Student and Public Complaints
In the first instance, a student with a complaint should seek to resolve the complaint by talking directly with the staff member who provided the product or services. If it is inappropriate or not possible to contact the person most directly involved, the student may contact the relevant Senior Officer in the area concerned, for example, the Associate Dean, Unit Coordinator or lecturer of the School, or Manager or Director in the Service Centre.
Other areas within the University which may be of assistance are the ECU Guild or telephone ECU Enquiry Line: 134 328 or submit an enquiry
Access and Inclusion team provides a free, confidential service for students with a disability and/or medical condition, either permanent or temporary, which may affect various aspects of life at ECU.
We do encourage you to raise your complaint in the first instance with the person concerned and attempt to resolve the complaint informally. This is appropriate where you feel comfortable with making a direct approach. If you require assistance in raising your complaint informally, you can contact the Senior Complaints, Compliance and Integrity Advisor.
Should an informal resolution not be achievable, you may need to lodge a formal complaint. A formal complaint should contain as much information as possible which may be of assistance when investigating the complaint.
Staff Complaints and Grievances
Within a community like ECU, comprising people with different life experiences, values, thoughts and ideas about how to do things, differences of opinion can arise. While we should all exercise tolerance of these differences, sometimes things happen that require some form of action. We encourage staff to resolve work-related concerns or disagreements at the local level and participate in processes with the aim of constructively discussing and working towards resolving any perceived or real work-related concern.
If you have a workplace concern you can seek further information and advice from:
We encourage staff to resolve work-related concerns or disagreements at the local level and participate in processes with the aim of constructively discussing and working towards resolving any perceived or real work-related concern. Concerns related to a work matter or the working environment should first be raised with your line manager so it can be addressed and resolved in a prompt manner.
Grievance procedures are prescribed within the Enterprise Agreement and supported by policy and guidelines. If a grievance relates to a matter involving allegations of inappropriate conduct, further policy or processes may be relevant as outlined below.