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On your graduation day

This page is all about the big day. And it's all about timing. Please read this carefully!

On-stage procedure

Graduates are seated by award in the theatre. When it's time for the award presentations to begin, you'll be called on stage, row-by-row. Your name will be checked just prior to going on stage as part of checking that all graduates are in the correct order to receive their testamur.

Order of movement

  • When instructed, exit your row to the left.
  • Your name will be checked by a member of the Graduations team.
  • Move up the stairs and stand on the marked line on stage.
  • When your name is called, walk at a normal pace to the Chancellor in the centre of the stage.
  • Take your testamur with your left hand.
  • Smile for a photo with the person presenting it to you.
  • Continue across the stage in the same direction, descending the stairs at the other side and return to your seat.

If you can't attend

If you've registered to attend your ceremony, but find that you're no longer able to come along, please call us on (+61 8) 6304 2011 or email immediately so we can make alternative arrangements for you to receive your testamur.

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