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Langa, W., Kauli, J., Thomas, V. (2024). A Gendered Lens on Mediation and Market Governance: Experiences of Women Market Vendors in Papua New Guinea. Societies, 14(8), article number 155.
Witne, BD., Thomas, V., Kauli, J., Spurgeon, C. (2023). Kapori: researching local responses to sorcery accusation–related violence in Papua New Guinea through Indigenous storytelling. AlterNative: an international journal of indigenous peoples, 19(4), 814-823.
Kauli, J., Thomas, V. (2022). Contextualising gender policies: encouraging parity of participation through applied theatre. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 27(3), 386-402.
Thomas, V., Kauli, J., Fufurefa, E., Apa, A., Peter, U. (2021). Igat wei bilong lukautim mipela yet istap (We Can Look After Ourselves): Community-Based Organisations Responding to COVID-19 in Papua New Guinea. COVID in the Islands: A comparative perspective on the Caribbean and the Pacific (443-462). Springer.
Journal Articles
Mek, A., Kelly-Hanku, A., Eves, R., Thomas, V. (2021). Resource Extraction, Gender and the Sexual Economy in Hela Province, Papua New Guinea: “Everything has Changed”. Sexuality and Culture, 25(5), 1852-1870.
Molus, W., Thomas, V., Kauli, J., Buys, L. (2021). ‘I want to buy my own block of land’ Representation of urban settlement communities in Papua New Guinea. Pacific Journalism Review, 27(44958), 232-250.
Kauli, J., Thomas, V. (2020). When you kill the body, do you kill the spirit? Curating affectual performances addressing violence related to sorcery accusations in Papua New Guinea. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 25(3), 351-363.
Thomas, V., Kauli, J. (2020). Strengthening the voices of human rights defenders in the media: A case study on addressing sorcery accusation-related violence in Papua New Guinea. Pacific Journalism Review, 26(1), 86-104.
Eggins, J., Papoutsaki, E., Thomas, V. (2018). Engaging youth in community action research: A visual methods approach to HIV and AIDS awareness. Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development, 4(2), 48-66.
Thomas, V., Kauli, J., Borrey, A. (2018). Harnessing community-led innovations: the role of participatory media in addressing gender-based violence. Development in Practice, 28(3), 345-357.
Thomas, V., Eby, M. (2017). Media and Public Health Communication at the Grassroots: Village Cinemas and HIV Education in Papua New Guinea. Health Communication in the Changing Media Landscape (115-133). Palgrave Macmillan.
Journal Articles
Inamara, A., Thomas, V. (2017). Pacific climate change adaptation: The use of participatory media to promote indigenous knowledge. Pacific Journalism Review, 23(1), 113-132.
Thomas, V., Eggins, J., Papoutsaki, E. (2016). Relational Accountability in Indigenizing Visual Research for Participatory Communication. Sage Open, 6(1), TBD.
Eby, M., Thomas, V. (2016). Haus Piksa: The Informal Economy of Film Distribution in Papua New Guinea. Information Technologies and International Development, 12(4), 23-33.
Papoutsaki, E., Thomas, V., Horst, H., Tacchi, J., Noske-Turner, J., Eggins, J. (2016). A Review of the Pacific Media Landscape: A Baseline Study. Asia Pacific Media Educator, 26(2), 270-287.
Thomas, V., Papoutsaki, E., Gouda, H. (2016). Integrating ICTs in Communication Campaigns for Noncommunicable Diseases in the Pacific. Information Technologies and International Development, 12(4), 35-45.
Conference Publications
Niemöller, C., Metzger, D., Berkemeier, L., Zobel, B., Thomas, O., Thomas, V. (2016). Designing mhealth applications for developing countries. 24th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2016 (16 pages). Association for Information Systems.
Thomas, V. (2011). Yumi piksa - developing a community-responsive way of filmmaking in Melanesia. Pacific Journalism Review, 17(2), 27-49.
Research Projects
SHE Speaks: Intergenerational Wellbeing Through Self-Care , Department of Communities (WA), Grants for Women Program, 2025 ‑ 2026, $50,000.
SheSpeaks: Amplifying Women's Voices for Wellbeing, Department of Communities (WA), Grants for Women Program, 2024 ‑ 2025, $9,094.
Olgeta Samting Senis: Sharing experiences of the social impacts of Papua New Guinea’s Liquefied Natural Gas resource extraction. A photovoice project by people living in Tari Town, Hela Province, Papua New Guinea
Co-designing financial management capacities with community-based organisations in Papua New Guinea
Understanding Indigenous responses to sorcery accusation related violence: Peacebuilding by the Yuri people of Papua New Guinea
Buai: Music Identity of the Gunantuna people of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
Water is life: Using creative visual methods to facilitate community cultural engagement in water management in the Solomon Islands
The use of creative media to promote Indigenous measures of climate change adaptation
Associate Supervisor
Peace Journalism and Conflict Reporting Practices in Myanmar
The story of Aliko and Ambai: cinema and social change in Papua New Guinea
Embodied futures: Weaving futures thinking, applied theatre and community development in creative and participatory embodied practice
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