Let's start with another question: Why do people feel stressed before an exam?
There’s no single answer, but here are a few.
- They know they haven't prepared well enough.
- They spent much of the night before cramming their heads with information.
- They haven't eaten properly beforehand (or eaten at all).
- They haven't slept their normal hours the day before.
- They kept studying right up until they walked into the room.
- They had to work out the exam room location at the last minute.
Can you see a pattern here?
It’s all about preparation. Not flying by the seat of your pants.
You might get away with that approach for assignments, but not for an exam.
It's also about keeping things as 'normal' as possible.
Yes, we know it's an important exam that could affect your overall ATAR (if that's what you're trying to achieve).
But try to think positively in the lead up to your exam.
"I can do this" works way better than "I'm going to fail."
And don't talk about the exam with classmates in the hours before.
If they happen to be brilliant students that makes it even worse!
Finally, try to put things into perspective.
It's not the END OF THE WORLD.
Remember that university entrance isn't all about ATARs.
There are other pathways to get into a degree if that's what you want.
Tips to help you prepare
At our university we like to help students with their exams, assignments, study techniques and so much more.
We even have a free counselling service if anyone needs it.
We like to see students up on that stage receiving their degrees!
Why not read our one-page Tip Sheet for more advice on staying calm both before and during exams?
Oh, and good luck in yours.