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Kaynard Lane

Equity Projects Coordinator

Staff Member Details
Campus: Mount Lawley  


Kay is a disability activist, disabled artist, and Equity Projects Coordinator at Edith Cowan University (ECU), where they drive institution-wide disability-inclusive practices rooted in contemporary research, evidence, and lived experience, framed by a disability justice framework. Kay is a member of ECU’s Disability Ally Network Leadership Team, the Staff with Disability Network, and the Disability Access and Inclusion Sub-Committee (DAISC). As a systemic advocate, Kay is dedicated to the full inclusion of people with disability within society. They regularly facilitate community consultations on nationwide inclusion policies, including the Australian Autism Strategy, the NDIS Review, and the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of People with Disability.

They bring extensive experience in the youth, community services, and disability sectors to their advocacy work and serve as Co-Chair of the Pride with Disability Network, a peer support network for LGBTIQA+ people with disability in Perth. Additionally, they are a community organiser and administrator for the WA Autistic Adults group. They also administrate the "Ask Me I’m an AAC User" membership group, which supports allied health services, educators, and families with connecting directly with adults with lived experience of communication diversity to inform their practice through a lived experience lens.

Research Interests

Kay’s work centres on disability inclusion, empowerment, and social justice. They are passionate about fostering greater access and participation in higher education for disabled students, embedding inclusion in institutional practices, and creating opportunities for lived experience co-design. Kay’s advocacy spans peer support, intergenerational collaboration, and championing the rights of neurodivergent communities.

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