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University Council

The University Council is the governing body which controls and manages the operation, affairs, concerns and property of the University, in accordance with the Corporate Governance Statement. The University Council and the senior management team work together to ensure that the University achieves its goals. ECU's Council establishes committees to assist it in meeting its responsibilities.

Academic Board

The Academic Board is a forum through which senior academics within the University can provide advice to Council on the University's core business of teaching, learning and research. Council works with the Academic Board to ensure that appropriate quality assurance processes are in place relating to academic programs and services, and that academic standards are maintained.

Role of the Chancellor

The Chancellor is elected by Council to facilitate its work and collegiality by effective and ethical means, providing a focal point to ensure the high standing of the University in the wider community. As part of this role, the Chancellor presides over Council meetings.

Role of the Vice-Chancellor

The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for the academic, administrative and other affairs of the University. As well as being the chief executive officer of the University, the Vice-Chancellor is also ECU's senior academic officer.

Role of the Deputy Chancellor

The Deputy Chancellor presides at meetings of Council in the absence of the Chancellor. The role of the Deputy Chancellor is to act for the Chancellor in the absence of that Officer and on other occasions support the Chancellor in all the Chancellor's roles.

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