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Security on campus

Your personal safety and security is our priority. That’s why we have a dedicated team of professional, highly trained security officers, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to assist and protect our students, visitors and staff.

ECU provides a number of ways to help keep our community safe. ECU provides a Safety and Security App (register first at, On campus security phones are available at most building entrances. For more information on phone locations, see our Campus maps web page.

If for any reason you are concerned for your personal safety while on campus, contact our security Security team immediately on 6304 3333 and provide us with the following information:

  • your name
  • exact location
  • phone number
  • your mode of travel and, if applicable, a vehicle description and location of your parked vehicle.

For information on other services provided by Security Services, see our Security on campus website.

Emergency contact

Campus Security

Telephone: 6304 3333, (or 3333 when dialling from an internal phone)

Emergency services (Fire, Police, Ambulance)

Telephone: 000

Police communications

Telephone: 131 444

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