Unit Set Information

Physics Minor

Effective from 01-JAN-2025 : Code MIAAKM

Physics is the fundamental science of matter and how that matter interacts. It is concerned with understanding the workings of the physical world and plays a pivotal role in engineering and technology. It includes the study of mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, astronomy, quantum mechanics and relativity. This minor provides students with an introduction to some of the core areas of physics. Students can choose from a list of units to suit their specific interests and physics background.


This unit set information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester. In particular please check the unit and unit set offerings, as these differ according to course delivery location.

This Minor can be studied in the following courses:

Mode of Delivery

On Campus at Joondalup

Unit Set Coordinator

A/Prof Steven HINCKLEY

Minor Structure

Students who have passed ATAR Physics or equivalent should complete the following units:

Unit Code Unit Title Credit Points
SCP1111Physics of Motion15
SCP1112Waves and Electricity15
SCP2343Intermediate Physics15
Plus 1 unit from:
SCI2123 ^Astronomy15
SCP3318 ^Advanced Physics15
Students without ATAR Physics or equivalent should complete the following units:
SCP1132Introduction to Physics15
SCP1111Physics of Motion15
SCP1112Waves and Electricity15
Plus 1 unit from:
SCI2123 ^Astronomy15
SCP2343 ^Intermediate Physics15

^ Core Option

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)

For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Access and Inclusion website.