School: Nursing and Midwifery

This unit information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

Please note that there may be some modifications to the assessment schedule promoted in Handbook for Semester 1 2023 Units. All assessment changes will be published by 20th February 2023. All students are reminded to check the handbook at the beginning of semester to ensure they have the correct outline.

  • Unit Title

    Nursing Practice 2
  • Unit Code

  • Year

  • Enrolment Period

  • Version

  • Credit Points

  • Full Year Unit

  • Mode of Delivery

    On Campus
  • Unit Coordinator

    Mr Aaron ALEJANDRO


This is the second work integrated learning unit in a series of five clinical practice units. This unit builds on the knowledge and skills gained in Nursing Practice 1. In this unit, students will learn from each other while they focus on evidence based nursing care within a legal ethical framework, for the nursing care of adults with acute and chronic illnesses, and clients undergoing surgery. The major focus for this unit is the development of more complex nursing interventions to provide safe, evidence-based nursing care and clinical decision making.

Non Standard Timetable Requirements

Students may undertake practicum hours out of the standard timetable. Refer to the School of Nursing and Midwifery J46 practicum timetable.

Prerequisite Rule

Must have passed Nursing Practice 1 (NPP6106) and Nursing Bioscience 1 (NSC6101)

Co-Requisite Rule

Students are required to complete Nursing Bioscience 2 (NSC6102) and Nursing Practice 2 (NPP6107) concurrently or alternatively complete Nursing Bioscience 2 (NSC6102) prior to completing Nursing Practice 2 (NPP6107).

Equivalent Rule

Unit was previously coded {NPP6102}

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Critically analyse the continuum of nursing care from admission to discharge for clients with acute and chronic illnesses and clients undergoing surgery.
  2. Demonstrate development of nursing and problem-solving skills to provide safe, evidence-based nursing care of adults with acute and chronic illnesses.
  3. Apply clinical decision making to prioritise care needs and develop plans of care for patients with varying acute and chronic health conditions and clients undergoing surgery.
  4. Detail the principles of client education and utilised strategies to appropriately plan, implement and evaluate client education.
  5. Collaborate with the interprofessional healthcare team to provide comprehensive nursing care to adults.

Unit Content

  1. Continuum of nursing care (admission to discharge). Discharge planning.
  2. Perioperative nursing care.
  3. Complex nursing skills (J46 Stage 2 Student Scope of Practice).
  4. Clinical decision making in the health care assessment and care delivery.
  5. Principles of patient education.
  6. Reciprocal learning - encourage peer review enabling skills required for both preceptors and mentors

Learning Experience

Students will attend on campus classes as well as engage in learning activities through ECU's LMS

JoondalupMount LawleySouth West (Bunbury)
Practicum812 x 3 hour workshopNot OfferedNot Offered

For more information see the Semester Timetable

Additional Learning Experience Information

Clinical placement totalling 160 hours. Pre-identified clinical placement periods may change with minimal notice to students due to circumstances outside the control of the School


GS2 GRADING SCHEMA 2 Used for Undifferentiated Pass/Fail units inc. practical units or work-integrated learning

Students please note: The marks and grades received by students on assessments may be subject to further moderation. All marks and grades are to be considered provisional until endorsed by the relevant School Progression Panel.

Due to the professional competency skill development associated with this Unit, student attendance/participation within listed in-class activities and/or online activities including discussion boards is compulsory. Students failing to meet participation standards as outlined in the unit information may be awarded an I Grade (Fail - incomplete). Students who are unable to meet this requirement for medical or other reasons must seek the approval of the unit coordinator.

Portfolio ^Portfolio (Clinical placement requirements, simulation activity participation, medication calculation test, and update evidence on pebble pad)
Practicum ^Australian Nursing Standards Assessment Tool (ANSAT)
Reflective Practice ^Professional reflection
Performance ^Clinical skills reciprocal learning assessment

^ Mandatory to Pass

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)

For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Access and Inclusion website.


Students please note: The marks and grades received by students on assessments may be subject to further moderation. Informal vivas may be conducted as part of an assessment task, where staff require further information to confirm the learning outcomes have been met. All marks and grades are to be considered provisional until endorsed by the relevant School Progression Panel.

Academic Integrity

Integrity is a core value at Edith Cowan University, and it is expected that ECU students complete their assessment tasks honestly and with acknowledgement of other people's work as well as any generative artificial intelligence tools that may have been used. This means that assessment tasks must be completed individually (unless it is an authorised group assessment task) and any sources used must be referenced.

Breaches of academic integrity can include:


Copying the words, ideas or creative works of other people or generative artificial intelligence tools, without referencing in accordance with stated University requirements. Students need to seek approval from the Unit Coordinator within the first week of study if they intend to use some of their previous work in an assessment task (self-plagiarism).

Unauthorised collaboration (collusion)

Working with other students and submitting the same or substantially similar work or portions of work when an individual submission was required. This includes students knowingly providing others with copies of their own work to use in the same or similar assessment task(s).

Contract cheating

Organising a friend, a family member, another student or an external person or organisation (e.g. through an online website) to complete or substantially edit or refine part or all of an assessment task(s) on their behalf.

Cheating in an exam

Using or having access to unauthorised materials in an exam or test.

Serious outcomes may be imposed if a student is found to have committed one of these breaches, up to and including expulsion from the University for repeated or serious acts.

ECU's policies and more information about academic integrity can be found on the student academic integrity website.

All commencing ECU students are required to complete the Academic Integrity Module.

Assessment Extension

In some circumstances, Students may apply to their Unit Coordinator to extend the due date of their Assessment Task(s) in accordance with ECU's Assessment, Examination and Moderation Procedures - for more information visit

Special Consideration

Students may apply for Special Consideration in respect of a final unit grade, where their achievement was affected by Exceptional Circumstances as set out in the Assessment, Examination and Moderation Procedures - for more information visit


School: Nursing and Midwifery

This unit information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

  • Unit Title

    Nursing Practice 2
  • Unit Code

  • Year

  • Enrolment Period

  • Version

  • Credit Points

  • Full Year Unit

  • Mode of Delivery

    On Campus
  • Unit Coordinator

    Mr Aaron ALEJANDRO


This is the second work integrated learning unit in a series of five clinical practice units. This unit builds on the knowledge and skills gained in Nursing Practice 1. In this unit, students will learn from each other while they focus on evidence based nursing care within a legal ethical framework, for the nursing care of adults with acute and chronic illnesses, and clients undergoing surgery. The major focus for this unit is the development of more complex nursing interventions to provide safe, evidence-based nursing care and clinical decision making.

Non Standard Timetable Requirements

Students may undertake practicum hours out of the standard timetable. Refer to the School of Nursing and Midwifery J46 practicum timetable.

Prerequisite Rule

Must have passed Nursing Practice 1 (NPP6106) and Nursing Bioscience 1 (NSC6101)

Co-Requisite Rule

Students are required to complete Nursing Bioscience 2 (NSC6102) and Nursing Practice 2 (NPP6107) concurrently or alternatively complete Nursing Bioscience 2 (NSC6102) prior to completing Nursing Practice 2 (NPP6107).

Equivalent Rule

Unit was previously coded {NPP6102}

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Critically analyse the continuum of nursing care from admission to discharge for clients with acute and chronic illnesses and clients undergoing surgery.
  2. Demonstrate development of nursing and problem-solving skills to provide safe, evidence-based nursing care of adults with acute and chronic illnesses.
  3. Apply clinical decision making to prioritise care needs and develop plans of care for patients with varying acute and chronic health conditions and clients undergoing surgery.
  4. Detail the principles of client education and utilised strategies to appropriately plan, implement and evaluate client education.
  5. Collaborate with the interprofessional healthcare team to provide comprehensive nursing care to adults.

Unit Content

  1. Continuum of nursing care (admission to discharge). Discharge planning.
  2. Perioperative nursing care.
  3. Complex nursing skills (J46 Stage 2 Student Scope of Practice).
  4. Clinical decision making in the health care assessment and care delivery.
  5. Principles of patient education.
  6. Reciprocal learning - encourage peer review enabling skills required for both preceptors and mentors

Learning Experience

Students will attend on campus classes as well as engage in learning activities through ECU's LMS

JoondalupMount LawleySouth West (Bunbury)
Practicum812 x 3 hour workshopNot OfferedNot Offered

For more information see the Semester Timetable

Additional Learning Experience Information

Clinical placement totalling 160 hours. Pre-identified clinical placement periods may change with minimal notice to students due to circumstances outside the control of the School


GS2 GRADING SCHEMA 2 Used for Undifferentiated Pass/Fail units inc. practical units or work-integrated learning

Students please note: The marks and grades received by students on assessments may be subject to further moderation. All marks and grades are to be considered provisional until endorsed by the relevant School Progression Panel.

Due to the professional competency skill development associated with this Unit, student attendance/participation within listed in-class activities and/or online activities including discussion boards is compulsory. Students failing to meet participation standards as outlined in the unit information may be awarded an I Grade (Fail - incomplete). Students who are unable to meet this requirement for medical or other reasons must seek the approval of the unit coordinator.

Portfolio ^Portfolio (Clinical placement requirements, simulation activity participation, medication calculation test, and update evidence on pebble pad)
Practicum ^Australian Nursing Standards Assessment Tool (ANSAT)
Reflective Practice ^Professional reflection
Performance ^Clinical skills reciprocal learning assessment

^ Mandatory to Pass

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)

For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Access and Inclusion website.


Students please note: The marks and grades received by students on assessments may be subject to further moderation. Informal vivas may be conducted as part of an assessment task, where staff require further information to confirm the learning outcomes have been met. All marks and grades are to be considered provisional until endorsed by the relevant School Progression Panel.

Academic Integrity

Integrity is a core value at Edith Cowan University, and it is expected that ECU students complete their assessment tasks honestly and with acknowledgement of other people's work as well as any generative artificial intelligence tools that may have been used. This means that assessment tasks must be completed individually (unless it is an authorised group assessment task) and any sources used must be referenced.

Breaches of academic integrity can include:


Copying the words, ideas or creative works of other people or generative artificial intelligence tools, without referencing in accordance with stated University requirements. Students need to seek approval from the Unit Coordinator within the first week of study if they intend to use some of their previous work in an assessment task (self-plagiarism).

Unauthorised collaboration (collusion)

Working with other students and submitting the same or substantially similar work or portions of work when an individual submission was required. This includes students knowingly providing others with copies of their own work to use in the same or similar assessment task(s).

Contract cheating

Organising a friend, a family member, another student or an external person or organisation (e.g. through an online website) to complete or substantially edit or refine part or all of an assessment task(s) on their behalf.

Cheating in an exam

Using or having access to unauthorised materials in an exam or test.

Serious outcomes may be imposed if a student is found to have committed one of these breaches, up to and including expulsion from the University for repeated or serious acts.

ECU's policies and more information about academic integrity can be found on the student academic integrity website.

All commencing ECU students are required to complete the Academic Integrity Module.

Assessment Extension

In some circumstances, Students may apply to their Unit Coordinator to extend the due date of their Assessment Task(s) in accordance with ECU's Assessment, Examination and Moderation Procedures - for more information visit

Special Consideration

Students may apply for Special Consideration in respect of a final unit grade, where their achievement was affected by Exceptional Circumstances as set out in the Assessment, Examination and Moderation Procedures - for more information visit
