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Most of our workshops and guidance at ECU relate to APA 7th style referencing. This is the most common referencing style in use at ECU, but not the only one. Please check with your unit coordinator to ensure you know which style to use.

Library staff are here to:

  • help develop your referencing skills
  • explain referencing principles
  • guide you to correct referencing information and examples

Referencing Library Guide

The Referencing Library Guide provides information on referencing at ECU.

Most units taught at ECU will require the use of the American Psychological Association (APA) style of referencing.

The guide contains information about referencing as well as examples of in-text citations, the reference list and various reference types in APA Style.

The Referencing guide also contains links to a brief printable Quick Guide to APA Referencing and the Academic Writer database.

See the FAQ How can I contact a Librarian to find out how to book an appointment for referencing help.

Academic Writer

Academic Writer is produced by the American Psychological Association.

It's a comprehensive and authoritative online resource designed to assist with referencing, academic writing and publishing in APA Style.

Access videos, guides, quizzes, a searchable collection of sample references and online tools and templates.

Academic Integrity

Referencing is a requirement in all your academic work.

It's a formal way to let your readers know exactly where you found your information and acknowledges other authors’ words and ideas that you have used in your own work.

Failure to reference can be considered plagiarism, which is a serious offence and is considered academic misconduct.

As a student you're responsible for acting with academic integrity, and there's further information about this on the Student Intranet.

Referencing workshops

Referencing drop-in sessions and workshops will run until the end of semester.

Law students

Most LAW coded units require adherence to the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC) referencing style.

The AGLC covers legal materials including cases, legislation, journal articles, books, parliamentary debates (Hansard), legal encyclopaedias, loose leaf services, working papers, treaties, United Nations materials, and more.

The citation of hard copy and online sources is addressed.

For information about how to set up the AGLC4 legal output style in EndNote, visit the Referencing Output Styles page in the EndNote Library Guide.


Visit the EndNote page for resources and information on how to use EndNote, and for the EndNote download link.

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