School: Education

This unit information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

  • Unit Title

    Assistant Teacher Program
  • Unit Code

  • Year

  • Enrolment Period

  • Version

  • Credit Points

  • Full Year Unit

  • Mode of Delivery

    On Campus
  • Unit Coordinator

    Mrs Carli Anne SANBROOK


This is an integrated unit which prepares pre-service teachers for the Assistant Teacher Program (ATP) by developing professional knowledge, particularly of the planning and evaluation processes relevant to the ATP. The ATP in the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) is an extended Professional Practice in a secondary school lasting for a full school term. The pre-service teacher assumes the role of an Assistant Teacher, and has the opportunity to further acquire and refine teaching skills and to function as an autonomous teacher. In most instances, Assistant Teachers will teach in their major and minor teaching areas.

Prerequisite Rule

Students must pass 4 units from PPA3211, EDU1009, EDU1010, EDU2110 as well as 2 Minor Curriculum Studies units, ie. MUE2125 and MUE3120, or MUE3105 and MUE4105, or AED3211 and AED3311, or DSE3110 and DSE3210, or SSE3110 and SSE3213, or HSS3110 and HSS3213, or MSE3101 and MSE3102, or HEE2312 and HEE2313, or LAN3250 and LAN3251, or DTE2110 and DTE3110, or CED4261 and CED4262, or CSE3151 and CSE3152, or OED3100 and OED3200, or HPE3101 and HPE3201, or DCE3101 and DCE3102

Equivalent Rule

Unit was previously coded PPA4210

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Achieved a competent level in each of the strands in Professional Development: Personal Professional Learning. Professional Responsibilities. Professional Relationships. Professional Conduct.
  2. Achieved a competent level in each of the strands in Teaching Skills: Facilitating Student Learning. Assessing Student Learning. Engaging in Professional Learning. Participating in Curriculum Development and Teamwork. Forming Partnerships within the Classroom and School Communities.
  3. Completed the minimum work requirements outlined in the Professional Practice Guidelines.

Unit Content

  1. Anticipate the needs of students and adopt a problem solving approach to meeting these needs.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to critically analyse and evaluate their teaching effectiveness, and to initiate appropriate strategies so as to further develop professional competence.
  3. Develop and sustain co-operative and effective personal and professional relationships with school staff and associated personnel and with parents as appropriate.
  4. Develop and sustain positive relationships with students in a manner which enhances the interrelationships between students and contributes to the learning environment.
  5. Effectively assess and record students learning outcomes, use this information in their own planning and report it to students, colleagues and parents (as appropriate).
  6. Exhibit a thoroughly professional attitude to teaching.
  7. Extend and refine their instructional skills, motivating students, facilitating their learning and responding to their needs as individuals and class members.
  8. Further develop competencies in the management of students and the learning environment.
  9. Further develop their competence in planning and organising sequential learning experiences over an extended period, in an appropriate range of curriculum areas.
  10. Give evidence of strengths and interests which may enhance their contribution to the life and work of the school community.
  11. The ATP provides opportunities for Assistant Teachers to:
  12. Use their knowledge of the subjects they teach, and of the ways students develop and learn.

Learning Experience

Students will attend on campus classes as well as engage in learning activities through ECU Blackboard.

JoondalupMount LawleySouth West (Bunbury)
Semester 19 x 1 hour lecture10 x 1 hour lectureNot Offered
Semester 19 x 3 hour seminarNot OfferedNot Offered
Semester 19 x 2 hour tutorialNot OfferedNot Offered
Semester 19 x 1 hour workshop10 x 3 hour workshopNot Offered

For more information see the Semester Timetable

Additional Learning Experience Information

The teaching and learning processes in this unit model participatory and co-operative learning strategies used by effective learners. Students are expected to participate in all lectures, workshops, tutorials and/or online teaching and learning processes. Students who find themselves in a personal situation where they are unable to participate should discuss the matter with their Unit Coordinator. Unit information is available to students via the PPA4211 Blackboard Site. The Department of Education Western Australia and cooperating non-government schools have the right to determine 'fit and proper persons' to enter and practice in schools. For these reasons, all Pre-service Teachers 18 years of age and over will be required to have a current Department of Education National Police History Check (NPHC) and a current Working with Children Check, or the equivalent clearance issued by the relevant State authority before commencing this period of Professional Practice. Students must pass the assessments for the practicum in order to pass the unit. PPA4211 is a designated unit, defined in the University's Admission, Enrollment and Academic Progress Rules as: a unit or unit of competency which a Faculty Board has designated as a fundamental course requirement and may only be attempted once, unless otherwise decided by the relevant Board of Examiners. It involves a professional practice experience. University Rule 26 (6) states: Where a student has failed a Designated Unit, the student shall be excluded from the course unless otherwise determined by the Board of Examiners, and the student's academic progression status will be 'excluded'. To demonstrate professionalism and respect for industry partners, students must abide by the professional standards set out in the ECU Student Charter and comply with the university policies and rules. School Professional Practice agreements dictate that the student will attend the placement on a full time basis and meet the attendance requirements of the particular placement. The student is to supply a medical certificate for any absences. Where absences exceed twenty per cent of the scheduled Professional Practice, progress in the Professional Practice will be determined by the relevant academic staff member after consultation with relevant (school/centre) personnel. Pre-service teachers can be withdrawn from the (school/centre) and the Professional Practice terminated at the request of the host school Principal/Centre Director. This termination will result in a Fail grade for this unit.


GS2 GRADING SCHEMA 2 Used for performance and/or practical based units

Students please note: The marks and grades received by students on assessments may be subject to further moderation. All marks and grades are to be considered provisional until endorsed by the relevant Board of Examiners.

Practicum ^Teaching Skills
Participation ^Professional Development (School based)

^ Mandatory to Pass

Core Reading(s)

  • Arthur, L., Beecher, B., Death, E., Dockett, S., & Farmer, S. (2017). Programming and planning in early childhood settings. (7th ed.). Australia: Thomson Australia.

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)

For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Access and Inclusion website.

Academic Misconduct

Edith Cowan University has firm rules governing academic misconduct and there are substantial penalties that can be applied to students who are found in breach of these rules. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • plagiarism;
  • unauthorised collaboration;
  • cheating in examinations;
  • theft of other students' work;

Additionally, any material submitted for assessment purposes must be work that has not been submitted previously, by any person, for any other unit at ECU or elsewhere.

The ECU rules and policies governing all academic activities, including misconduct, can be accessed through the ECU website.


School: Education

This unit information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

  • Unit Title

    Assistant Teacher Program
  • Unit Code

  • Year

  • Enrolment Period

  • Version

  • Credit Points

  • Full Year Unit

  • Mode of Delivery

    On Campus
  • Unit Coordinator

    Mrs Carli Anne SANBROOK


This is an integrated unit which prepares pre-service teachers for the Assistant Teacher Program (ATP) by developing professional knowledge, particularly of the planning and evaluation processes relevant to the ATP. The ATP in the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) is an extended Professional Practice in a secondary school lasting for a full school term. The pre-service teacher assumes the role of an Assistant Teacher, and has the opportunity to further acquire and refine teaching skills and to function as an autonomous teacher. In most instances, Assistant Teachers will teach in their major and minor teaching areas.

Prerequisite Rule

Students must pass 4 units from PPA3211, EDU1009, EDU1010, EDU2110 as well as 2 Minor Curriculum Studies units, ie. MUE2125 and MUE3120, or MUE3105 and MUE4105, or AED3211 and AED3311, or DSE3110 and DSE3210, or SSE3110 and SSE3213, or HSS3110 and HSS3213, or MSE3101 and MSE3102, or HEE2312 and HEE2313, or LAN3250 and LAN3251, or DTE2110 and DTE3110, or CED4261 and CED4262, or CSE3151 and CSE3152, or OED3100 and OED3200, or HPE3101 and HPE3201, or DCE3101 and DCE3102

Equivalent Rule

Unit was previously coded PPA4210

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Achieved a competent level in each of the strands in Professional Development: Personal Professional Learning. Professional Responsibilities. Professional Relationships. Professional Conduct.
  2. Achieved a competent level in each of the strands in Teaching Skills: Facilitating Student Learning. Assessing Student Learning. Engaging in Professional Learning. Participating in Curriculum Development and Teamwork. Forming Partnerships within the Classroom and School Communities.
  3. Completed the minimum work requirements outlined in the Professional Practice Guidelines.

Unit Content

  1. Anticipate the needs of students and adopt a problem solving approach to meeting these needs.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to critically analyse and evaluate their teaching effectiveness, and to initiate appropriate strategies so as to further develop professional competence.
  3. Develop and sustain co-operative and effective personal and professional relationships with school staff and associated personnel and with parents as appropriate.
  4. Develop and sustain positive relationships with students in a manner which enhances the interrelationships between students and contributes to the learning environment.
  5. Effectively assess and record students learning outcomes, use this information in their own planning and report it to students, colleagues and parents (as appropriate).
  6. Exhibit a thoroughly professional attitude to teaching.
  7. Extend and refine their instructional skills, motivating students, facilitating their learning and responding to their needs as individuals and class members.
  8. Further develop competencies in the management of students and the learning environment.
  9. Further develop their competence in planning and organising sequential learning experiences over an extended period, in an appropriate range of curriculum areas.
  10. Give evidence of strengths and interests which may enhance their contribution to the life and work of the school community.
  11. The ATP provides opportunities for Assistant Teachers to:
  12. Use their knowledge of the subjects they teach, and of the ways students develop and learn.

Learning Experience

Students will attend on campus classes as well as engage in learning activities through ECU Blackboard.

JoondalupMount LawleySouth West (Bunbury)
Semester 19 x 1 hour lecture10 x 1 hour lectureNot Offered
Semester 19 x 3 hour seminarNot OfferedNot Offered
Semester 19 x 2 hour tutorialNot OfferedNot Offered
Semester 19 x 1 hour workshop10 x 3 hour workshopNot Offered

For more information see the Semester Timetable

Additional Learning Experience Information

The teaching and learning processes in this unit model participatory and co-operative learning strategies used by effective learners. Students are expected to participate in all lectures, workshops, tutorials and/or online teaching and learning processes. Students who find themselves in a personal situation where they are unable to participate should discuss the matter with their Unit Coordinator. Unit information is available to students via the PPA4211 Blackboard Site. The Department of Education Western Australia and cooperating non-government schools have the right to determine 'fit and proper persons' to enter and practice in schools. For these reasons, all Pre-service Teachers 18 years of age and over will be required to have a current Department of Education National Police History Check (NPHC) and a current Working with Children Check, or the equivalent clearance issued by the relevant State authority before commencing this period of Professional Practice. Students must pass the assessments for the practicum in order to pass the unit. PPA4211 is a designated unit, defined in the University's Admission, Enrollment and Academic Progress Rules as: a unit or unit of competency which a Faculty Board has designated as a fundamental course requirement and may only be attempted once, unless otherwise decided by the relevant Board of Examiners. It involves a professional practice experience. University Rule 26 (6) states: Where a student has failed a Designated Unit, the student shall be excluded from the course unless otherwise determined by the Board of Examiners, and the student's academic progression status will be 'excluded'. To demonstrate professionalism and respect for industry partners, students must abide by the professional standards set out in the ECU Student Charter and comply with the university policies and rules. School Professional Practice agreements dictate that the student will attend the placement on a full time basis and meet the attendance requirements of the particular placement. The student is to supply a medical certificate for any absences. Where absences exceed twenty per cent of the scheduled Professional Practice, progress in the Professional Practice will be determined by the relevant academic staff member after consultation with relevant (school/centre) personnel. Pre-service teachers can be withdrawn from the (school/centre) and the Professional Practice terminated at the request of the host school Principal/Centre Director. This termination will result in a Fail grade for this unit.


GS2 GRADING SCHEMA 2 Used for performance and/or practical based units

Students please note: The marks and grades received by students on assessments may be subject to further moderation. All marks and grades are to be considered provisional until endorsed by the relevant Board of Examiners.

Practicum ^Teaching Skills
Participation ^Professional Development (School based)

^ Mandatory to Pass

Core Reading(s)

  • Arthur, L., Beecher, B., Death, E., Dockett, S., & Farmer, S. (2017). Programming and planning in early childhood settings. (7th ed.). Australia: Thomson Australia.

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)

For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Access and Inclusion website.

Academic Misconduct

Edith Cowan University has firm rules governing academic misconduct and there are substantial penalties that can be applied to students who are found in breach of these rules. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • plagiarism;
  • unauthorised collaboration;
  • cheating in examinations;
  • theft of other students' work;

Additionally, any material submitted for assessment purposes must be work that has not been submitted previously, by any person, for any other unit at ECU or elsewhere.

The ECU rules and policies governing all academic activities, including misconduct, can be accessed through the ECU website.
