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The ECU Experience

Hear stories from graduates and current students about their experiences and explore highlighted courses, campus events and facilities, as well as our practical approaches to teaching.

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ECU Courses articles

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Student Stories articles

Jerry looks back to go forward with a career switch

"Don't think about the million reasons things will not work out. Think about the one reason it will." Wise words from Jerry Schweitzer, mature age student and career switcher who found his reason by recalling childhood memories.

A day in the uni life of Soumi the Cyber Hero

Soumita Kale is a cyber security student who never sits still. When she's not studying, she's volunteering to run workshops about coding for high school girls or explaining cyber safety to kids.

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Applied Learning articles

Campus Events articles

Guest Lecturers articles

Learning from legends

Choose a Graduate Diploma of Broadcasting at ECU and you'll not only learn from lecturers who are working journalists and broadcasters, you'll also hear from and connect with the best in the business.

World-class Facilities articles

Discover the state-of-the-art Library at ECU Joondalup

Looking for a university that offers fantastic facilities and soothing spaces to get in the study-zone, where you can receive support, and build your career profile while you study? Edith Cowan University's refurbished Joondalup Library has exactly what you need.

Graduate Feedback articles

ECU in top 100 of the world's young universities

Times Higher Education (THE) special global rankings for universities under 50 years of age place ECU in its top 100 for the quality of our teaching, research, citations, international outlook and industry income.