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Alumni and other borrowers


If you're an ECU graduate see the Alumni Advantage web page to become an alumni borrower.

Once you become an Alumni member you can borrow from the library.

Alumni Advantage members can gain access to the ProQuest Central suite of databases - access these through Alumni ProQuest Login.

For details on borrowing as alumni visit the Alumni and Other Borrowers Library Guide.


Members of the community are welcome to become a borrower at ECU Library.

For details on borrowing as a community member visit the Alumni and Other Borrowers Library Guide.

Students and staff from other universities and TAFE colleges

ECU Library is a member of University Libraries of Australia and New Zealand (ULANZ).

Students and staff from member universities can apply to become Reciprocal Borrowers.

Guidelines for reciprocal borrowing are outlined in the Alumni and Other Borrowers Library Guide.

What can you borrow?

For information on resources you can borrow, the borrowing period, renewals and penalties, please see the Borrowing items web page.

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