Unit Set Information

Home Economics Education Major

Effective from 01-JAN-2018 : Code MABUTN

This major prepares students to take on the challenges of teaching home economics in a range of subject areas across Years 7 to 12. Students receive specialised instruction in both the theory and practical components relating to hospitality and food science, family and community studies, and textiles.


This unit set information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester. In particular please check the unit and unit set offerings, as these differ according to course delivery location.

This Major can be studied in the following courses:

Mode of Delivery

On Campus at Joondalup

Learning Outcomes

  1. Adapt knowledge and skills in diverse contexts to create positive learning environments in home economics.
  2. Communicate knowledge and ideas clearly in both written and oral formats.
  3. Critically reflect using accredited standards, mentor feedback and the ECA Code of Ethics to demonstrate responsibility and accountability and plan for continued collaborative and autonomous professional learning and development.
  4. Demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge of home economics education and the Australian curriculum and teaching strategies for home economics teaching in secondary education.
  5. Demonstrate leadership, exercise professional judgement and collaborate to plan, problem solve and make decisions in home economics.
  6. Exercise critical thinking and judgement to plan and implement home economics programs for a range of students with diverse abilities and needs, and assess the outcomes.
  7. Review analyse and synthesise knowledge of teaching strategies to plan for the content of home economics teaching.

Related Careers

Secondary Home Economics Teacher

Employment Opportunities

Graduates will be eligible to seek employment in both government and non-government secondary schools teaching Home Economics.

Major Structure

Students are required to complete 10 Content units and 2 Curriculum units. Content units educate students in the subject area and the Curriculum units explain how to teach the subject area to others.

Content Units
Unit Code Unit Title Credit Points
CHN1101Ecology of Children and Families 115
NUT1121Human Nutrition15
CSC1175Textiles and Clothing 115
NUT1111Food and Nutrients15
FAS1103Inquiry for Textiles15
HEE2113Food Knowledge and Appreciation15
HOS2500Food Service Management15
CSC3275Textiles and Clothing 215
NUT2210Nutrition in the Life Cycle15
CUR4210Curriculum Enrichment for the Major Secondary Specialisation15
Curriculum Units
Unit Code Unit Title Credit Points
HEE2312Home Economics Curriculum 115
HEE2313Home Economics Curriculum 215

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)

For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Access and Inclusion website.