Unit Set Information

Sustainability Major

Effective from 01-JAN-2025 : Code MAAAKX

Sustainability is a broad discipline concerned with meeting present needs while preserving the ability of future generations to meet their needs. To meet this challenge society will need graduates, those with an awareness and understandings of disciplines from across environmental, social and economic domains. The environmental domain covers the water, air and soil and the biota that inhabit them, while the economic domain deals with the financial and managerial aspects of business and resource decisions. The social domain recognises that people are both the cause and solution to sustainability issues. Students will receive practical and theoretical guidance in a set of skills that are essential for solving problems: systems thinking, critical thinking, and decision-making, and will build personal attributes that will enable them to work in teams to generate new ideas, and new solutions. Studies will include an emphasis on field-based exercises and workplace learning.


This unit set information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester. In particular please check the unit and unit set offerings, as these differ according to course delivery location.

This Major can be studied in the following courses:

Mode of Delivery

On Campus at Joondalup

Unit Set Coordinator

Mrs Emily LETTE

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply broad discipline knowledge to range of practical situations linked to interdependencies between natural environments and sustainability; sustainability challenges and their drivers; and holistic systems thinking and complexity.
  2. Analyse experimental data from the perspective of environmental sustainability.
  3. Formulate hypotheses, design and undertake experiments to generate solutions to sustainability problems.
  4. Synthesise relevant information from multiple sources using digital technologies.
  5. Communicate sustainability issues with diverse groups in professional and public contexts.
  6. Incorporate diverse perspectives into scientific practice, applying a global outlook and including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural perspectives.
  7. Work collaboratively with others, encompassing social, sustainable and ethical values into scientific practice.
  8. Apply own learning to professional practice.

Related Careers

Sustainability Officer, Sustainability Practitioner, Consultant, Environmental Officer, Policy Advisor, Planning Officer, Research Officer

Employment Opportunities

Sustainability and environment officers work for government, industry and the non-government sector, in areas such as environmental protection, conservation, natural heritage, land and water management, mining and industry.

Major Structure

Unit Code Unit Title Credit Points
SCI1001Introduction to Sustainability15
ACS2122Aboriginal Perspectives on the Environment15
HST1183Health, Society and Sustainability15
CSV1102Introduction to Social Analysis15
SCI3307Waste Management15
SCI2108Environmental Management and Sustainability15
SCM2104Geographical Information Systems15
SCM3203Environmental Impact Assessment15
SCI2371Sustainable Water15
MAN2610Managing for Sustainability15
ECF3603Environmental Economics15
SCI3453Sustainable Natural Resource Management15

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)

For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Access and Inclusion website.