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Interviews, folios and auditions

Information about applications to study ECU courses where students are required to attend interviews, present folios, or perform at an audition.

Some of our courses require you to submit a folio of work or attend an interview and/or an audition as part of the selection process.

Generally speaking, the staff who assess your folio or audition, or conduct the interview, are looking for a demonstration of skills in areas appropriate to the course.

Creative Humanities Portfolio Entry applications

If you love to be creative but don't have an ATAR, please download our application, folio and interview guidelines.

Creative Humanities Portfolio Entry

Discipline applications

If you're not applying through the Creative Humanities Portfolio Entry pathway, please select the discipline you're interested in from one of the downloadable guides below.

Aboriginal Performance, Acting, Music Theatre, Performing Arts, Screen Performance

Arts and Cultural Management




Production and Design

The Important Things

Things you should know about if you're thinking about studying here.

Course Entry

There's more than one admission pathway into an ECU course. It depends on what you've studied already, or your work or life experience.

Fees & Scholarships

Course tuition fees can change, but we can give you an estimate of your costs. If you're eligible, a scholarship or student loan can help too.


Applying for a course is a fairly simple process, especially if you have scanned copies of qualifications, your resume or other paperwork, ready to upload.

ECU Experience

Starting a course is an exciting and sometimes daunting time, so we make a massive effort to ensure you get all the support you need to have a positive experience.