School: Engineering

This unit information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

  • Unit Title

    Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Unit Code

  • Year

  • Enrolment Period

  • Version

  • Credit Points

  • Full Year Unit

  • Mode of Delivery

    On Campus
  • Unit Coordinator

    Dr Hussein MOHAMMED


This unit aims to establish a thorough understanding of, and analytical skills in, fundamental heat and mass transfer phenomena and their application to creative and effective design of industrial processes and equipment and problem-solving in environmental systems. The underlying principles and their applications will be illustrated by the study and analysis of selected heat and mass transfer unit operations used across a range of process industries, as well as heat and mass transfer applications in environmental systems.

Prerequisite Rule

Students must pass Thermodynamics (ENS2160) and Fluid Mechanics (ENM3218)

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Use the fundamental principles associated with heat and mass transfer phenomena and demonstrate their application in a wide range of application areas.
  2. Classify correctly the mechanisms of heat and mass transfer occurring in a range of contexts and their relative significance.
  3. Assess the limitations and constraints inherent in analytical methods and engineering data used to design and analyse heat and mass transfer processes and equipment.
  4. Produce results of an engineering analysis to identify significant operating or design parameters and how they can be used to improve performance.
  5. Demonstrate an ability to effectively communicate results of engineering analysis to other engineers, showing the logical flow of calculations and consequent conclusions by making appropriate use of mathematical, visual/graphical and text descriptions.

Unit Content

  1. One-dimensional steady state conduction, resistance in series, heat transfer to and from pipes, fins and other objects.
  2. Two and three dimensional steady state conduction and also transient heat transfer.
  3. Heat transfer via natural and forced convection, internal and external.
  4. Radiative heat transfer, view factors, chemical and environmental engineering applications.
  5. Review of heat transfer: physical rate processes, modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection, radiation), heat equations and thermal properties.
  6. Heat exchangers, design and analysis, including log mean and NTU methods.
  7. Mass transfer operations and unit conversions.
  8. Mass transfer models, diffusion, diffusivity and mass transfer coefficients.
  9. Stage and differential analysis in mass transfer operations, with engineering applications.
  10. Mass transfer equipment and its applications in various industrial chemical processes.

Learning Experience

Students will attend on campus classes as well as engage in learning activities through ECU's LMS

JoondalupMount LawleySouth West (Bunbury)
Semester 113 x 2 hour labNot OfferedNot Offered
Semester 113 x 2 hour lectureNot OfferedNot Offered
Semester 113 x 1 hour tutorialNot OfferedNot Offered

For more information see the Semester Timetable


GS1 GRADING SCHEMA 1 Used for standard coursework units

Students please note: The marks and grades received by students on assessments may be subject to further moderation. All marks and grades are to be considered provisional until endorsed by the relevant School Progression Panel.

TestMultiple short (timed) quizzes10%
TestMid-semester test20%
Laboratory Work ^Laboratory work and reports20%
ProjectHeat & Mass Transfer unit design15%
Examination ^End of semester examination35%

^ Mandatory to Pass

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)

For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Access and Inclusion website.


Students please note: The marks and grades received by students on assessments may be subject to further moderation. Informal vivas may be conducted as part of an assessment task, where staff require further information to confirm the learning outcomes have been met. All marks and grades are to be considered provisional until endorsed by the relevant School Progression Panel.

Academic Integrity

Integrity is a core value at Edith Cowan University, and it is expected that ECU students complete their assessment tasks honestly and with acknowledgement of other people's work as well as any generative artificial intelligence tools that may have been used. This means that assessment tasks must be completed individually (unless it is an authorised group assessment task) and any sources used must be referenced.

Breaches of academic integrity can include:


Copying the words, ideas or creative works of other people or generative artificial intelligence tools, without referencing in accordance with stated University requirements. Students need to seek approval from the Unit Coordinator within the first week of study if they intend to use some of their previous work in an assessment task (self-plagiarism).

Unauthorised collaboration (collusion)

Working with other students and submitting the same or substantially similar work or portions of work when an individual submission was required. This includes students knowingly providing others with copies of their own work to use in the same or similar assessment task(s).

Contract cheating

Organising a friend, a family member, another student or an external person or organisation (e.g. through an online website) to complete or substantially edit or refine part or all of an assessment task(s) on their behalf.

Cheating in an exam

Using or having access to unauthorised materials in an exam or test.

Serious outcomes may be imposed if a student is found to have committed one of these breaches, up to and including expulsion from the University for repeated or serious acts.

ECU's policies and more information about academic integrity can be found on the student academic integrity website.

All commencing ECU students are required to complete the Academic Integrity Module.

Assessment Extension

In some circumstances, Students may apply to their Unit Coordinator to extend the due date of their Assessment Task(s) in accordance with ECU's Assessment, Examination and Moderation Procedures - for more information visit

Special Consideration

Students may apply for Special Consideration in respect of a final unit grade, where their achievement was affected by Exceptional Circumstances as set out in the Assessment, Examination and Moderation Procedures - for more information visit


School: Engineering

This unit information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

  • Unit Title

    Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Unit Code

  • Year

  • Enrolment Period

  • Version

  • Credit Points

  • Full Year Unit

  • Mode of Delivery

    On Campus
  • Unit Coordinator

    Dr Hussein MOHAMMED


This unit aims to establish a thorough understanding of, and analytical skills in, fundamental heat and mass transfer phenomena and their application to creative and effective design of industrial processes and equipment and problem-solving in environmental systems. The underlying principles and their applications will be illustrated by the study and analysis of selected heat and mass transfer unit operations used across a range of process industries, as well as heat and mass transfer applications in environmental systems.

Prerequisite Rule

Undergraduate students must pass ENS2160 and T59 students must pass ENS5160

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Use the fundamental principles associated with heat and mass transfer phenomena and demonstrate their application in a wide range of application areas.
  2. Classify correctly the mechanisms of heat and mass transfer occurring in a range of contexts and their relative significance.
  3. Assess the limitations and constraints inherent in analytical methods and engineering data used to design and analyse heat and mass transfer processes and equipment.
  4. Produce results of an engineering analysis to identify significant operating or design parameters and how they can be used to improve performance.
  5. Demonstrate an ability to effectively communicate results of engineering analysis to other engineers, showing the logical flow of calculations and consequent conclusions by making appropriate use of mathematical, visual/graphical and text descriptions.

Unit Content

  1. One-dimensional steady state conduction, resistance in series, heat transfer to and from pipes, fins and other objects.
  2. Two and three dimensional steady state conduction and also transient heat transfer.
  3. Heat transfer via natural and forced convection, internal and external.
  4. Radiative heat transfer, view factors, chemical and environmental engineering applications.
  5. Review of heat transfer: physical rate processes, modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection, radiation), heat equations and thermal properties.
  6. Heat exchangers, design and analysis, including log mean and NTU methods.
  7. Mass transfer operations and unit conversions.
  8. Mass transfer models, diffusion, diffusivity and mass transfer coefficients.
  9. Stage and differential analysis in mass transfer operations, with engineering applications.
  10. Mass transfer equipment and its applications in various industrial chemical processes.


GS1 GRADING SCHEMA 1 Used for standard coursework units

Students please note: The marks and grades received by students on assessments may be subject to further moderation. All marks and grades are to be considered provisional until endorsed by the relevant School Progression Panel.

TestMid-semester test25%
Laboratory Work ^Laboratory work and reports20%
ProjectHeat & Mass Transfer unit design20%
Examination ^End of semester examination35%

^ Mandatory to Pass

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)

For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Access and Inclusion website.


Students please note: The marks and grades received by students on assessments may be subject to further moderation. Informal vivas may be conducted as part of an assessment task, where staff require further information to confirm the learning outcomes have been met. All marks and grades are to be considered provisional until endorsed by the relevant School Progression Panel.

Academic Integrity

Integrity is a core value at Edith Cowan University, and it is expected that ECU students complete their assessment tasks honestly and with acknowledgement of other people's work as well as any generative artificial intelligence tools that may have been used. This means that assessment tasks must be completed individually (unless it is an authorised group assessment task) and any sources used must be referenced.

Breaches of academic integrity can include:


Copying the words, ideas or creative works of other people or generative artificial intelligence tools, without referencing in accordance with stated University requirements. Students need to seek approval from the Unit Coordinator within the first week of study if they intend to use some of their previous work in an assessment task (self-plagiarism).

Unauthorised collaboration (collusion)

Working with other students and submitting the same or substantially similar work or portions of work when an individual submission was required. This includes students knowingly providing others with copies of their own work to use in the same or similar assessment task(s).

Contract cheating

Organising a friend, a family member, another student or an external person or organisation (e.g. through an online website) to complete or substantially edit or refine part or all of an assessment task(s) on their behalf.

Cheating in an exam

Using or having access to unauthorised materials in an exam or test.

Serious outcomes may be imposed if a student is found to have committed one of these breaches, up to and including expulsion from the University for repeated or serious acts.

ECU's policies and more information about academic integrity can be found on the student academic integrity website.

All commencing ECU students are required to complete the Academic Integrity Module.

Assessment Extension

In some circumstances, Students may apply to their Unit Coordinator to extend the due date of their Assessment Task(s) in accordance with ECU's Assessment, Examination and Moderation Procedures - for more information visit

Special Consideration

Students may apply for Special Consideration in respect of a final unit grade, where their achievement was affected by Exceptional Circumstances as set out in the Assessment, Examination and Moderation Procedures - for more information visit
