a) forward estimates and projected revenue
b) the annual budget
c) expenditure on electronic and physical infrastructure through the Asset Management Plan
d) external borrowings and debt management strategies
e) campus master planning issues, including the acquisition and disposal of land and the sustainable management of sites
f) establishment and oversight of controlled entities, consistent with the Voluntary Code of Best Practice for the Governance of Australian Universities
g) risk financing policy and strategy
h) investment policy and strategy
in each case, where applicable, considering relevant environmental, social and governance matters.
a) monitor the performance of the University’s controlled entities
b) approve formats for financial performance reports and monitor the University’s financial performance, including investments, at each meeting
c) in conjunction with the Quality, Audit and Risk Committee, review the annual financial statements and forward them to Council for approval
d) review and monitor the construction of major building projects and the implementation of major electronic infrastructure projects
e) monitor implementation of risk financing strategies
f) receive regular reports from the Edith Cowan University Foundation Board and monitor expenditure of the Discretionary Funds of the Foundation.
g) on behalf of Council receive and monitor reports from the ECU Student Guild (including, but not limited to the following):
i the audited balance sheet and annual statement of the Guild’s income and expenditure;
ii the budget of proposed income and expenditure for the calendar year;
iii a quarterly report on its financial position, including an unaudited balance sheet and statement of income and expenditure for the relevant quarter.
h) on behalf of Council approve the independent auditor for the Guild’s annual financial statements.
See downloads for more information on the membership and meeting schedule of the Resources Committee.
To inquire about access to agendas and minutes from the Resources Committee please contact the Committee Executive Officer below.
University Governance Adviser and
Resources Committee Executive Officer
Mrs Aisling Vennitti
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 2443
Email: a.ging@ecu.edu.au