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How to figure out what course to study

It's OK if you don't know what you want to study. And the choice of uni courses can be a bit overwhelming. But here's a fun way to help you decide on courses, based on your career type.

Young white man with ginger hair looking confused Choosing a uni degree can be confusing.

When it comes to the world of work, everyone has a different idea about what their 'ideal' job looks like.

Some prefer a job where they can care for people. Others prefer work where they need to think creatively.

Let's be real. There's probably no 'ideal' job.

But that shouldn't stop you aiming to have a fulfilling career. Or even striving to create interesting work through your own business.

It starts with you

To find the kind of work that’s likely to bring you the most satisfaction, you should start by finding out who you are.

How would you describe yourself to a complete stranger? What kinds of things make you happy? What things get you excited?

The Analyser
The Healer

The Career Finder quiz

This 5-minute quiz asks you a series of questions about those things.

At the end, the quiz will tell you which of the eight different personality types you best fit.

It's not rocket science, but it's a step up from reading horoscopes!

Are you a healer or a helper? A builder or a creative? Maybe you're an analyser or a scientist?

When you get to this point, we'll suggest some courses for you to consider that would help you pursue a career that matches your persona type.

Ready to give it a go?

Start the quiz

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