School: Arts and Humanities

This unit information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

  • Unit Title

    Photomedia Aesthetics and Histories
  • Unit Code

  • Year

  • Enrolment Period

  • Version

  • Credit Points

  • Full Year Unit

  • Mode of Delivery

    On Campus
  • Unit Coordinator

    Mr Kevin Keith BALLANTINE


In this unit, students acquire an overview of the principle practices, theories and debates, credited as having defined photography's history. The unit focuses on the influential aesthetic discourses of European and American photography giving emphasis to major trends. Students will explore and extend these practices and theories in their own creative work and so are required to have fundamental photomedia production skills.

Equivalent Rule

Unit was previously coded PHO3104

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Analyse photomedia aesthetic practices (e.g. romantic, humanism, pictorialism, symbolism, constructivism, formalism, realism, feminism).
  2. Compare and contrast the work of selected photographers.
  3. Describe the work of principle photographers credited as having defined photomedia's histories.
  4. Evaluate the significance of selected photographers practices.

Unit Content

  1. Critical perspectives, the language and writing of artist statements.
  2. Early 20th century European and American photographic projects that signalled a shift from pictorialism.
  3. Formalism, Constructivism, Bauhaus and Chicago School photography.
  4. The Beat movement, the concerns of the 1960s, recent American documentary, street, landscape and art photography.
  5. The project of Alfred Stieglitz, the journal Camera Work and the New York based, Photo Secession group in raising the status of photography to that of art.
  6. The significance of the Paris based photographers, Man Ray, Bill Brandt, Brassai and Kertesz during the 1920s and 1930s

Learning Experience

Students will attend on campus classes as well as engage in learning activities through ECU Blackboard.

JoondalupMount LawleySouth West (Bunbury)
Semester 1Not Offered13 x 3 hour seminarNot Offered

For more information see the Semester Timetable

Additional Learning Experience Information

Screenings. Seminars.


GS1 GRADING SCHEMA 1 Used for standard coursework units

Students please note: The marks and grades received by students on assessments may be subject to further moderation. All marks and grades are to be considered provisional until endorsed by the relevant Board of Examiners.

Creative WorkProject60%

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)

For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Access and Inclusion website.

Academic Misconduct

Edith Cowan University has firm rules governing academic misconduct and there are substantial penalties that can be applied to students who are found in breach of these rules. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • plagiarism;
  • unauthorised collaboration;
  • cheating in examinations;
  • theft of other students' work;

Additionally, any material submitted for assessment purposes must be work that has not been submitted previously, by any person, for any other unit at ECU or elsewhere.

The ECU rules and policies governing all academic activities, including misconduct, can be accessed through the ECU website.


School: Arts and Humanities

This unit information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

  • Unit Title

    Photomedia Aesthetics and Histories
  • Unit Code

  • Year

  • Enrolment Period

  • Version

  • Credit Points

  • Full Year Unit

  • Mode of Delivery

    On Campus
  • Unit Coordinator

    Mr Kevin Keith BALLANTINE


In this unit, students acquire an overview of the principle practices, theories and debates, credited as having defined photography's history. The unit focuses on the influential aesthetic discourses of European and American photography giving emphasis to major trends. Students will explore and extend these practices and theories in their own creative work and so are required to have fundamental photomedia production skills.

Equivalent Rule

Unit was previously coded PHO3104

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Analyse photomedia aesthetic practices (e.g. romantic, humanism, pictorialism, symbolism, constructivism, formalism, realism, feminism).
  2. Compare and contrast the work of selected photographers.
  3. Describe the work of principle photographers credited as having defined photomedia's histories.
  4. Evaluate the significance of selected photographers practices.

Unit Content

  1. Critical perspectives, the language and writing of artist statements.
  2. Early 20th century European and American photographic projects that signalled a shift from pictorialism.
  3. Formalism, Constructivism, Bauhaus and Chicago School photography.
  4. The Beat movement, the concerns of the 1960s, recent American documentary, street, landscape and art photography.
  5. The project of Alfred Stieglitz, the journal Camera Work and the New York based, Photo Secession group in raising the status of photography to that of art.
  6. The significance of the Paris based photographers, Man Ray, Bill Brandt, Brassai and Kertesz during the 1920s and 1930s

Learning Experience

Students will attend on campus classes as well as engage in learning activities through ECU Blackboard.

JoondalupMount LawleySouth West (Bunbury)
Semester 1Not Offered13 x 3 hour seminarNot Offered

For more information see the Semester Timetable

Additional Learning Experience Information

Screenings. Seminars.


GS1 GRADING SCHEMA 1 Used for standard coursework units

Students please note: The marks and grades received by students on assessments may be subject to further moderation. All marks and grades are to be considered provisional until endorsed by the relevant Board of Examiners.

Creative WorkProject60%

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)

For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Access and Inclusion website.

Academic Misconduct

Edith Cowan University has firm rules governing academic misconduct and there are substantial penalties that can be applied to students who are found in breach of these rules. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • plagiarism;
  • unauthorised collaboration;
  • cheating in examinations;
  • theft of other students' work;

Additionally, any material submitted for assessment purposes must be work that has not been submitted previously, by any person, for any other unit at ECU or elsewhere.

The ECU rules and policies governing all academic activities, including misconduct, can be accessed through the ECU website.
