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Engineering & Technology

Engineers are classic problem-solvers, always searching for ways to improve the lives of their fellow humans. At ECU, we'll prepare you for tackling life's great challenges by developing your creative thinking skills, giving you heaps of practical experience in our fantastic labs and doing an extensive industry placement.

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Why study at ECU?


Our courses are developed and delivered in close consultation with industry. As well as spending time in lectures and labs, your engineering course will involve up to 12 weeks of practical work experience in the engineering industry. This is a great way to kick-start your career.

Courses have a common multi-disciplinary first year and most have been professionally accredited by Engineers Australia and recognised under the Washington Accord. This means your engineering qualification will be internationally recognised. You'll be world ready.

Engineering & Technology Disciplines

If you already know what you're interested in, choose a discipline.

Need some help deciding what to study?

Our future student events include a mix of on-campus and online sessions designed to help you decide what to study at ECU.

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If you prefer paper over pixels, please download one of our guides.

Creative thinkers start here

Experience Engineering & Technology at ECU.

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Engineering scholarships for high performers

ECU is offering scholarships valued at $20,000 to high performing Year 12 students who wish to study Engineering in 2025.

The scholarship will be paid over 4 years, $5,000 per annum, or pro-rata for part-time studies, once you become an enrolled student at ECU.

If you're studying the minimum prerequisites (Maths Methods, and, Physics or Engineering Studies or Chemistry or Maths Specialist), and you're on target to achieve an ATAR of 94 or above, you should apply now at

Do you have any questions about the Engineering & Technology study area?

Student stories

  • Bruna's engineering career is built to last

    ECU Engineering graduate Bruna Rocha is now a Graduate Structural Engineer at AECOM, a global engineering company that connects people through roads, bridges, tunnels and transit systems.

  • Study groups are friendly and easy-going.

    Studying at ECU has been both hard work and rewarding. I have a lot in common with my fellow students. We share the same interests and goals, so lectures and study groups are friendly and easy-going. One of my most significant achievements has been receiving the Engineering Excellence Scholarship.

    Christie Kearney at ECU Joondalup Campus
  • If you want a well-rounded and practical experience, definitely study Engineering at ECU

    My advice to students would be to study to get a job, not to get a degree. Maximise your opportunities to get experience that will get you a career. So for me, that was participating in Engineering societies, going overseas, joining the Vice‑Chancellor's forum and so forth. All of these gave me interpersonal skills and international experience.

    If you want a well‑rounded and practical experience, definitely study Engineering at ECU.

    Jordan Butler

The Important Things

Things you should know about if you're thinking about studying here.

Course Entry

There's more than one admission pathway into an ECU course. It depends on what you've studied already, or your work or life experience.

Fees & Scholarships

Course tuition fees can change, but we can give you an estimate of your costs. If you're eligible, a scholarship or student loan can help too.


Applying for a course is a fairly simple process, especially if you have scanned copies of qualifications, your resume or other paperwork, ready to upload.

ECU Experience

Starting a course is an exciting and sometimes daunting time, so we make a massive effort to ensure you get all the support you need to have a positive experience.