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Planning and performance monitoring


The ECU Strategic Plan, 2022-2026 – Towards the University of the Future, sets five strategic goals, building on our significant achievements of the last five years, and transitioning the University to achieve our vision for 2026.

Seven whole-of-University supporting plans (linked below) provide a bridge between the ECU Strategic Plan 2022-2026 and ECU’s annual operating plans. The supporting plans provide a coordinated approach to achieve a broad range of objectives for relevant Strategic Priorities from the Strategic Plan. Progress against each supporting plan will be reviewed annually, with adjustments incorporated where necessary.

Performance Monitoring

The Strategy and Performance Unit produces a range of reports on the performance of the University.  These reports are provided to ECU's senior executive,Council and various committees, as well as to a number of external bodies. The reports include:

  • Reports against Strategic Goals and the Key Performance Indicators
  • Reports on progress against functional plans and supporting plans
  • Compliance reporting and grant acquittals to government agencies
  • Submissions to international university ranking organisations

Pocket Statistics

Each year we publish a handy summary of key facts and figures about the University. The Pocket Statistics document contains information on our student numbers, staffing, student outcomes, research outputs and sources of revenue.


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