees and Scholarships for further information.


2 years full-time or part-time equivalent

See Course Details for further information.

Availability & Campus

Location Semester 1 Semester 2
Mount Lawley
South West
Online FT PT FT PT
*FT = Full-time study PT = Part-time study


This course has a modified timetable. See Course Notes.

Course Entry

Admission requirements you'll need to meet for this course.

  • The following course-specific admission requirements are mandatory and must be satisfied by all applicants. These requirements are in addition to or supersede the minimum requirements outlined within the Academic admission requirements band section below.

    All applicants are required to have an undergraduate degree in any discipline; or a Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma in Occupational/Workplace health and Safety/Safety Science.

    Academic admission requirements (Band 6) may be satisfied through completion of one of the following:

    • Bachelor degree; or
    • Equivalent prior learning including at least five years relevant professional experience.
  • English competency requirements may be satisfied through completion of one of the following:

    • IELTS Academic Overall band minimum score of 6.5 (no individual band less than 6.0);
    • Bachelor degree from a country specified on the English Proficiency Bands page;
    • Successfully completed 0.375 EFTSL of study at postgraduate level or higher at an Australian higher education provider (or equivalent);
    • Where accepted, equivalent prior learning, including at least five years relevant professional experience; or
    • Other tests, courses or programs defined on the English Proficiency Bands page.

Course Entry

Admission requirements you'll need to meet for this course.

  • The following course-specific admission requirements are mandatory and must be satisfied by all applicants. These requirements are in addition to or supersede the minimum requirements outlined within the Academic admission requirements band section below.

    All applicants are required to have an undergraduate degree in any discipline; or a Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma in Occupational/Workplace health and Safety/Safety Science.

    Academic admission requirements (Band 6) may be satisfied through completion of one of the following:

    • Bachelor degree; or
    • Equivalent prior learning including at least five years relevant professional experience.
  • English competency requirements may be satisfied through completion of one of the following:

    • IELTS Academic Overall band minimum score of 6.5 (no individual band less than 6.0);
    • Bachelor degree from a country specified on the English Proficiency Bands page;
    • Successfully completed 0.375 EFTSL of study at postgraduate level or higher at an Australian higher education provider (or equivalent);
    • Where accepted, equivalent prior learning, including at least five years relevant professional experience; or
    • Other tests, courses or programs defined on the English Proficiency Bands page.

Course Details

Semester availability

Semester 1: Study full-time Online

Semester 1: Study part-time Online

Semester 2: Study full-time Online

Semester 2: Study part-time Online

Course Structure

Students will be required to complete six (6) core units and electives (120 credit points). Electives can be chosen from the specialist streams (Research Stream and / or the Leadership in Mining Safety Stream) or the recommended electives.

Core Units
Unit Code Unit Title Credit Points
OHS6130Workplace Health and Safety Law20
OHS6131Occupational Health and Safety Risk Management20
OHS6132Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems20
OHS6215Leadership in Workplace Health and Safety20
OHS6107Workplace Hazards20
OHS6135Health and Safety Principles in Practice20
RESEARCH STREAM (60 credit points)
Unit Code Unit TitleCredit Points
Students selecting the following two (2) units will undertake a research project. Unit RES5115 is a pre-requisite to undertaking the research units.
RES5115Research Preparation: Principles and Approaches20
OHS6179Health Science Research Project40
Unit Code Unit TitleCredit Points
Students will be required to complete the following three (3) units.
OHS5300Managing Mine Work Health and Safety20
MBA6023Leading Respect at Work20
MAN6724Healthy Work and Wellbeing20

NOTE: The Leadership in Mining Safety units are delivered from Joondalup or Online, with two-day intensives delivered from Wellington Street in Perth CBD. Each unit will run over a period of five to eight weeks.

Unit Code Unit Title Credit Points
OHS6110Workers Compensation & Rehabilitation20
OHS6133Human Factors and Ergonomics20
OHS6136Occupational Epidemiology20
DER6101Introduction to Emergency Management20
OHS6138Occupational Health Management20
OHS6140Systems Safety20
OHS6144Occupational Hygiene 1: Chemical Aspects20
OHS6159Occupational Hygiene 2: Physical and Biological Aspects20
OHS6162Occupational Hygiene 3: Control20
OHS6176Occupational Hygiene Sampling and Study Design20
OHS6178Occupational Toxicology20
HST5118Occupational Hygiene and Toxicology20
HST6337Communicable Disease20
MAN5401Managing Project Scope and Stakeholders20

Or alternative elective units with the approval of the Course Coordinator.


For more detailed unit information for this course take a look at our Handbook. To organise your life for next semester visit the Teaching timetable.

Student handbook

Course notes

Important course notes

  • Some online units may require on-campus workshop attendance.

  • Students can apply for membership with Australian Institute of Health and Safety (AIHS). Students can apply for membership with the Australian Institute of Health and Safety. Students, if not working full time can apply for student membership. All graduates are able to apply for different levels of membership, depending on their work experience.

    Students can apply for membership with Institution of Occupational Safety and Health. Students can apply for membership with the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health. Eligible enrolled students can access IOSH Student Membership for the duration of their studies and, on successful completion, they will meet the academic requirements for Graduate membership. As IOSH is the only organisation in the world that offers Chartered Membership to health and safety practitioners, this can help members achieve the highest professional standards and gain international recognition.

Course learning outcomes

  1. Critically review complex OHS/WHS knowledge, research principles and methods to demonstrate mastery of professional practice or scholarship.
  2. Apply cognitive, technical and creative skills to investigate, evaluate and synthesise complex ideas, concepts and theories in authentic OHS/WHS situations.
  3. Apply communication and collaboration skills to design innovative contributions to professional OHSA/WHS practice or scholarship.
  4. Use high level self management skills to initiate, plan and execute a substantial OHS/WHS related projects.

Professional Recognition


Accredited by: Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)

Eligible enrolled students can access IOSH Student Membership for the duration of their studies and, on successful completion, they will meet the academic requirements for Certified Membership (previously Graduate member). This can help you achieve the highest professional standards and gain international recognition. Recognition of Prior learning (RPL) based on VET qualifications and/or work experience will not be granted for core units that can be undertaken within an IOSH accredited degree at ECU.

Accredited by: Australian OHS Education Accreditation Board (AOHSEAB)

This course has been accredited by the AOHSEAB which verifies the course has been designed and taught to develop graduates with the knowledge and skills to enter the workplace as a generalist OHS professional. Recognition of Prior learning (RPL) based on VET qualifications and/or work experience will not be granted for core units that can be undertaken within an AOHSEAB accredited degree at ECU.

Course Details

Semester availability

Semester 1: Study full-time Online

Semester 1: Study part-time Online

Semester 2: Study full-time Online

Semester 2: Study part-time Online

This course is not offered for study on-campus to international students with a student visa.

Course Structure

Students will be required to complete six (6) core units and electives (120 credit points). Electives can be chosen from the specialist streams (Research Stream and / or the Leadership in Mining Safety Stream) or the recommended electives.

Core Units
Unit Code Unit Title Credit Points
OHS6130Workplace Health and Safety Law20
OHS6131Occupational Health and Safety Risk Management20
OHS6132Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems20
OHS6215Leadership in Workplace Health and Safety20
OHS6107Workplace Hazards20
OHS6135Health and Safety Principles in Practice20
RESEARCH STREAM (60 credit points)
Unit Code Unit TitleCredit Points
Students selecting the following two (2) units will undertake a research project. Unit RES5115 is a pre-requisite to undertaking the research units.
RES5115Research Preparation: Principles and Approaches20
OHS6179Health Science Research Project40
Unit Code Unit TitleCredit Points
Students will be required to complete the following three (3) units.
OHS5300Managing Mine Work Health and Safety20
MBA6023Leading Respect at Work20
MAN6724Healthy Work and Wellbeing20

NOTE: The Leadership in Mining Safety units are delivered from Joondalup or Online, with two-day intensives delivered from Wellington Street in Perth CBD. Each unit will run over a period of five to eight weeks.

Unit Code Unit Title Credit Points
OHS6110Workers Compensation & Rehabilitation20
OHS6133Human Factors and Ergonomics20
OHS6136Occupational Epidemiology20
DER6101Introduction to Emergency Management20
OHS6138Occupational Health Management20
OHS6140Systems Safety20
OHS6144Occupational Hygiene 1: Chemical Aspects20
OHS6159Occupational Hygiene 2: Physical and Biological Aspects20
OHS6162Occupational Hygiene 3: Control20
OHS6176Occupational Hygiene Sampling and Study Design20
OHS6178Occupational Toxicology20
HST5118Occupational Hygiene and Toxicology20
HST6337Communicable Disease20
MAN5401Managing Project Scope and Stakeholders20

Or alternative elective units with the approval of the Course Coordinator.


For more detailed unit information for this course take a look at our Handbook. To organise your life for next semester visit the Teaching timetable.

Student handbook

Course notes

Important course notes

  • Some online units may require on-campus workshop attendance.

  • Students can apply for membership with Australian Institute of Health and Safety (AIHS). Students can apply for membership with the Australian Institute of Health and Safety. Students, if not working full time can apply for student membership. All graduates are able to apply for different levels of membership, depending on their work experience.

    Students can apply for membership with Institution of Occupational Safety and Health. Students can apply for membership with the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health. Eligible enrolled students can access IOSH Student Membership for the duration of their studies and, on successful completion, they will meet the academic requirements for Graduate membership. As IOSH is the only organisation in the world that offers Chartered Membership to health and safety practitioners, this can help members achieve the highest professional standards and gain international recognition.

Course learning outcomes

  1. Critically review complex OHS/WHS knowledge, research principles and methods to demonstrate mastery of professional practice or scholarship.
  2. Apply cognitive, technical and creative skills to investigate, evaluate and synthesise complex ideas, concepts and theories in authentic OHS/WHS situations.
  3. Apply communication and collaboration skills to design innovative contributions to professional OHSA/WHS practice or scholarship.
  4. Use high level self management skills to initiate, plan and execute a substantial OHS/WHS related projects.

Professional Recognition


Accredited by: Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)

Eligible enrolled students can access IOSH Student Membership for the duration of their studies and, on successful completion, they will meet the academic requirements for Certified Membership (previously Graduate member). This can help you achieve the highest professional standards and gain international recognition. Recognition of Prior learning (RPL) based on VET qualifications and/or work experience will not be granted for core units that can be undertaken within an IOSH accredited degree at ECU.

Accredited by: Australian OHS Education Accreditation Board (AOHSEAB)

This course has been accredited by the AOHSEAB which verifies the course has been designed and taught to develop graduates with the knowledge and skills to enter the workplace as a generalist OHS professional. Recognition of Prior learning (RPL) based on VET qualifications and/or work experience will not be granted for core units that can be undertaken within an AOHSEAB accredited degree at ECU.

Fees and Scholarships


  • AUD $26,400 - Domestic fee paying estimated 1st year indicative fee 1


1 The 'estimated 1st year indicative fee' is provided as a guide only, based on a typical enrolment of students undertaking the first year of this course. At ECU, you pay for the individual units you enrol in, not an overall course fee, so the total cost of your course will vary, depending on what units you choose. An indicative fee will be provided with your course offer, however you can use our Course Fee Calculator to estimate the actual amount you'll need to pay. ECU fees are adjusted annually.

Some units require the payment of a fee for incidental goods or services required to complete those units. For more information and the full list of incidental fees for courses and units, visit What are Incidental Fees.


ECU has a scholarship program that provides many opportunities each year to students undertaking studies here.

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Career Opportunities

Graduates at this level are in current demand and required to assist managers in meeting their OHS responsibilities. Graduates would be suitable for roles in the mining, oil & gas, construction, government and non-government sectors.

Possible future job titles

OHS, WHS, Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Workplace Health and Safety.

Similar courses to consider

Fees and Scholarships


  • AUD $41,550 - International students estimated 1st year indicative fee 1


1 The 'estimated 1st year indicative fee' is provided as a guide only, and has been calculated based on a typical enrolment of students undertaking the first year of this course. At ECU, you pay for each individual unit you enrol in, not an overall course fee, so the total cost of your course will vary, depending on what units you choose. An indicative fee will be provided with your course offer, however you can use our Course Fee Calculator to estimate the actual amount you'll need to pay. ECU fees are adjusted annually.

Some units require the payment of a fee for incidental goods or services required to complete those units. For more information and the full list of incidental fees for courses and units, visit What are Incidental Fees.


ECU has a scholarship program that provides many opportunities each year to students undertaking studies here.

Find a scholarship

Career Opportunities

Graduates at this level are in current demand and required to assist managers in meeting their OHS responsibilities. Graduates would be suitable for roles in the mining, oil & gas, construction, government and non-government sectors.

Possible future job titles

OHS, WHS, Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Workplace Health and Safety.

Similar courses to consider

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Student stories

  • The opportunity to conduct OHS-related research was a fantastic experience

    All of the lecturers have remarkable academic and industry backgrounds, and while my course was primarily online, the lecturer support and ongoing contact I received was outstanding.

    Kim McClean
  • The ECU course is flexible and I can study it online

    I'm really passionate about the safety and health of employees in a workplace. I was already in the field when I commenced this course and I wanted to enhance my professional learnings.

    Having an accredited course is really important given the professional recognition that it provides. The other great thing is that I can study online at convenient times.

Quick guide to uni-speak

    • The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the national regulator of qualifications in the Australian education and training system. The AQF defines the essential characteristics, including the required learning outcomes, of the different types of qualifications issued across the higher education systems in Australia.

    • ATAR is the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank, the primary criterion for entry into most undergraduate university courses in Australia. The ATAR is a percentile score which denotes a student's ranking relative to their state-wide peers upon completion of their secondary education.

    • CRICOS is the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students. A CRICOS code is allocated to education institutions (like ECU) who are approved to recruit, enrol and deliver education to overseas students. Courses with a CRICOS code are available to international students who meet the entry requirements.

    • A major, or unit set, is your chosen area of in-depth study in an undergraduate course. It usually involves 8 units of study, or one-third of the units in a 3-year degree. Talk to your Student Information Office if you need help choosing a major subject.

    • Minors include between 4 and 6 study units in a specific discipline. Not all courses require you to complete a minor. Your minor subject doesn't appear on your printed degree (parchment), but is part of your academic transcript.

    • If you're enrolled in 3 or more units in a semester this is considered full-time study. To complete most 3-year degrees studying full-time you'll need to complete 4 units per semester, i.e. 24 units over 3 years.

    • If a course is available to study part-time you can generally expect it to take twice as long to complete as it would in full-time mode. Part-time students are enrolled in 1 or 2 units maximum per semester.

      Note: International students who hold a student visa can only choose the full-time study option for our courses. This is to ensure the course is completed within the duration of the student visa.

    • Most courses start in Semester 1 each year, usually in the last week of February. Some courses can be started in Semester 2 (we call this mid-year). There's a week of Orientation before each semester to help you get used to uni life.

    • A lot of our courses start in Semester 2 each year, usually in the last week of July. We call this mid-year. There's a week of Orientation beforehand to help you get used to uni life.

    • We use a points system to make it easier for you to understand your study progress. Most Bachelors degree study units are allocated 15 credit points. If you're studying a 3-year full-time degree you'll need to successfully complete 360 credit points - that's 24 units x 15 points per unit.

    • These are compulsory units you have to successfully complete as part of your course.

    • An elective is a unit you choose to study that counts towards your course requirements, but isn't compulsory. For some courses we recommend elective units. In some situations, a course coordinator may approve an elective unit as a replacement for a compulsory one.

Quick guide to uni-speak

    • The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the national regulator of qualifications in the Australian education and training system. The AQF defines the essential characteristics, including the required learning outcomes, of the different types of qualifications issued across the higher education systems in Australia.

    • ATAR is the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank, the primary criterion for entry into most undergraduate university courses in Australia. The ATAR is a percentile score which denotes a student's ranking relative to their state-wide peers upon completion of their secondary education.

    • CRICOS is the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students. A CRICOS code is allocated to education institutions (like ECU) who are approved to recruit, enrol and deliver education to overseas students. Courses with a CRICOS code are available to international students who meet the entry requirements.

    • A major, or unit set, is your chosen area of in-depth study in an undergraduate course. It usually involves 8 units of study, or one-third of the units in a 3-year degree. Talk to your Student Information Office if you need help choosing a major subject.

    • Minors include between 4 and 6 study units in a specific discipline. Not all courses require you to complete a minor. Your minor subject doesn't appear on your printed degree (parchment), but is part of your academic transcript.

    • If you're enrolled in 3 or more units in a semester this is considered full-time study. To complete most 3-year degrees studying full-time you'll need to complete 4 units per semester, i.e. 24 units over 3 years.

    • If a course is available to study part-time you can generally expect it to take twice as long to complete as it would in full-time mode. Part-time students are enrolled in 1 or 2 units maximum per semester.

      Note: International students who hold a student visa can only choose the full-time study option for our courses. This is to ensure the course is completed within the duration of the student visa.

    • Most courses start in Semester 1 each year, usually in the last week of February. Some courses can be started in Semester 2 (we call this mid-year). There's a week of Orientation before each semester to help you get used to uni life.

    • A lot of our courses start in Semester 2 each year, usually in the last week of July. We call this mid-year. There's a week of Orientation beforehand to help you get used to uni life.

    • We use a points system to make it easier for you to understand your study progress. Most Bachelors degree study units are allocated 15 credit points. If you're studying a 3-year full-time degree you'll need to successfully complete 360 credit points - that's 24 units x 15 points per unit.

    • These are compulsory units you have to successfully complete as part of your course.

    • An elective is a unit you choose to study that counts towards your course requirements, but isn't compulsory. For some courses we recommend elective units. In some situations, a course coordinator may approve an elective unit as a replacement for a compulsory one.

Do you have any questions about the Master of Occupational Health and Safety?

The Important Things

Things you should know about if you're thinking about studying here.

Course Entry

There's more than one admission pathway into an ECU course. It depends on what you've studied already, or your work or life experience.

Fees & Scholarships

Course tuition fees can change, but we can give you an estimate of your costs. If you're eligible, a scholarship or student loan can help too.


Applying for a course is a fairly simple process, especially if you have scanned copies of qualifications, your resume or other paperwork, ready to upload.

ECU Experience

Starting a course is an exciting and sometimes daunting time, so we make a massive effort to ensure you get all the support you need to have a positive experience.