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Business Continuity Management

Business continuity management is the system to prepare for, provide and maintain controls and capabilities for managing the University’s overall ability to continue to operate during a major or critical incident.

The business continuity process adopted by the University reflects the principles of international standard on business continuity, ISO22301:2019 Security and resilience – business continuity management systems.

Each School and Centre are required to maintain a Business Continuity Plan (BCP), which is owned by the Executive Dean or Centre Director.

The Enterprise Risk team are responsible for the coordination of School and Centre’s Business Impact Analysis and Business Continuity Plans.

For further information, see the Critical Incident and Business Continuity Management Guidelines and the Enterprise-wide Business Continuity Plan.

COVID-19 Contingency Planning

ECU has developed an Enterprise COVID-19 Contingency Plan which documents how ECU will quickly and safely respond to the impacts of COVID-19 and changes to WA State Government restrictions. The Enterprise Contingency Plan is intended to act as a guide and can be downloaded here. This is supported by local COVID-19 Contingency Plans for Schools and Centres.”

The School/Centre COVID-19 Contingency Plan is intended to document the key actions the School or Centre will take to prepare and respond to a range of COVID-19 scenarios and impacts, to enable continuity of service delivery. It supplements the School/Centre’s Business Continuity Plan which is aimed managing short to medium term disruptions to service delivery.

The purpose of the Contingency Plan is to document any requirements that are unique or specific to the School or Centre; applying the protocols contained in the COVID-19 Safety Plan and COVID-19 Teaching Delivery Plan in the School/Centre’s context.

Schools and Centres are encouraged to complete the Plan to support their continuity of teaching, research and operations.  For assistance in completing this plan, please contact

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