These traditional ceremonial elements of graduations are well placed, as this is the milestone event that pays homage to a university student’s perseverance, dedication and the tremendous effort they have put into reaching this moment – s the launch of their future career.
A key element of these celebrations is the Student Graduate Speech, where we are treated to a personal perspective of a graduating student about their study journey.
This Student Graduate Speech struck such a chord in the essence of what it means to become a teacher that we will share it with you here in full, followed by our interview with that inspiring graduate.
"Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, distinguished guests, fellow graduates, families, and friends. It is an incredible honour to stand before you today as the graduate speaker on behalf of our cohort. As we gather to celebrate this milestone, I want to acknowledge the dedication, perseverance, and passion that have brought us all to this moment.
"Each graduate today has experienced their own unique journey to this stage—an individual path shaped by different obstacles, challenges, and triumphs. Some of us came straight from school, adding another four years to the twelve we had just completed. Others took a leap of faith, switching careers and juggling study with full-time work. And then there are those, like me, who balanced raising a family with the demands of full-time study, fuelled by equal parts ambition and coffee. No matter how we got here, we stand together today, united by a journey defined by resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to our dreams.
"Edith Cowan University has been more than just a place of learning; it has been a community that has shaped us into the educators we are becoming. The guidance from our lecturers, the friendships formed with our peers, and the invaluable experiences in classrooms have provided us with the foundation to step confidently into our teaching careers. Graduates, you have done the hard yards. You have attended lectures, endured the late hours furiously typing essays, reflections, and lesson plans. You have passed exams, survived LANTITE, and thrived during practicums. Now, it is time to put it all into practice. And with that, I want to offer you a small piece of advice.
"Last year, I was fortunate to be offered a teaching contract during our final semester. Navigating my way through my first teaching position while juggling full time study and raising a family was demanding, but it also gave me a glimpse into the reality of teaching—the challenges, the self-doubt, and the incredible rewards. Whether you have already stepped into your first classroom or are about to begin, know this: it is okay to ask for help. You will not know everything. And when you discover something, you do not know, you have discovered a question worth asking.
"There will be moments of doubt, when you feel like you aren’t doing enough or that you’re not the teacher you imagined you’d be. Some days, you’ll walk out of the classroom feeling defeated. And that’s okay. Because alongside those tough days, there will be moments that remind you exactly why you chose this path. Uncertainty goes hand in hand with growth. Give yourself time and space to find your feet, and soon, the small moments will remind you why you are here. That may be a note left on your desk that says, "Mrs. Martin, you are my sunshine and my rainbow." A student who raises their hand in the middle of a lesson, bursting with excitement, saying, "Mrs. Martin, you won’t believe this, but I just found a sticker in my mullet! And it's the one you gave me two days ago!". And then there will be the moment when a student, who once struggled to write a single sentence, hands you a two-page story because you gave them the tools to be successful.
"Hold onto these moments tightly. They are the proof that you are enough, just as you are. Not because of how many lesson plans you write or how perfectly your classroom is decorated, but because you show up, day after day, for the children who need you.
"Mrs. Hawke, Mrs. Sherwood, Mrs. Cain, Mrs. Byrnes, Mrs. Gwynne, Mrs. Borger, and Mrs. Wright. A list of names that mean nothing to you all. But to me, these are names that could never be forgotten—the names of my teachers. Their faces, their classrooms, their quirks and kindnesses are imprinted in my memory forever. Fellow graduates, one day, your name will be on someone’s list. You may only teach your students for a year, but you will stay with them for a lifetime. That is a privilege. More than that, it is a responsibility. We are not just educators; we are advocates. We will stand up for our students, believe in them when they don’t yet believe in themselves, and ensure that every child feels seen, valued, and capable. Because long after they leave our classrooms, they will remember not just what we taught them, but how we made them feel.
"Today marks the end of one journey and the beginning of another. We leave here not just as graduates but as future leaders in education, ready to make a difference. So, let's go forward with passion, and with the unwavering belief that we can change lives.
"To our families, friends, lecturers and mentors—thank you. Your support has been the foundation of our success. And to my fellow graduates—congratulations! We did it! Now, let’s go out there and shape the future—one student, one classroom, one moment at a time.
Thank you."
This Student Graduate Speech was made by South West School of Education graduate Alexis Martin. We asked Alexis to tell us more about her journey, here is what she had to say.
What made you choose to become a teacher?
"I was never the kid playing schools or dreaming to be a teacher growing up. I had two brothers and so most of the time I could be found kicking the footy on the oval at school or playing in the mud.
"It wasn't a career that I dreamed about but when I had my own kids, I was very involved with their schooling and sports. I often coached their soccer or footy teams, helped out when I could or would volunteer for parent help in the classroom or get involved with the P&C and was often told that I was good with the kids that I coached and it sparked an interest in education.
"I initially thought about going to do my education assistant certificate at TAFE. But knowing myself, I know that I like to be in the driver's seat and knew I would probably end up wanting to teach eventually, so I took the plunge and enrolled in teaching at ECU's South West Campus.
"Additionally, my youngest son had a difficult time learning to read. My eldest son learned with no problems but it didn't come as easy to my youngest, so I started looking into reasons why this might be the case. Which led me down the path of the science of reading and understanding how the brain learns to read. Once I went down this rabbit hole, I knew that was it for me. I had discovered this deep-rooted passion for teaching little kids to read."
What made you choose ECU?
"I knew ECU was a highly regarded university for education and there really wasn't another choice for me. I didn't apply to any other uni and only wanted to be at ECU. A big draw card as well for me was the location of their Bunbury campus, having never been to university before, I knew I wanted the mixture of being able to choose online and on-campus study.
"Having both of these options has been such a positive experience for me as I was able to utilise the benefits of on campus study with the flexibility of doing some units online to fit in with my busy schedule."
You talk about everyone's differing obstacles, challenges, and triumphs - how has your study journey been impacted by 'balanced raising a family with the demands of full-time study'?
"As a Mum, your time isn't always your own. After a full day of work, I can't just come home and sit at my computer for four hours and survive on a piece of toast or two-minute noodles for dinner!
"After work, there is sport drop off and pickups, homework or projects to help with, ensuring there are clean uniforms and dentist appointments to get to. Somebody always needs something for the next day and not to mention being emotionally available to your kids when they've had a rough day.
"Quite often, once dinner was done, it was me at my computer until midnight working on assignments. During my second year prac, my kids all got influenza and then during my third year prac, we all got COVID and I had to defer two exams. It certainly hasn't been smooth sailing at all.
"My kids are a bit older now, I have three boys and they are 10, 12 and 15 and even though it is sometimes easier that they are older and more independent, the demands of parenthood just change as the landscape changes."

The enabling support of loved ones
"There have certainly been times when I have felt guilty about not being present for them and we have had our fair share of ups and downs over the last four years. Thankfully, I have an incredible husband who is my biggest supporter and has always been there, ready with a pep talk, a hug and an encouraging "I'm so proud of you". He was always quick to take the kids out for the day if he knew I needed a day to focus on an assignment. We have an equal partnership but there were times when he pulled his weight and part of mine and I just couldn't have done it without his support.
"Last year was particularly difficult, as I mentioned in my speech, I took a teaching job in my final semester. I was working three days a week while studying my final three units. My husband and I are also heavily involved in our kid’s footy club - he coaches and I manage as the vice-president, so two nights a week plus most of the day Saturday are dedicated to footy.
"Needless to say, we had a lot on our plate. After taking the job, the week before school starts, my Dida (grandfather in Croatian) passed away. Nine days later, my other Dida, on my mum's side, also passed away. I was an emotional wreck. I was trying to navigate this new teaching space, while grieving the loss of two very important people, so close to one another. I remember the weekend after my first week, I had been to Perth to say goodbye to my Dida Moore, and I was home on the Sunday trying to prep for the week ahead and I was just staring at my computer screen blankly.
"My husband could obviously tell I was not ok and said to come and sit on the couch with him. He gave me a cuddle and I just broke down in tears. I said to him, "I can't do this, I need to quit" and he just said to me "you can do this".
"I got through it and I had an amazing two terms with the class. Had it not been for him, I probably would have thrown the towel in. I think that is why I wanted to relay that message in my speech, because I get it. Sometimes you just need someone there spurring you on and telling you that you can do it and that you just need to take each day as it comes."
Friendships a highlight of the study journey
"I've made some great friendships, and probably people that I will be friends with for life. I’ve got friends from campus and friends from the online space, one of whom I now talk to weekly.
"My friend and I rang each other every day on our commute to our ATP and it was just so helpful having someone to share successes and vent to who was going through the same thing as you. The support from the people I had met during my studies was instrumental in getting me through the last four years. You need your people".
Fangirling over experts in the field
"Having been heavily interested in the science of reading and then eventually the science of learning, I have met some amazing people in that space over the past four years.
"Once upon a time, I used to fangirl over sports stars or musicians and actors, nowadays, I get excited to see and listen to people who are experts in their field.
"I chose special needs as my specialisation, knowing full well, each classroom has such a diverse range of children that I knew it was probably the best choice in order to become a highly effective classroom teacher.
"Through this I was able to learn from ECU School of Education’s Associate Professor Lorraine Hammond AM, who has been a huge influence on my teaching philosophy. She has been an incredible mentor and through her I have been able to meet and learn from people like Pamela Snow, Tanya Serry, Emily Hansford, Tom Bennet and ECU’s School of Education Brooke Wardana who was this year awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for her service to early childhood education. All of whom, I highly respect."
Looking towards the future
"For the moment, I'm doing relief teaching. I have felt like I've hit the ground and been running for the past four years and I just need to slow down a little bit, at least for this year.
"I want to be a bit more present with my kids this year and take the time to do some things I have put off while I've been studying. I was offered a few positions last year and it killed me to say no to them, but I had to stick to my instincts and plans for the year. While I am excited to have my own class again in the future, for the moment, I’m enjoying going to work, coming home and being completely present there.
"I do have my eye on some post grad study, particularly in the science of learning and intervention space.
"While I see myself as a classroom teacher for now, I am interested in exploring a response to intervention role at some point in my future. I am very passionate about high quality, evidenced based classroom instruction coupled with highly effective tier 2 and 3 intervention for children who require that support.
"I love seeing where education is going. There seems to be a shift and schools are moving more into a space that prioritises instruction supported by evidence in how our brains learn best. This is really exciting and definitely something I want to be a part of."