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Online Study

At ECU we understand that everyone has different work arrangements, family responsibilities, locations or even learning styles. It's why we offer loads of online courses to help you balance study with your other life. We also offer loads of support.

Why study at ECU?

  • QILT - Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching

    A great student experience

    As an ECU undergraduate, you can expect the best overall student experience of any of the 38 public universities in Australia. More about QILT.

  • The Good Universities Guide - teaching quality

    The highest quality teaching

    ECU is one of the best unis in Australia for teaching. We've had 18 straight years of 5-star ratings in the Good Universities Guide to prove it!

  • THE World University Rankings Top 100 Young

    One of the world's young guns

    We're ranked one of the world's best universities under 50 years old, and we've already established a global reputation for such a young institution.

How it works

Online study is delivered via our digital learning platform called Canvas.

Your student email account is used for most correspondence, e.g. exam information or unit updates from course coordinators and tutors.

If you're not too far from an ECU campus, you can also access campus facilities and learning support services.

If not, some support services can still be accessed online.

Hitting the books

Hitting the books Hitting the books

You can purchase text books, uniforms and name badges online from The School Locker.

Resources are also available to online students via the ECU Library.

Our library databases and online catalogue enable you to conduct research online.

And if you live more than 50km from an ECU campus, Library staff can provide you with copies of journal articles and books, including posting publications to your home address.

Doing exams

Doing exams Doing exams

You can register your attendance at one of our examination centre locations using 'SIMO', our Student Information Management Online system.

If you live further than 100km from an examination centre, you simply need to nominate someone to supervise your exams and you can do them at home.

SIMO is also your 'go to' place for enrolling in units, checking unit results and looking up exam timetables.

Learn more about exams as an Off Campus Student.


At ECU you can study online degrees, diplomas and even some doctorates.

Some of our courses are ideal for distance study as they're completely online.

Others, like Engineering or Paramedicine for example, have practical, hands-on units that require you to spend some time on-campus and/or on an industry-specific placement.

Theory-based units can be completed online to complement the ones you have to complete on-campus.

Your blank Canvas

Your lecturers currently use our Canvas system to teach your online units.

All units have a site on Canvas where you can access unit plans and materials, as well as your lecturer's contact details.

Here, you can submit assignments and view your marks for completed ones.

For an increasing number of units, you can also listen to recordings of the lectures – it's just like being there.

Canvas also features a discussion board, wiki, blogs, journals and ePortfolios.

Need some help deciding what to study?

Our future student events include a mix of on-campus and online sessions designed to help you decide what to study at ECU.

ECU Open Day (Mount Lawley including WAAPA)

Time:10:00am Venue:Mount Lawley Campus

Download a guide

If you prefer paper over pixels, please download one of our guides.

Creative thinkers start here

Experience Online at ECU.

Scholarship opportunities to reduce your expenses

Scholarships recognise those whose life journey may have been challenging, as well as students who've shown outstanding academic excellence and endeavour.

A scholarship can help you realise your ambitions by paying for fees, text books and living expenses.

Realise your dream with our scholarships

Do you have any questions about Online study?

Student stories

  • Combining work with online postgrad study

    Master of Clinical Nursing student Anhnie Nguyen talks about combining online study at ECU with her nursing work.

  • The knowledge I have learned has really improved my capabilities and I have noticed a confidence in my practice

    I am currently working in physiotherapy and wanted to specialise in neurological rehabilitation. I chose ECU as it was the only university in WA offering postgrad studies designed for increasing knowledge in neurological rehabilitation.

    I am enjoying studying online and the weekly modules are motivating. The content is relevant and thought provoking, and there are are plenty of opportunities to collaborate with peers using the discussion board.

    Amy Dixon

The Important Things

Things you should know about if you're thinking about studying here.

Course Entry

There's more than one admission pathway into an ECU course. It depends on what you've studied already, or your work or life experience.

Fees & Scholarships

Course tuition fees can change, but we can give you an estimate of your costs. If you're eligible, a scholarship or student loan can help too.


Applying for a course is a fairly simple process, especially if you have scanned copies of qualifications, your resume or other paperwork, ready to upload.

ECU Experience

Starting a course is an exciting and sometimes daunting time, so we make a massive effort to ensure you get all the support you need to have a positive experience.