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It's never too early to start thinking about your career! We encourage you to begin planning your career journey at the same time as you begin your journey with ECU.

Our wide range of services can help you develop the skills you need to find employment and work experience while studying, and can also assist you in planning your transition from university to working life.

By accessing our resources and services, you can prepare yourself to become a job ready graduate.

Depending on your individual needs, you may benefit from our broad suite of services, which include the following:


We offer a range of online resources through the ECU CareerHub.

CareerHub is your 'one-stop-shop' for career planning and job search resources and information.

You can access CareerHub from the 'see also' link on the right hand side of this page.

On CareerHub, you can:

  • view a range of online resources, such as career direction and planning tools, fact sheets, FAQs, and links to external organisations and resources
  • view information about and book in to attend workshops
  • visit an online jobs board
  • find information about on and off campus events, including employer visits and career expos
  • book an appointment with a career adviser

Many of our resources are also available in hard copy format, which you can browse and pick up from one of our offices any ECU campus.

Workshops and Events

Our qualified Career and Employability Advisers run regular workshops which can help you with the following skills:

  • résumé writing
  • networking
  • interview skills
  • self-awareness
  • addressing selection criteria

We also hold other events throughout the year, such as:

  • employer information sessions
  • on-campus career fairs
  • guest speaker presentations

You can find out more about these workshops and events, and register for them, by logging into CareerHub.

One to one appointments with our Career and Employability Advisers

Most students find that our resources and workshops are able to provide them with the career information they need. However, if after accessing these resources and attending our workshops you still require specialist advice, you can book a one-to-one appointment with one of our Career and Employability Advisers. This is a free, professional and confidential service.

You can book a one to one appointment with a Career and Employability Adviser at any of the ECU campuses. You also have the option of booking a phone appointment if you find it difficult to attend in person.

Our Career and Employability Advisers have a wide range of experience in many industries and have post-graduate qualifications, skills and experience in supporting people in all aspects of developing their careers. Career and Employability Advisers are located within your Student Hub.

Some of the issues that may be addressed in an appointment with a Career and Employability Adviser include:

  • course advice - when you're unsure the course you're studying is right for you, or need help choosing a course in line with your career goals
  • career development - to develop a year-by-year plan of career development activities so you become an 'job ready' graduate
  • career planning - when you're unsure what you can do with your degree
  • self-awareness - to gain an understanding of how your skills, interests, personal qualities and values relate to career planning
  • career coaching - to assist you to achieve your career goals
  • job application documents - résumé writing, cover letter and selection criteria assistance and job application forms
  • job searching skills - assist you in searching for employment and unlocking the hidden job market
  • referral to online career resources - listed on CareerHub such as information sheets on all areas of career planning, job search and employability skills

Please note that Career and Employability Advisers will happily assist you in coordinating your job application documents, however they will not write them for you.

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