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Staff Giving FAQs

How do I participate?

Complete a simple online Staff Giving Form

What are the tax implications?

You will receive an immediate tax benefit as the donation is made from your pre-tax salary.

How will this affect my tax return?

You will not be able to claim the donation as tax deduction in your tax return as you will have already received the tax benefit via the salary sacrifice agreement.

Can I donate anonymously?

Yes, but you will need to notify the Office of Development and Alumni Relations of this wish.

Can I make a one-off donation?

Yes, you can choose to make a donation fortnightly from each pay round, or as one-off gift.

Can I direct my donations to other charitable organisations through Staff Giving?

No. While the University appreciates your generosity in supporting other charitable institutions, our Staff Giving Program has been designed specifically to support ECU students through our Inspiring Minds Scholarships Program.

Why should the University be fundraising? Isn't Education funded by the government?

It is becoming increasingly clear that governments can no longer pay all the costs for a university to be genuinely world-class. Therefore our future is going to become more reliant on our ability to find new funding sources. Growing our support from philanthropy will play a critical role in enhancing ECU's future.

For more information please contact, the Office of Development and Alumni Relations on 08 6304 2761 or email

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