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ECU’s purpose is to transform lives and enrich society.

Our vision is to lead the sector in educational experience, research with impact, and make positive contributions to industry and communities.

One way we can achieve this is through strategic partnerships and corporate sponsorships.

Our Corporate Sponsorship Program aims to:

  • enhance the University’s brand image and reputation;
  • increase awareness of the University’s courses and research pursuits;
  • promote the achievements of university students, staff, alumni and researchers;
  • engage in a meaningful way with our key stakeholders; and
  • increase visitors to our campuses and showcase our facilities.

Sponsorship seekers

We value our partnerships and welcome proposals from organisations seeking sponsorship support. Funding is available as cash sponsorship, in-kind sponsorship or a combination of both.

How to apply

  1. Review the sponsorship application guidelines below to determine eligibility
  2. Submit sponsorship request and proposal via email to


  1. In most cases we require a minimum of four months’ notice prior to the event, activity or program being held.  Late applications risk not being considered.
  2. Ideally requests should be received before October to allow evaluation and inclusion in submission for funding as part of the University budget in the following year.

Please review our sponsorship guidelines below BEFORE submitting a proposal.

  • Supports ECU’s strategic goals
  • Aligns with ECU’s values (integrity, respect, rational inquiry, personal excellence and courage)
  • Promotes equality, diversity & social responsibility
  • Enhances the University’s brand and reputation
  • Related to one of our key focus areas (education, research, community engagement and student / staff opportunities)
  • Engages with key stakeholders (current students, future students, industry, employers, educational sector, professional bodies, local communities and government etc)
  • Increases awareness of ECU courses and / or research pursuits.

The range of activities that may be considered for corporate sponsorship can include, but are not limited to:

  • Industry awards and presentations that acknowledge excellence in relevant professional fields (e.g. teaching, nursing, arts, engineering, business etc)
  • Conferences held within WA that align with our course offerings and research
  • Promotional activities and events that provide positive exposure for the University and could potentially increase student enrolments to ECU
  • Support for activities and programs that promote and enhance learning, study and education in general.

The University is unlikely to support events, programs or activities that involve:

  • A conflict with ECU’s values
  • Benefitting an individual, person or family (ie those seeking support or raising money, community fund-raising events such as fetes or quiz nights)
  • Illegal activities, tobacco, gambling, alcohol, poor health choices, harm towards the environment, adult-related industries, racist organisations, political organisations or religious activities
  • Projects or events outside of Western Australia
  • Projects without specific objectives, activities, or measurable outcomes or that do not meet the sponsorship criteria
  • An organisation that has previously shown unsatisfactory management of sponsorship received or has presented unsatisfactory or incomplete reporting
  • High risk of damage to the University’s reputation based on activities from the sponsorship
  • Donations: the University has limited resources available for ad hoc requests and does not normally provide donations to groups or individuals who request cash.

For further information contact our Manager, Brand, Marketing and Creative Services at

Our key focus areas and some of our current sponsorships are listed below.


WA’s longest running and largest alcohol-free, all ages music festival held in Midland each year. Run by the City of Swan, Hyper is a unique program curated and completely organised by a team of young people who volunteer their time to receive mentorship. Known for its finger-on-the-pulse programming, inclusivity and community spirit.

West Australian Music (WAM) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation, and peak body for contemporary music in WA. They exist to elevate the value of WA music, be a leading voice of the sector, and cultivate an environment where WA artists, industry professionals and music-lovers can thrive. Hosts WA Music Month held in November each year along with its flagship events, WAMFest, WAMCon, WA Music Awards, Scarbs Beach Party and Snap Shot music photography exhibition.

An annual literature event of Arts Margaret River. Held in May each year, it is the biggest regional literary event in Western Australia and aims to foster a love of literature and the arts within the community. The festival brings an array of thought-provoking writers to the region including novelists, journalists, academics and established and emerging storytellers from WA, interstate and overseas.

An annual international film festival held in July. Over 120 international films presented at cinemas, galleries, cafes and bars across Perth. The Festival attracts 12,000 patrons and 50 national and international guests over 13 days.

Awards/Industry Engagement

Annual awards run by the Department of Health that recognise innovation and excellence in service delivery across nine project categories. Attended by the Minister for Health, Department of Health Director General and over 400 executives and employees across the system.

The Premier's Science Awards recognise and celebrate the outstanding scientific research and engagement taking place in Western Australia.

The WA Women’s Hall of Fame was first established in 2011 in recognition of the Centenary of International Women’s Day held annually on 8th March. One hundred women were inducted at the centenary, across a range of sectors and celebrating a diverse set of achievements. It’s purpose is to recognise and celebrate the achievements of Western Australian women past, present and future.

Annual awards that recognise 25 young people under the care of the Department of Communities, Child Protect and Family Support who have pursued their dreams through training and further education.

Annual awards run by Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia (YACWA) to recognise the achievements of young Western Australians aged 13 to 25 years who have made positive contributions to their local community. The awards also recognise youth groups and organisations who support the state’s youth.

Annual awards run by the Department of Health that recognise excellence in nursing and midwifery within Western Australia across several categories (for example leadership, regional and remote health and aboriginal health).

Annual Awards run by the Department of Education recognising teachers, leaders and support staff in Western Australian public schools.

Community Engagement

Family friendly outdoor cinema hosted at ECU’s Joondalup Campus during the summer months (November to April). Run by over 500 volunteers, Telethon Community Cinemas proudly donate all profits to kids charities through Telethon.

Annual charity fundraiser for the Cancer Council WA. Held at HBF Arena in Joondalup for a weekend in October.

The City of Joondalup invites local residents and the surrounding community to attend this annual concert. Top performers, accompanied by the West Australian Symphony Orchestra (WASO) entertain a crowd of around 8,000 at Joondalup Resort.

Education and Research

Auspire is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that works with individuals, schools and communities to promote, support and build capacity for social and cultural inclusion principles.

The Science and Engineering Challenge is a nationwide STEM outreach program which exposes Year 10 students to aspects of science and engineering which they would not usually see in their school environment.

A problem solving program for teams of primary and secondary school students across Australia. The program aims to enhance the potential of our youth by developing diverse skills, enterprise, time management, and the discipline to work collaboratively within a competitive environment. The program culminates in teams competing to complete challenges, with winners qualifying for national and international finals.

Leadership training conferences for student leaders in towns and cities across Australia and New Zealand. The conferences provide professional, practical, substantial and enjoyable leadership experiences for high school students.

Annual awards run by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority recognising top achieving year 12 students in Western Australia.


One of Western Australia’s two Australian Football teams, playing in the AFL league. This partnership sees ECU working closely with the club in areas such as coaching, performance analysis and player development. It also provides ECU students with opportunities for collaboration and industry placements.

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