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The Be a Better Human initiative was created by a group of students from the ground up, to reflect their campus culture and what they think everyone needs to appreciate – consent, respect and empathy. Here at ECU we couldn't agree more!

The campaign is called Be a Better Human, because it's not just about what we shouldn't do; it's also about self-improvement for everyone. And when we say 'everyone', we really do mean everyone. We're encouraging everyone who is part of our campus community to take a moment and consider how we can 'better' our behaviour.

How do I report sexual assault or sexual harassment at ECU?

We encourage you to report any incident of sexual assault or sexual harassment that you experience or witness on ECU campuses or at any ECU activities. You can remain anonymous. You can also report on behalf of someone else.

What is an active bystander?

An active bystander is someone who, when noticing a situation that concerns them, does something about it - they are everyday superheroes. Being an every day super hero has never been easier. Find out what bystander intervention is, why its so important and how to do it effectively.

How do I assist others?

As a friend or active bystander, you might find yourself assisting a victim of sexual assault or harassment immediately after an incident occurred. It's important that you listen to them, let them know you understand what has happened and ask them how you might help.

What is consent?

Let's talk about consent!

Consent is required at any stage of being intimate with someone – asking for a dance, a date, to make out – and at any point in a relationship, whether you've just met or you've been going steady since the dawn of time.

Common myths about sexual assault and sexual harassment

There are many myths surrounding sexual assault and sexual harassment. These are often disguised as facts or are community held beliefs. It's time to bust some of the common myths!


If you're interested in being a better human too, please don't just stop here – there is more to see, hear, and do. Grab a copy of our booklet or other posters and join the discussion.

Let's figure out how we can all be better humans.

Thank you to the amazing team at Flinders University Student Association for their hard work and dedication in creating this campaign.

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