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Mentoring programs for women at ECU

Mentoring is the provision of support and guidance to students from more experienced individuals. Mentoring programs are popular and highly valued in the business world, and mentoring experience is often well-regarded by employers.

ECU offers a number of mentoring programs and initiatives to support female students, including:

ECU Peer Leadership Program

The ECU Peer Leadership Program is offered to all undergraduate students at ECU. The program links first-year students with more experienced students in their course or study area. Mentoring groups are led by these later-year students, who have volunteered and trained to be leaders.

SOAR Centre

Our SOAR Centre (Support – Opportunities – Advice – Resources) is a free service for Higher Degree by Research students (operated by the Graduate Research School) providing research skills training and career development support.

ECU Career Alumni Mentoring

ECU Career Alumni Mentoring is for current students wanting to connect with successful ECU Alumni. The Program provides opportunities for former ECU students to share their wealth of professional experience with current second, third or fourth year students, helping in the transition from university to paid employment. Mentors provide opportunities to explore career options, develop professional networks, increase employability and give students.

Pass Program

The Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) program is a free academic support program for students. PASS provides all students enrolled in the unit with a focused and active learning environment where students work together to better understand unit content. PASS sessions are led by a second or third year student who has successfully completed the unit with high marks. Sessions focus on integrating course content (what to learn) with critical thinking and study skills (how to learn).

JLP Mentoring Program

The award winning Joondalup Learning Precinct (JLP) mentoring program is a unique, internationally recognised program for staff, that connects mentors with mentees across four different institutions - ECU, City of Joondalup, North Metropolitan TAFE and the WA Police Academy.

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