The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Regional Futures) – ECU South West Campus Office provides strategic management and key administrative support for professional and academic staff.
Professor Cobie Rudd, BHSc(N), MPH, PhD, GAICD, is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Regional Futures) and Vice-President at Edith Cowan University (ECU) with key responsibilities to promote and enhance the University's external regional relations across the State, through governance and advisory roles, industry and higher education sector partnerships. As part of this portfolio, Professor Rudd also heads up ECU South West, focusing on developing industry, regional and community collaborations to progress research and capacity-building, and curriculum relevant engagement and support for ECU South West, courses and students. Professor Rudd is the sponsor for ECUs’ Regional Plan, one of six whole-of-University supporting plans for the ECU Strategic Plan, 2022-2026, providing a bridge between the Strategic Plan and the operating plans of ECU’s schools and services centres, and the South West campus.
Professor Rudd also leads ECU’s Athena SWAN initiative, a gender equity and diversity evaluation and institutional accreditation process, and oversees professional accreditations for all ECU courses. Under her leadership, ECU achieved the Athena SWAN Bronze Institutional Award in December 2018 and she was welcomed as a CEO for Gender Equity in October 2021. Previously, she was ECU's Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Advancement), ECU's inaugural Chair in Mental Health, and one of five National Teaching Fellows appointed by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching in 2011; the first in simulation in health.
The Operations Team is responsible for project administration and the administrative support of academic and other staff on campus. The Operations Team also helps to promote a vibrant campus life by organising a variety of events throughout the year and supporting Sport and Recreational activities, ensuring a safe and positive experience for staff and students.
ECU South West
Edith Cowan University
Telephone: 134 328