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Professor Dan McAullay


Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5479
Campus: Mount Lawley  
Room: ML15.215  


Professor Dan McAullay is the Dean of Kurongkurl Katitjin and ECU's Director, Aboriginal Research.

Dan is a Registered Nurse (BSc) with APHRA and has postgraduate qualifications in Epidemiology and Primary Health Care at Master and Doctorate levels. He has considerable experience in Aboriginal health research, policy and practice. He has provided advice to several government departments and non – government organisations, including prominent research institutes and has sat on several groups providing advice to State and Commonwealth governments in the area of health and research.

He has a strong research track record, with his primary research areas of interest including maternal, infant and child health, primary health care and other health services research.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Australian National University, 2010.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Alenezi, EM., Veselinovic, T., Tao, KF., Altamimi, AA., Tran, TT., Herbert, H., Kuthubutheen, J., McAullay, D., Richmond, PC., Eikelboom, RH., Brennan-Jones, CG. (2024). Ear Portal: An Urban-Based Ear, Nose, And Throat, And Audiology Referral Telehealth Portal To Improve Access To Specialist Ear-Health Services For Children. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 30(10), 1581-1589.
  • Moodie, S., Jones, J., Chenhall, R., Williams, R., Garlett, C., Gibberd, A., O'Donnell, M., McAullay, D., McNamara, B., Eades, S. (2024). Intersectoral collaboration for supporting the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal families and children in out-of-home care: perspectives from Western Australian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations. Frontiers in Public Health, 12(2024), article number 1392208.
  • Robertson, F., Coall, D., McAullay, D. (2024). Speculation on the evolution of the Nyoongar hunter-gatherer family system. Hunter Gatherer Research, 7(3-4), 29 pages.

Journal Articles

  • Harrap, B., Gibberd, A., O'Donnell, M., Simons, K., Jones, J., Lima, F., McAullay, D., Falster, K., Banks, E., Eades, S. (2023). Cumulative incidence of child protection system contacts among a cohort of Western Australian Aboriginal children born 2000 to 2013. Child Abuse and Neglect, 143(TBD), article number 106297.
  • Jones, J., Durey, A., Strobel, N., McAuley, K., Edmond, K., Coffin, J., McAullay, D. (2023). Perspectives Of Health Service Providers In Delivering Best-Practice Care For Aboriginal Mothers And Their Babies During The Postnatal Period. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 23(1), article number 8.
  • Hirve, R., Adams, C., Kelly, CB., McAullay, D., Hurt, L., Edmond, KM., Strobel, N. (2023). Effect Of Early Childhood Development Interventions Delivered By Healthcare Providers To Improve Cognitive Outcomes In Children At 0-36 Months: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 108(4), 247-257.
  • Christensen, D., Gibberd, A., McNamara, B., Eades, S., Shepherd, C., Preen, DB., McAullay, D., Strobel, N. (2023). Hospital and emergency department discharge against medical advice in Western Australian Aboriginal children aged 0–4 years from 2002 to 2018: A cohort study. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 37(8), 691-703.
  • Budrikis, A., Parry, C., Adams, C., Gringart, E., Sim, M., McAullay, D., Strobel, N. (2023). Enabling social care services for older adults during periods of long-term social isolation: Service provider perspectives. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 42(2), 429-435.

Journal Articles

  • Adams, C., Gringart, E., McAullay, D., Sim, M., Scarfe, B., Budrikis, A., Strobel, N. (2022). Older adults access to mental health and social care services during COVID-19 restrictions in Western Australia. Australian Journal of Psychology, 74(1), article number 2139196.
  • Drinkwater, J., Davis, W., Turner, A., McAullay, D., Davis, T. (2022). Differences in retinopathy prevalence and progression between Anglo-Celt and Aboriginal Australians: the Fremantle Diabetes Study Phase II. Internal Medicine Journal, 52(4), 590-598.
  • Strobel, N., Adams, C., McAullay, D., Edmond, K. (2022). Mother's Own Milk Compared With Formula Milk for Feeding Preterm or Low Birth Weight Infants: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Pediatrics, 150(2022), 1-9.
  • Davis, W., Chakera, A., Gregg, E., McAullay, D., Davis, T. (2022). Temporal Trends in Renal Replacement Therapy in Community-Based People with or without Type 2 Diabetes: The Fremantle Diabetes Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(3), article number 695.
  • Blekkenhorst, L., Ride, K., Wallace, R., Eades, S., McAullay, D., Godrich, S. (2022). Healthy lifestyle initiatives for increasing fruit and vegetable intake among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples: a rapid review. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, 47(2), 115-123.
  • Scarfe, B., Adams, C., Gringart, E., McAullay, D., Sim, M., Strobel, N. (2022). Maintaining social and emotional wellbeing among older adults during periods of increased social isolation: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. Australian Journal of Psychology, 74(1), article number 2141584.


Journal Articles

  • Gubhaju, L., Williams, R., Jones, J., Hamer, D., Shepherd, C., McAullay, D., Eades, S., McNamara, B. (2020). “Cultural Security Is an On-Going Journey … ” Exploring Views from Staff Members on the Quality and Cultural Security of Services for Aboriginal Families in Western Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(22), Article number 8480.
  • McNamara, B., Jones, J., Shepherd, C., Gubhaju, L., Joshy, G., McAullay, D., Preen, D., Jorm, L., Eades, S. (2020). Identifying young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in linked administrative data: A comparison of methods. International Journal of Population Data Science, 5(1), article number 11.

Journal Articles

  • Mitchinson, C., Strobel, N., McAullay, D., McAuley, K., Bailie, R., Edmond, K. (2019). Anemia in disadvantaged children aged under five years; Quality of care in primary practice. BMC Pediatrics, 19(1), Article number 178.
  • Edmond, K., Tung, S., McAuley, K., Strobel, N., McAullay, D. (2019). Improving developmental care in primary practice for disadvantaged children. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 104(4), 372-380.
  • Edmond, K., Strobel, N., Adams, C., McAullay, D. (2019). Effect of early childhood development interventions implemented by primary care providers commencing in the neonatal period to improve cognitive outcomes in children aged 0-23 months: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews, 8(1), Article number 224.
  • Strobel, N., Bourke, J., Leonard, H., Richardson, A., Edmond, K., McAullay, D. (2019). Assessing the quality, efficiency and usefulness of the Western Australian population-based Intellectual Disability Exploring Answers (IDEA) surveillance system: A surveillance system evaluation. BMJ Open, 9(10), Article number e026003.
  • Robertson, F., Coall, D., McAullay, D., Nannup, A. (2019). Intergenerational influences of hunger and community violence on the Aboriginal people of Western Australia: A review. International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies, 12(2), 1-13.

Journal Articles

  • Edmond, K., McAuley, K., McAullay, D., Matthews, V., Strobel, N., Marriott, R., Bailie, R. (2018). Quality of social and emotional wellbeing services for families of young Indigenous children attending primary care centers; A cross sectional analysis. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), Article No. 100.
  • McAullay, D., McAuley, K., Bailie, R., Mathews, V., Jacoby, P., Gardner, K., Sibthorpe, B., Strobel, N., Edmond, K. (2018). Sustained participation in annual continuous quality improvement activities improves quality of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 54(2), 132-140.
  • Gardner, K., Sibthorpe, B., Chan, M., Sargent, G., Dowden, M., McAullay, D. (2018). Implementation of continuous quality improvement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care in Australia: A scoping systematic review. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), Article no. 541.
  • Strobel, N., McAuley, K., Matthews, V., Richardson, A., Agostino, J., Bailie, R., Edmond, K., McAullay, D. (2018). Understanding the structure and processes of primary health care for young indigenous children. Journal of Primary Health Care, 10(3), 267-278.
  • McNamara, B., Gubhaju, L., Jorm, L., Preen, D., Jones, J., Joshy, G., Shepherd, C., McAullay, D., Eades, S. (2018). Exploring factors impacting early childhood health among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities: protocol for a population-based cohort study using data linkage (the 'Defying the Odds' study). BMJ Open, 8(3), Article number e021236.
  • Sibthorpe, B., Gardner, K., Chan, M., Dowden, M., Sargent, G., McAullay, D. (2018). Impacts of continuous quality improvement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander primary health care in Australia: A scoping systematic review. Journal of Health, Organization and Management, 32(4), 545-571.

Journal Articles

  • Sibthorpe, B., Agostino, J., Coates , H., Weeks, S., Lehmann, D., Wood, M., Lannigan, F., McAullay, D. (2017). Indicators for continuous quality improvement for otitis media in primary health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 23(1), 1-9.
  • Strobel, N., Peter, S., McAuley, K., McAullay, D., Marriott, R., Edmond, K. (2017). Effect of socioeconomic disadvantage, remoteness and Indigenous status on hospital usage for Western Australian preterm infants under 12 months of age: a population-based data linkage study. BMJ Open, 7(1), article no. e013492.

Journal Articles

  • Durey, A., McAullay, D., Gibson, B., Slack-Smith, L. (2016). Oral Health in Young Australian Aboriginal Children: Qualitative Research on Parents’ Perspectives. JDR Clinical and Translational Research, 2(1), 38-47.
  • Sibthorpe, B., Gardner, K., McAullay, D. (2016). Furthering the quality agenda in Aboriginal community controlled health services: understanding the relationship between accreditation, continuous quality improvement and national key performance indicator reporting. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 22(4), 270-275.
  • McAullay, D., McAuley, K., Marriott, R., Pearson, G., Jacoby, P., Ferguson, C., Geelhoed, E., Coffin, J., Green, C., Sibosado, S., Henry, B., Doherty, D., Edmond, K. (2016). Improving access to primary care for Aboriginal babies in Western Australia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 17(1), Article Number 82.
  • Durey, A., McAullay, D., Gibson, B., Slack-Smith, L. (2016). Aboriginal Health Worker perceptions of oral health: A qualitative study in Perth, Western Australia. International Journal for Equity in Health, 15(1), Article No. 4.
  • Cresp, R., Clarke, K., McAuley, K., McAullay, D., Moylan, C., Sue, P., Gervase, C., Cook, A., Edmond, KM. (2016). Effectiveness of the Koorliny Moort out-of-hospital health care program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Western Australia. The Medical Journal of Australia, 204(5), 197.
  • McAuley, K., McAullay, D., Strobel, N., Marriot, R., Atkinson, D., Marley, J., Stanley, F., Edmond, K. (2016). Hospital utilisation in Indigenous and non-Indigenous infants under 12 months of age in Western Australia, prospective population based data linkage study. PLoS One, 11(4), e0154171.

Journal Articles

  • Davis, TM., Hunt, K., Bruce, DG., Starkstein, S., Skinner, T., McAullay, D., Davis, WA. (2015). Prevalence of depression and its associations with cardio-metabolic control in Aboriginal and Anglo-Celt patients with type 2 diabetes: The Fremantle Diabetes Study Phase II. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 107(3), 384-391.

Journal Articles

  • Christensen, D., Davis, G., Draper, G., Mitrou, F., McKeown, S., Lawrence, D., McAullay, D., Pearson, G., Rikkers, W., Zubrick, SR. (2014). Evidence for the use of an algorithm in resolving inconsistent and missing Indigenous status in administrative data collections. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 49(4), 423-443.
  • Brusse, C., Gardner, K., McAullay, D., Dowden, M. (2014). Social media and mobile apps for health promotion in Australian Indigenous populations: Scoping review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(12), Article no. e280.

Journal Articles

  • Davis, TM., Hunt, K., McAullay, D., Chubb, SA., Sillars, B., Bruce, DG., Davis, WA. (2012). Continuing disparities in cardiovascular risk factors and complications between Aboriginal and Anglo-Celt Australians with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care, 35(10), 2005-2011.
  • Lawrence, D., Christensen, D., Mitrou, F., Draper, G., Davis, G., McKeown, S., McAullay, D., Pearson, G., Zubrick, SR. (2012). Adjusting for under-identification of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander births in time series produced from birth records: Using record linkage of survey data and administrative data sources. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 12(2012), Article Number 90.

Journal Articles

  • Slack-Smith, LM., Read, AW., Colvin, LJ., Leonard, H., Kilpatrick, N., McAullay, D., Messer, LB. (2011). Total population investigation of dental hospitalizations in Indigenous children under five years in Western Australia using linked data. Australian Dental Journal, 56(4), 358-364.

Journal Articles

  • Eades, SJ., Read, AW., McAullay, D., McNamara, B., O'Dea, K., Stanley, F. (2010). Modern and traditional diets for Noongar infants. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 46(7-8), 398-403.
  • Boyle, T., Shepherd, CC., Pearson, G., Monterio, H., McAullay, D., Economo, K., Stewart, S. (2010). Awareness and impact of the ‘Bubblewrap’ advertising campaign among Aboriginal smokers in Western Australia. Tobacco Control, 19(1), 83-86.

Journal Articles

  • Eades, S., Read, AW., Stanley, FJ., Eades, F., McAullay, D., Williamson, A. (2008). Bibbulung Gnarneep (‘solid kid’): Causal pathways to poor birth outcomes in an urban Aboriginal birth cohort. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 44(6), 342-346.
  • Lehmann, D., Arumugaswamy, A., Elsbury, D., Finucane, J., Stokes, A., Monck, R., Jeffries-Stokes, C., McAullay, D., Coates, H., Stanley, FJ. (2008). The Kalgoorlie Otitis Media Research Project: rationale, methods, populations characteristics and ethical considerations. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 22(1), 60-71.

Journal Articles

  • Davis, T., McAullay, D., Davis, W., Bruce, D. (2007). Characteristics and outcome of type 2 diabetes in urban Aboriginal people: The Fremantle Diabetes Study. Internal Medicine Journal, 37(1), 59-63.

Journal Articles

  • Freemantle, CJ., Read, A., Deklerk, N., McAullay, D. (2006). Constructing a Mortality Profile of Western Australian Born Aboriginal Infants, Children and Young People Using Total Population Linked Data. Australasian Epidemiologist, 13(1), 1-6.
  • Freemantle, CJ., Read, AW., Deklerk, N., McAullay, D., Anderson, I., Stanley, FJ. (2006). Patterns, trends, and increasing disparities in mortality for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal infants born in Western Australia, 1980-2001: population database study. The Lancet, 367(9524), 1758-1766.

Journal Articles

  • Freemantle, CJ., Read, AW., Deklerk, N., Charles, AK., McAullay, D., Stanley, FJ. (2005). Interpretation of recent sudden infant death syndrome rates in Western Australia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 41(12), 669-670.

Journal Articles

  • McAullay, D., Sibthorpe, B., Knuiman, M. (2004). Evaluation of a new diabetes screening method at Derbarl Yerrigan Health Services. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 28(1), 43-46.

Journal Articles

  • Lehmann, D., Tennant, MT., Silva, DT., McAullay, D., Lannigan, F., Coates, H., Stanley, FJ. (2003). Benefits of swimming pools in two remote Aboriginal communities in Western Australia: intervention study. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 327(Issue 7412), 415-419.

Research Projects

  • Koorlangka Keniny: A Music Program to Improve the Health and Development of Aboriginal Children and Families, National Health and Medical Research Council, MRFF Preventive and Public Health Research Initiative - 2024 Maternal Health and Healthy Lifestyles Grant, 2025 ‑ 2029, $1,567,816.
  • Maawit Maladjin* Clinical Trial (*Maawit = young people, babies. Maladjin = growing, raising, developing) , Stan Perron Charitable Trust, Programs and Partnerships Grant, 2023 ‑ 2027, $539,530.
  • Improving HPV vaccination rates for Aboriginal young people through social media , National Health and Medical Research Council, Ideas Grants (2022), 2023 ‑ 2027, $974,709.
  • A primary care provider intervention to improve early child neurodevelopment in Urban Aboriginal children, National Health and Medical Research Council, Clinical trials and cohort studies, 2022 ‑ 2027, $2,992,864.
  • Pride Yarns: Development and Trial of an Inter-generational Intervention for Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQA+ Young Peoples' Wellbeing , National Health and Medical Research Council, MRFF Indigenous Health Research Fund, 2023 ‑ 2026, $624,242.
  • National First Nations Research Network - Maali Hub - EMCR Health Research Related Support Fund, National Health and Medical Research Council, 2020 National Network for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Researchers Grant, 2021 ‑ 2026, $855,897.
  • Taking a data driven approach to ensure equitable health service delivery in the East Metropolitan Health Service region , East Metropolitan Health Service, Aboriginal Health Research Grant 2022, 2023 ‑ 2025, $60,000.
  • Prevalence of hearing loss in Aboriginal children caused by otitis media from birth to 5 years of age and evidence of the effectiveness of health promotion programs: evidence to inform national policy, National Health and Medical Research Council, 2021 Hearing Health Evidence Based Support Services Grant, 2022 ‑ 2025.
  • Bringing family, community, culture and country to the centre of health care: culturally appropriate models for improving mental health and wellbeing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, National Health and Medical Research Council, MRFF Million Minds Mission, 2019 ‑ 2025.
  • Multifactorial, multidisciplinary nurse led Aboriginal dementia prevention through cardio-metabolic risk reduction, behaviour change and other strategies: a pragmatic RCT, National Health and Medical Research Council, Targeted Research Grant, 2018 ‑ 2024.
  • Birthing on Country - Connected to Country, Birthing on Country, On Country we Grow, Department of Health WA, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2024, $137,743.
  • An Evaluation of the Dandjoo Bidi-Ak Therapeutic Pilot Court , Department of Justice WA, WACSAR Criminal Justice Research Grant Fund, 2023 ‑ 2024, $26,521.
  • Social practices of oral health in Australian preschool children, Australian Research Council, Grant - Discovery Projects, 2021 ‑ 2024, $86,556.
  • Aboriginal child and adolescent improvement through Aboriginal leadership and collaborative research teams, National Health and Medical Research Council, Centres of Research Excellence, 2018 ‑ 2024, $143,742.
  • Restoring on-Country performance: song, language and south coast landscapes, Australian Research Council, Grant - Discovery Indigenous, 2020 ‑ 2023, $1,106,370.
  • Aboriginal Health, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Covid-19 Research Fund, 2020 ‑ 2023, $200,000.
  • Improving access to primary care for Aboriginal babies in Western Australia. The 'Stork' population based cluster randomised trial, National Health and Medical Research Council, Project Grants, 2020 ‑ 2022, $294,171.
  • Interventions to treat chronic suppurative otitis media: a network meta-analysis, The Kids Research Institute Australia, Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines & Infectious Diseases - 2020 Round 1 - Seed Funding & Scientist - Clinician Partnership Grant, 2021 ‑ 2022, $13,812.
  • Medical and Health Research Infrastructure Fund (MHRIF) 2021, Department of Health WA, Medical and Health Research Infrastructure, 2021 ‑ 2022, $14,849.
  • Investigating the experience of families using the Family Integrated Care Program for preterm infants in the NICU, Women and Infants Research Foundation, Grant, 2021, $40,365.
  • Medical and Health Research Infrastructure Fund 2019 (Round 23), Department of Health WA, Medical and Health Research Infrastructure, 2020 ‑ 2021, $23,581.
  • Improving hospital-based care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander preterm infants and their families, Women and Infants Research Foundation, Grant, 2021, $59,336.
  • National Network - Indigenous communities, Australian Universities Closing the Gap, National Health and Medical Research Council, Targeted Research Grant Seed Funding, 2020, $12,000.
  • Medical and Health Research Infrastructure Fund 2018 (Round 22), Department of Health WA, Medical and Health Research Infrastructure, 2019 ‑ 2020, $11,590.
  • Moort Project Phase 2: Windo ngop yinyoong bidi (Old blood, new veins), University of Western Australia, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence: Improving Health Services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children, 2018, $17,500.
  • Yinhawangka Community Survey, Yinhawangka Aboriginal Corporation, Tender, 2016 ‑ 2018, $311,614.
  • Wyalkatchem - the Nyoongar story, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher Grant - 2016, 2016 ‑ 2017, $30,000.
  • Reform Rationalisation Reinvestment Project, Department of Aboriginal Affairs WA, Grant, 2015 ‑ 2016, $120,000.
  • Proposed Bellberry Research Fellowship Funding, Bellberry Limited, Scholarship, 2011 ‑ 2013, $100,000.
  • Evaluation of the Performance of the Indigenous Hip Hop Program, beyondblue, Grant, 2009 ‑ 2010, $44,871.

Research Student Supervision

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Role of Local Government in supporting historical Truth Telling projects: An Aboriginal Perspective.

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, How can culture inform brain injury rehabilitation services? Centring First Nations perspectives in achieving systematic change in the planning and delivery of rehabilitation and support after stroke
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Evolution of the Human Family
No data available
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