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Dr Catherine Archer

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 863045486
Mobile: 0438 872 728
Campus: Mount Lawley  
Room: ML6.112  

Catherine in a Senior Lecturer in the School of Arts and Humanities.

Current teaching

  • CMM6116 Methods of Enquiry
  • CMM5180 Public Relations Strategies
  • International examiner for LSPR Indonesia
  • Teaching into CPR6110.2 Communicating and Promoting Research


Dr Catherine Archer is a researcher and senior lecturer specialising in strategic communication at Edith Cowan University. Catherine’s current research interests include social media, particularly related to families, health, influencers and ethics. Catherine has published in academic journals and presented at many international conferences. Prior to working as an academic, Catherine had more than 15 years in industry, working in health services marketing management as well as public relations, communications and consulting.

Professional associations

  • 2019 - Public Relations Institute of Australia - awarded the honour of Fellow, previously Member.

Awards and recognition

  • 2019 - Elevated to Fellow, Public Relations Institute of Australia. National recognition for service to society, my profession, industry and academia.

University and National Teaching Awards

  • 2020 -  Murdoch University College Team Teaching Recognition Citation Award for COM101 Social Media, with Deborah Williams
  • 2013 -  Curtin University Teaching and Learning Award 2013 for ‘Programs that enhance learning’ with Katharina Wolf
  • 2007 -  Curtin Business School Teaching and Learning Award
  • 2007 -  Team Teacher of the Year Commendation

National and International Research Awards

2020 - Best paper award, Asia Pacific Public Relations Research and Education network Conference (voted by peers at conference) with co-author Kate Delmo for “Using Instagram Children to Elicit Stakeholder Trust: How PR has adapted to the selling power of ‘kidfluencers’”

Research areas and interests

  • Social media and its impact on individuals, organisations and society
  • Families’ use of social media
  • Social media influencers
  • The ethics and regulation of social media use
  • Environment Society and Governance (ESG) in communication
  • International and cross-cultural communication
  • Children, motherhood, and family studies
  • Equity and diversity


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Western Australia, 2017.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Archer, C. (2025). Coming of age with, in and on social media : A critique of how politicians are responding to children’s social media engagement. Journal of Children and Media, 19(1), 5 pages.

Journal Articles

  • Vlasich, E., Lee, D., Archer, C. (2023). Tourism as a transformative economic agent in regional Australia: a case study of operators' use of social media. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 15(1), 52-62.
  • Archer, C., Williams, D. (2023). #Parentlife: Key issues, benefits and advice for new parents using social media and mobile technology. International Journal of Birth and Parent Education, 10(4), 22-24.
  • Archer, C., Delmo, K. (2023). Play Is a Child’s Work (on Instagram): A Case Study of the Use of Children as Paid Social Media Influencers to Market Toys. M/C Journal, 26(2), x.


  • Lund, S., Dobson, M., Fitzgerald, K., Kelty, E., Archer, C., Wallace, R., Frantzich Gardiner, S., Harahap, D., McLeod, M., Quinton, S. (2023). The Valuing Children Initiative Survey 2023: Exploring Australian Adults' attitudes towards children for a better future. Perth, Australia. The Valuing Children Initiative.

Journal Articles

  • Archer, C., Sison, M., Gaddi, B., O'Mahony, L. (2022). Bodies of/at Work: How Women of Colour Experienced Their Workplaces and Have Been Expected to ‘Perform’ During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 43(6), 824-845.
  • Williams, D., Archer, C., O’mahony, L. (2022). Calm the farm or incite a riot? Animal activists and the news media: A public relations case study in agenda-setting and framing. Public Relations Inquiry, 11(3), 403-425.

Book Chapters

  • Archer, C., Leaver, T. (2021). Santa’s Little Helper and Star of Instagram, Elf on the Shelf: Gendered Labour, Normalising Surveillance and Digitising a Childhood Phenomenon. Young Children’s Rights in a Digital World (299-312). Springer.

Journal Articles

  • Archer, C., Wolf, K., Nalloor, J. (2021). Capitalising on chaos – exploring the impact and future of social media influencer engagement during the early stages of a global pandemic. Media International Australia, 178(1), 106-113.
  • Archer, C., Johnson, A., Williams Veazey, L. (2021). Removing the Mask: Trust, Privacy and Self-protection in Closed, Female-focused Facebook Groups. Australian Feminist Studies, 36(107), 26-42.

Book Chapters

  • Archer, C. (2019). Pre-schooler as brand extension: A tale of Pixie’s Bows and birthdays. Digitising Early Childhood (58-73). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Journal Articles

  • Archer, C. (2019). Social media influencers, post-feminism and neoliberalism: How mum bloggers’ ‘playbour’ is reshaping public relations. Public Relations Inquiry, 8(2), 149-166.
  • Archer, C. (2019). How influencer ‘mumpreneur’ bloggers and ‘everyday’ mums frame presenting their children online. Media International Australia, 170(1), 47-56.

Journal Articles

  • Archer, C., Kao, K. (2018). Mother, baby and Facebook makes three: does social media provide social support for new mothers?. Media International Australia, 168(1), 122-139.
  • Wolf, K., Archer, C. (2018). Public relations at the crossroads: The need to reclaim core public relations competencies in digital communication. Journal of Communication Management, 22(4), 494-509.

Journal Articles

  • Archer, C., Wolf, K., Kao, K. (2017). Engaged and/or enraged: the perils of ‘innovative’ digital engagement around health issues. Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal, 18(2017), 1-17.

Journal Articles

  • Pettigrew, S., Archer, C., Harrigan, P. (2016). A Thematic Analysis of Mothers’ Motivations for Blogging. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 20(5), 1025-1031.
  • Archer, C., Harrigan, P. (2016). Show me the money: How bloggers as stakeholders are challenging theories of relationship building in public relations. Media International Australia, 160(1), 67-77.

Research Student Supervision

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Return Serve: Exploring the dialogism of the Australian-China relationship in media coverage between 2020-2022
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Visual framing of female characters through the gaze of female key creatives; A comparative study between Australian and Egyptian drama series over ten years 2013-2023

Principal Supervisor

  • Australian National Populism on Twitter: A mixed method analysis of communication strategy, attitudes and socio-economic influences during the 2019 Australian Federal Election cycle and beyond

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Ditching the Plough: A social history of how Western Australian farmers started a revolution in their paddocks that gave us modern farming
  • Exploring social media use by local tourism providers in rural Western Australia
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