This course allows students to undertake core education units concurrently with units in their preferred areas of specialisation, graduating with the flexibility to take up employment in both private and government secondary schools. A key feature of the course is an emphasis on the use of Information Technology (IT) in learning and teaching. As well as gaining the professional knowledge needed to successfully incorporate IT into learning programs, teaching students develop their own IT skills, ensuring they are professionally prepared for teaching and have the confidence to promote student learning in new and innovative ways.
This course information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester. In particular please check the course requirements and the unit and unit set offerings, as these differ according to course delivery location.
Students are provided numerous opportunities to make the connection between theory and practice, through professional practice experiences. Partnerships between the University and a diverse range of secondary schools allow students to gain the experience they need to become successful and confident teachers. Commencing in the second year, practicum placements allow students to apply their knowledge of secondary education and build professional and generic employability skills in real classroom settings, culminating in a 10-week Assistant Teacher placement in the final year of the degree.
To undertake a Professional Practice in a school or childcare setting, all pre-service teacher education students over the age of 18 must have supplied ECU with evidence of the following two clearances: A valid National Police History Check from the Department of Education WA. A valid Working with Children Check from the Department for Child Protection and Family Support WA. Further information can be found at
The professional practice components of this course require a full-time commitment in schools during the scheduled practice periods.
Students on practicum must conduct themselves according to the standards in the Student Charter for ECU and the guidelines for Professional Practice.
The practicum units are designated as a fundamental course requirement and may only be attempted once unless otherwise determined by Board of Examiners. Failure to pass these units may result in exclusion from the course.
This course has been Accredited by: Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA).
Students will need to graduate to be eligible to register with the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA). Registration with the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA) is required to practice in the profession.
Graduates must meet the Teacher Registration Board of WA (TRBWA) literacy and numeracy proficiency requirements prior to graduation for teacher registration in Western Australia. Further information is available at
Academic standard for the following admission pathways:
All applicants are required to provide a personal statement. In addition to satisfying academic entry criteria, applicants for pre-service teacher education courses at Edith Cowan University must also satisfy non-academic criteria. At Edith Cowan University, applicants' non-academic capabilities will be judged based on the submission of a 500 word personal statement. In this statement applicants will outline why they wish to become a teacher. One or more of the majors in this course has admission requirements. Refer to the major for more information.
Students must attain an Academic IELTS with an average level of 7.5 or more, across the four components of listening, speaking, reading and writing; no score below level 7.0 in any of these components; and, a score of 8.0 or more in the components of speaking and listening.
If secondary education and degree studies were completed within a period of 2 years before applying for registration in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK or the USA, applicants do not need to provide proof of English competency.
Applicants who have completed their secondary education in South Africa in English or have an undergraduate degree taught in English from a South African University are deemed to have met English language requirements.
Applicants from the Seychelles:
Students may be required to attend both campuses depending on their selected major and minor combination.
Students must complete the above two units LIT1200 (Personal Literacy) and NUM1200 (Personal Numeracy) to satisfy the requirements of the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students (LANTITE). All students who enrol in an accredited pre-service teacher education course (undergraduate and graduate) from 1 January 2017 will have to successfully complete tests about their personal levels of literacy and numeracy to graduate.
Students are required to complete 10 Core units, 10 Major Content units, 4 Minor Content units, 2 Major Curriculum units and 2 Minor Curriculum units. Students are also required to complete 3 Practicum units. Note: Content units educate students in the subject area and are units offered outside the School of Education (with some exceptions), while Curriculum units explain how to teach the subject area to others and are units offered within the School of Education.
Unit Code | Unit Title | Credit Points |
EDU1009 | Communication Skills for Teaching and Learning | 15 |
Unit from Major | Content unit | 15 |
Unit from Major | Content unit | 15 |
Unit from Minor | Content unit | 15 |
Unit Code | Unit Title | Credit Points |
EDU1010 | Becoming a Teacher | 15 |
Unit from Major | Content unit | 15 |
Unit from Major | Content unit | 15 |
Unit from Minor | Content unit | 15 |
Unit Code | Unit Title | Credit Points |
EDU2110 * | Teaching, Learning and Assessment | 15 |
Unit from Major | Curriculum unit | 15 |
Unit from Major | Content unit | 15 |
Unit from Major | Content unit | 15 |
Unit Code | Unit Title | Credit Points |
EDU2231 | Creating Positive Learning Environments | 15 |
Unit from Major | Curriculum unit | 15 |
PPA2211 # | First Professional Practice | 15 |
Unit from Major | Content unit | 15 |
Unit Code | Unit Title | Credit Points |
Unit from Minor | Curriculum unit | 15 |
Unit from Major | Content unit | 15 |
Unit from Major | Content unit | 15 |
Unit from Minor | Content unit | 15 |
Unit Code | Unit Title | Credit Points |
Unit from Minor | Curriculum unit | 15 |
CUR3211 | Integrating Curriculum with Practice | 15 |
PPA3211 # | Second Professional Practice | 15 |
EDF3101 | Working with Indigenous Australian Children, Youth and their Families | 15 |
Unit Code | Unit Title | Credit Points |
EDU4120 | Literacy in Teaching and Learning | 15 |
PPA4211 # | Assistant Teacher Program | 45 |
Unit Code | Unit Title | Credit Points |
EDU3104 | Diversity in the Secondary Classroom | 15 |
Unit from Minor | Content unit | 15 |
CUR4210 | Curriculum Enrichment for the Major Secondary Specialisation | 15 |
CUR4212 | ICT-Enhanced Curriculum | 15 |
Note: EDU4120 and EDF3101 are offered in different semesters, depending on the which campus the student is completing their specialisations. It is essential that students enrol in these units in the correct semester and on the correct campus. Note: There may be slight differences in the above basic course structure, depending on the specialisations selected. Students are required to consult with their Course Coordinator or Unit Set Coordinator regarding their study program.
# Designated Unit - a Unit or Unit of Competency which a School has designated as a fundamental course requirement and may only be attempted once unless otherwise determined by Board of Examiners.
* Students will be assessed to see if they have achieved the ECU minimum standard of English language proficiency in this unit. Students who don't meet the minimum standard will be provided with appropriate English language support and development.
For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Access and Inclusion website.