ECU Careers and Employability team works closely with schools and employers to optimise employment outcomes. You may be seeking an intern or cadet, an undergraduate or postgraduate worker, a volunteer or you may want to raise the profile of your organisation.
Mentoring is the provision of support and guidance to students from more experienced individuals. Mentoring programs are popular and highly valued in the business world, and mentoring experience is often well-regarded by employers.
Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community, however doing volunteer work can offer you more than just the satisfaction of lending a helping hand to local organisations. Volunteering is a fantastic way to grow and build your employability skills while you are studying.
It's never too early to start thinking about your career! We encourage you to begin planning your career journey at the same time as you begin your journey with ECU. Our wide range of services can help you develop the skills you need to find employment and work experience while studying and can also assist you in planning your transition from university to working life.