The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique identifier which identifies one specific version of a book or item.
An ISBN is assigned to each edition and variation of a book, for example, paperback and a hardcover edition of the same book will each have a different ISBN.
ECU Library Services Centre is responsible for assigning ISBNs to items published by ECU staff with ECU as the publisher.
A comprehensive list and information can be found on Thorpe-Bowker website.
Thorpe-Bowker is the sole distributor of ISBNs for Australia.
To request an ISBN, complete the online Request Form and submit.
When an ISBN is allocated it will be annotated on the form and the form returned to the requestor, usually within 2 working days.
If you are declaring copyright of the work and declaring that it is free from third party ownership, the copyright declaration section of the online form should be completed.
If the edited publication is a collection of conference papers or journal articles then the Transfer of Ownership section of the online form should be completed to prove permission has been sought from the authors.
Prepublication Data Service is a service provided by the National Library of Australia to create a catalogue record for a publication before it is published.
The entry includes information such as:
The main benefit of having a Prepublication Data Service comes from being included in the National Library of Australia database.
This information makes your publication searchable via internet search engines and library databases. Prepublication Data Service applications must include a valid Australian ISBN.
More information can be found on the National Library of Australia Prepublication Data Service frequently asked questions page.
An online Prepublication Data Service form is available on the National Library of Australia website.
The service is free and takes approximately 2 days.
PREMIER’S CIRCULAR No. 8/01 requires that:
“Copies of all publications produced by public sector agencies and statutory authorities are to be deposited with the State Library of Western Australia and the National Library of Australia”.
All items published are required to be deposited in the following public collections.
This is the responsibility of the requesting department.
One copy Legal Deposit, National Library of Australia, Canberra ACT 2600
One copy Legal Deposit, State Library of Western Australia, Perth Cultural Centre, 25 Francis Street, Perth WA 6000
One copy ECU Library Services Centre, Joondalup
One Copy Legal Deposit, Records & Archives Management Services, ECU Joondalup