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Dual degrees from ECU and the University of Portsmouth

Study selected courses in Portsmouth and Perth and graduate with a unique dual degree.

Why study at ECU?

  • QILT - Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching

    A great student experience

    As an ECU undergraduate, you can expect the best overall student experience of any of the 38 public universities in Australia. More about QILT.

  • The Good Universities Guide - teaching quality

    The highest quality teaching

    ECU is one of the best unis in Australia for teaching. We've had 18 straight years of 5-star ratings in the Good Universities Guide to prove it!

  • THE World University Rankings Top 100 Young

    One of the world's young guns

    We're ranked one of the world's best universities under 50 years old, and we've already established a global reputation for such a young institution.

From Perth to Portsmouth and back – a unique dual degree 

Edith Cowan University has partnered with the University of Portsmouth in the UK to give you the opportunity to study at home and abroad, while working towards individual degrees from each university.

Now you can study your chosen field in an international context while expanding your life skills by living independently overseas, experiencing new cultures, building new networks and making new friends.

And all of this will help you stand out in a competitive job market after you graduate.

How it works

  • You'll start your studies on campus at ECU for the first two years.
  • You'll then travel to the UK for the third year of the course that's delivered by the University of Portsmouth.
  • If your course is longer than three years, the rest of the course will be completed at ECU.
  • When you graduate, you'll have two degrees – one from each university!

Why study a dual degree? 

There are many good reasons to consider studying a dual degree.

  • You'll benefit from the teaching expertise, research and facilities of two globally renowned universities.
  • You'll gain an understanding of different cultures that will help you work more effectively with people from different backgrounds.
  • A dual degree also allows you to graduate with 2 degrees in 4 years or less, rather than the 6 years usually required to complete two degree courses.
  • Finally, from an employer's perspective, getting two degrees from two leading universities is going to give you the upper hand.


Here are the current dual degree courses for commencing study at ECU. More courses are planned over time as the partnership evolves.

Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Bioscience)

Learn to play a vital role in helping people live longer, healthier lives in this international dual degree course. You'll discover how to investigate the biology of disease to fight its effects on individuals, families and communities.

Bachelor of Environmental Science

In this exciting international dual degree, you'll gain a grounding in the biological, chemical, physical and social aspects of the environment and the knowledge and skills used in its management.

Bachelor of Global Media and Communication

This international dual degree will set you up for a career as a global media professional capable of navigating the challenges of entertainment and information media and the emergence of global communication technologies.

Bachelor of Global Sport Business Management (International)

In this dual degree, you'll gain valuable international experience learning how the global business of sport works and how you can be part of it, including the exciting field of event management and much more.

Bachelor of Psychological Science

Develop specialist knowledge and skills in a range of psychological subjects, including social interaction, learning and memory, child development, comparative and evolutionary psychology, clinical and health psychology.

Bachelor of Science (Cybercrime, Security and Intelligence)

Learn how to fight terrorism and cybercrime on the international stage as part of this engaging dual degree. Develop the skills, knowledge and tech know-how to help protect communities, businesses and government organisations.

Bachelor of Science (International Exercise and Sports Science)

If you're interested in health, fitness and general well-being, and like the idea of helping other people improve their lifestyle or sports performance through exercise, this international dual degree might be for you.

Download our guide

Here's our guide to courses you can study as part of the dual degree with the University of Portsmouth. It includes some frequently asked questions.

ECU's dual degree experience

About the University of Portsmouth

The University of Portsmouth is a relatively young university like ECU. The university is ranked in the top 5 young universities in the UK.

It's also ranked in the top 20 for international student experience according to the WhatUni Student Choice Awards of 2023.

People basking in the sunshine on a shingle beach by South Parade Pier South Parade Pier opened in 1879 and has an arcade, restaurants and the Gaiety Bar where you can attend glamorous events, dinners and music festivals.

Portsmouth fast facts

Portsmouth is the UK's only island city and one of the most picturesque, welcoming and interesting places to live in the UK. It was also voted in the top 10 trending hotspots by Airbnb (2022).

  • Only 90 minutes to London by train.
  • Over 500 trains travel from Portsmouth to London every day!
  • Stonehenge is only 1 hour from Portsmouth.
  • Portsmouth offers more ferry routes than any other UK ferry port, serving popular destinations in France, Spain and the Channel Islands.
  • Portsmouth is only 22 minutes by ferry to the Isle of Wight, the UK's dinosaur destination.
  • Portsmouth is one of the oldest naval cities in the world with so much history to experience, including The Old Docks, HMS Victory and much more.
  • Portsmouth FC's home stadium, Fratton Park, is near the campus – the university is their main sponsor!
Isle of Wight ferry entering Portsmouth docks Portsmouth offers more ferry routes than any other UK ferry port.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to your questions about our dual degree courses and visas, fees and accommodation associated with study in the UK.

Your course

  • The academic year in the UK runs from September to end of May/early June. Dual degree students will typically commence study in the UK in either September or January of their third year.

  • All dual degree courses run from 3.5 to 4 years full-time study. You'll complete 16 units at ECU over the first two years. In your third year you'll complete 6-8 units (depending on course) at the University of Portsmouth. Your final year (or semester for a course less than 4 years), will be completed at ECU.

  • Your Year 3 exchange year is a mandatory part of the dual degree program. If you need to withdraw during your studies, you could consider transitioning into the alternative single degree. All dual degrees have been designed to have a related single ECU-based degree.

Your fees, insurance and visa

  • Yes, you'll need to apply for a student visa. See for details. Application fees apply.

  • No, you'll need to arrange this yourself, separate to your course application and enrolment with ECU. The earliest you can apply for a visa is 6 months before you start your studies in the UK.

  • Yes, as an Australian citizen, you're eligible to defer payment for your chosen course through the HECS-HELP scheme, which includes your year of study in the UK. While studying overseas, you may also be eligible for Study Assist, Centrelink or a scholarship.

  • Your travel, accommodation and living expenses while you are in the UK are not covered by course fees. So you'll be responsible for these costs and arrangements as a student. You'll also be responsible for any non-tuition and incidental fees relating to study. For example, textbooks and equipment.

  • No, this is your responsibility to organise.

  • When you apply for a UK student visa, you will be required to pay the immigration healthcare surcharge (IHS), which entitles you to access the National Health Service (NHS) while studying in the UK. Fees apply. See

  • You may be able to work a limited number of hours while studying in the UK, depending on the conditions of your visa. See

Your accommodation

  • University of Portsmouth has on-campus accommodation and can help you find appropriate accommodation. You can also independently explore off-campus accommodation if preferred.

    As a student at the University of Portsmouth, you can stay in one of the university's Halls of Residence in the city centre and close to campus.

    • Every room has a bed, desk, drawers and plenty of sockets for your laptop, phone and anything else you need.
    • You get free broadband and Wi-Fi, so you'll always be connected with friends and family.
    • All bills are included in the cost of your room – gas, electricity, heating, water and basic insurance.
    • Most rooms have an en-suite, with private shower, sink and toilet.
    • UoP have accessible rooms for students who need them, approved by AccessAble.
    • All rooms are singles, and they are yours from September - June.
    • Stay active with on-campus sporting facilities, including a fitness centre with a gym and classes.

    Explore student accommodation options in Portsmouth

    Single bed, radiator, plenty of storage and work station When staying in halls of residence, you get the keys to your own place and open the door to a community of new people.

Student stories

  • The opportunity to travel to the UK while studying was really exciting.

    It meant I can be getting set up for my career while also living my life and travelling.

    There are huge career benefits from having two degrees on your CV and I think it will make me stand out when I'm applying for jobs after I graduate.

    Ava Nayar
  • Just do it!

    Moving away to another country for a year is a big commitment but it is the best thing I have ever done.

    Getting involved with the uni lifestyle in England allowed me to meet so many amazing people and gave me so many memories I will hold onto forever.

    Read Jacob's dual degree story

    Jacob Oksam
  • I've always dreamt of living somewhere else before starting my career

    My main purpose for choosing this dual degree was the opportunity to live in another country. I love Australia but have always dreamt of experiencing living overseas.

    So being able to do that while I am studying means I have had this experience before I start my new career.

    Maggie Beckwith

The Important Things

Things you should know about if you're thinking about studying here.

Course Entry

There's more than one admission pathway into an ECU course. It depends on what you've studied already, or your work or life experience.

Fees & Scholarships

Course tuition fees can change, but we can give you an estimate of your costs. If you're eligible, a scholarship or student loan can help too.


Applying for a course is a fairly simple process, especially if you have scanned copies of qualifications, your resume or other paperwork, ready to upload.

ECU Experience

Starting a course is an exciting and sometimes daunting time, so we make a massive effort to ensure you get all the support you need to have a positive experience.