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One-week loan laptops have been added to Library Collections

Friday, 28 July 2023


There has been a high demand for loan laptops from ECU students this semester.

We love loaning laptops and have considered how we can improve the service given there has been a growing waitlist, particularly at the Joondalup Campus.

Our current loan laptops are issued for up to four weeks.

We have introduced a new element to this service:

  • Short term loan laptops. These can be borrowed for up to one week.

This will be helpful for those who simply need access to a laptop for a very short period of time, for example to use for a single class or study session, if your own equipment has a fault, or to work on a particular assignment.

Short term loan laptops are now in circulation, ready for loan.

Borrowing a laptop

All the regular borrowing conditions apply. It’s important to understand your responsibilities as both a student and a Library borrower. The loan laptop service FAQ contains some information outlining your responsibilities, including:

  • a link to the borrowing conditions flyer
  • ECU’s Acceptable Use of Information Systems policy
  • a link to the Library’s borrowing items web page

Further information

For information about terms and conditions, and how to arrange a loan, visit the loan laptop service FAQ.


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