Faculty of Education and Arts

School: WA Academy of Performing Arts

This unit information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

  • Unit Title

    Manage audio input sources
  • Unit Code

  • Year

  • Enrolment Period

  • Version

  • Nominal Hours

  • Full Year Unit

  • Mode of Delivery

    On Campus


This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to select and manage microphones and other audio input sources for productions in the screen, media, entertainment and events industries. Individuals who apply these skills work autonomously in a team environment as they work to achieve the best possible audio outcomes for performances or shows. They may also be responsible for supervising others. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.


  • Manage inputs
  • Maximise gain on stage
  • Organise input sources

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to: Set up and test complex microphone plots and other audio input sources for at least two productions or events. Apply in-depth knowledge of microphone technology and product options to work activities. Manage a range of microphone and other audio inputs during technical run-throughs or rehearsals on at least two occasions. Correctly use terminology associated with input source management. Work collaboratively. Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided for each of the above points at least once.

Knowledge Evidence

To complete the unit requirements the individual must: Explain the features of a range of different microphone and the contexts in which they are best used. Explain the acoustic consequences of signal phase problems and when to use phantom power. Provide examples of current trends in microphone development and the availability of products. Provide examples of issues and challenges that typically arise when managing audio input sources, along with solutions to address them. Provide example of issues to consider when preparing microphone plots and input signal failure plans.


Gather evidence to demonstrate consistent performance in conditions that are safe and replicate the workplace. Noise levels, production flow, interruptions and time variances must be typical of those experienced in a live performance environment. The assessment environment must include access to a range of microphones and audio equipment used to mix live audio. Assessors must satisfy SNR/AQTF assessor requirements.



Students please note: The marks and grades received by students on assessments may be subject to further moderation. All marks and grades are to be considered provisional until endorsed by the relevant Board of Examiners.

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)

For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Access and Inclusion website.

Academic Misconduct

Edith Cowan University has firm rules governing academic misconduct and there are substantial penalties that can be applied to students who are found in breach of these rules. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • plagiarism;
  • unauthorised collaboration;
  • cheating in examinations;
  • theft of other students' work;

Additionally, any material submitted for assessment purposes must be work that has not been submitted previously, by any person, for any other unit at ECU or elsewhere.

The ECU rules and policies governing all academic activities, including misconduct, can be accessed through the ECU website.


Faculty of Education and Arts

School: WA Academy of Performing Arts

This unit information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

  • Unit Title

    Manage audio input sources
  • Unit Code

  • Year

  • Enrolment Period

  • Version

  • Nominal Hours

  • Full Year Unit

  • Mode of Delivery

    On Campus


This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to select and manage microphones and other audio input sources for productions in the screen, media, entertainment and events industries. Individuals who apply these skills work autonomously in a team environment as they work to achieve the best possible audio outcomes for performances or shows. They may also be responsible for supervising others. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.


  • Manage inputs
  • Maximise gain on stage
  • Organise input sources

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to: Set up and test complex microphone plots and other audio input sources for at least two productions or events. Apply in-depth knowledge of microphone technology and product options to work activities. Manage a range of microphone and other audio inputs during technical run-throughs or rehearsals on at least two occasions. Correctly use terminology associated with input source management. Work collaboratively. Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided for each of the above points at least once.

Knowledge Evidence

To complete the unit requirements the individual must: Explain the features of a range of different microphone and the contexts in which they are best used. Explain the acoustic consequences of signal phase problems and when to use phantom power. Provide examples of current trends in microphone development and the availability of products. Provide examples of issues and challenges that typically arise when managing audio input sources, along with solutions to address them. Provide example of issues to consider when preparing microphone plots and input signal failure plans.


Gather evidence to demonstrate consistent performance in conditions that are safe and replicate the workplace. Noise levels, production flow, interruptions and time variances must be typical of those experienced in a live performance environment. The assessment environment must include access to a range of microphones and audio equipment used to mix live audio. Assessors must satisfy SNR/AQTF assessor requirements.



Students please note: The marks and grades received by students on assessments may be subject to further moderation. All marks and grades are to be considered provisional until endorsed by the relevant Board of Examiners.

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)

For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Access and Inclusion website.

Academic Misconduct

Edith Cowan University has firm rules governing academic misconduct and there are substantial penalties that can be applied to students who are found in breach of these rules. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • plagiarism;
  • unauthorised collaboration;
  • cheating in examinations;
  • theft of other students' work;

Additionally, any material submitted for assessment purposes must be work that has not been submitted previously, by any person, for any other unit at ECU or elsewhere.

The ECU rules and policies governing all academic activities, including misconduct, can be accessed through the ECU website.
