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Information security

Digital and Campus Services provides resources and information to ECU staff and students to educate and enable them to protect their own personal information, and that of the University.

To assist the University to detect and respond to threats swiftly, we encourage staff, students and visitors to report any suspicious, unusual or threatening cyber activity.

Examples of reportable activity:

  • Abusive or threatening e-mails sent from, or received by, an ECU email account;
  • Suspicious behaviour by individuals, requesting personal details such as your username and password;
  • Changes to your accounts or information that you did not authorise or were not aware of; and
  • Unusual performance or activity of computer equipment.

If you experience any of the above, or any other activity that causes you concern or suspicion, please report these incidents to the IT Service Desk or telephone on +61 8 6304 6000 as a matter of urgency.

ECU staff and students can access further support and resources on the ECU staff SharePoint and student intranet pages.

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