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Professor Lelia Green

Professor of Communications

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 6204
Mobile: 0417 096 464
Facsimile: +61 8 9370 6073
Campus: Mount Lawley  
Room: ML18.307  

Lelia is a Professor within the School of Arts and Humanities.


  • Master of Arts, The University of Western Australia, 2012.
  • Master of Education, Edith Cowan University, 2004.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Murdoch University, 1998.
  • Master of Arts (Distinct), Charles Sturt University, 1992.
  • Master of Arts, England, 1982.
  • Bachelor of Arts, England, 1979.

Research Outputs


  • Green, L., Haddon, L., Livingstone, S., O'Neill, B., Stevenson, K., Holloway, D. (2024). Digital Media Use in Early Childhood: Birth to Six. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc..

Journal Articles

  • Green, L., Ringrose, J., Dudek, D. (2024). Australian Teens Talk about Nudes and Dick Pics: It’s not Pornography to Them. M/C Journal, 27(4), Article number 3083.
  • Woodley, G., Cayley, G., Senior, I., See, H., Green, L. (2024). '[Do] I Have To Get It In Writing Or Something?' What Happens When Sexuality Education Is Conceptualised Through Consent?. Youth, 4(4), 1739-1756.
  • Le, V., Green, L. (2024). News frames for COVID-19 – A comparison of Australian (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) and Vietnamese (Tuoi Tre Online) online news services in two key weeks in 2020. Media International Australia, 191(1), 3-19.
  • Woodley, G., Green, L., Jacques, C. (2024). ‘Send Nudes?’: Teens’ perspectives of education around sexting, an argument for a balanced approach. Sexualities: studies in culture and society, 2024(Article in press), TBD.

Book Chapters

  • Stocco, F., Green, L. (2022). CHILDREN AND THE INTERNET OF TOYS. The Routledge International Handbook of Children, Adolescents, and Media, Second edition (162-170). Taylor & Francis Group.

Journal Articles

  • Green, L., Dudek, D., Cohen, L., Ólafsson, K., Staksrud, E., Jacques, C., Jaunzems, K. (2022). Tox and Detox: Are Teens' Smartphone Use and Non-Use Practices Fully Fungible?. M/C Journal, 25(2), n/a.
  • Dudek, D., Woodley, G., Green, L. (2022). ‘Own your narrative’: Teenagers as producers and consumers of porn in Netflix’s Sex Education. Information, Communication and Society, 25(4), 502-515.

Book Chapters

  • Jaunzems, K., Green, L., Leith, D. (2021). Virtual Reality Training for Workers in High-Risk Occupations. Tracing behind the image: An interdisciplinary exploration of visual literacy (150-160). Brill.
  • Green, L., Stevenson, K., Allmark, P. (2021). Disadvantaged Children’s Creative Visualisation of Possible Futures. Tracing behind the image: An interdisciplinary exploration of visual literacy (116-133). Brill.
  • Stevenson, K., Green, L., Holloway, D., Jaunzems, K. (2021). Screening language acquisition skills in a mediated childhood. Young children's rights in a digital world: Play, design and practice (93-108). Springer.
  • Green, L. (2021). Digital citizenship in domestic contexts. The Routledge Companion to Digital Media and Children (337-347). Routledge.

Book Chapters

  • Green, L., Lumby, C., McKee, A., Olafsson, K. (2020). National contexts for the risk of harm being done to children by access to online sexual content. Discourses of Anxiety over Childhood and Youth across Cultures (261-278). Palgrave MacMillan.

Journal Articles

  • Green, L., Le, V. (2020). The power of the individual voice: interrogating continuity at a time when the open communication of research is disrupted by unruly speakers and publics. Communication Research and Practice, 6(4), 284-297.
  • Zaman, B., Holloway, D., Green, L., Jaunzems, K., Vanwynsberghe, H. (2020). Opposing narratives about children’s digital media use: a critical discourse analysis of online public advice given to parents in Australia and Belgium. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources, 176(1), 120-137.
  • Jacques, C., Jaunzems, K., Al-Hameed, L., Green, L. (2020). Refugees’ Dreams of the Past, Projected into the Future. M/C Journal, 23(1), 4 p..
  • Green, L. (2020). Confident, capable and world changing: teenagers and digital citizenship. Communication Research and Practice, 6(1), 6-19.

Book Chapters

  • Green, L., Van Royen, K., Vermeulen, A. (2019). Narrative research methods, particularly focused upon digital technology use in everyday life. Narratives in research and interventions on cyberbullying among young people (47-60). Springer.
  • Stevenson, K., Jaunzems, K., Green, L., Holloway, D. (2019). Accounting for siblings in family-based research. Digitising Early Childhood (267-287). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Holloway, D., Haddon, L., Green, L., Stevenson, K. (2019). The parent-child-app learning assemblage: Scaffolding early childhood learning through app use in the family home. The Routledge International Handbook of Learning with Technology in Early Childhood (210-218). Routledge.
  • Stevenson, K., Green, L., Holloway, D., Jaunzems, K. (2019). Like Mother? Like Daughter? Unboxing an Etsy Childhood: At home with digital media. Digitising Early Childhood (212-225). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Green, L. (2019). Australia: Vegans, Vegetarians, and Australia. To eat or not to eat meat: How vegetarian dietary choices influence our social lives (39-48). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Green, L. (2019). "Judge me, or be there for me": How can narratives be used to encourage action and intervention by parents, schools, the police, policymakers, and other children?. Narratives in research and interventions on cyberbullying among young people (213-228). Springer.

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Ólafsson, K., Green, L., Staksrud, E. (2018). Is big brother more at risk than little sister? The sibling factor in online risk and opportunity. New Media and Society, 20(4), 1360-1379.
  • Pabian, S., Erreygers, S., Vandebosch, H., Van Royen, K., Dare, J., Costello, L., Green, L., Hawk, D., Cross, D. (2018). “Arguments online, but in school we always act normal”: The embeddedness of early adolescent negative peer interactions within the whole of their offline and online peer interactions. Children and Youth Services Review, 86(Feb 18), 1-13.

Book Chapters

  • Hope, C., Trainer, A., Green, L. (2017). Archiving Western Australian New Music Performance. Documenting Performance : The Context and Processes of Digital Curation and Archiving (215-226). Bloomsbury Publishing.

Journal Articles

  • Green, L., Stevenson, K. (2017). A 10-Year-Old’s Use of Creative Content to Construct an Alternative Future for Herself. M/C Journal, 20(1), 7p..
  • Green, L., Morrison, R., Ewing, A., Henkel, C. (2017). Ways of Depicting The Presentation of One’s Self as a Brand. M/C Journal, 20(4), pp 3.
  • Holloway, D., Green, L. (2017). Mediated memory making: The virtual family photograph album. Communications: the European journal of communication research, 42(3), 351-368.
  • Trainer, A., Hope, C., Green, L. (2017). What is New, Here? Locating an Art Form Within the Western Australian New Music Archive. Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, 66(3), 231-248.

Conference Publications

  • Jaunzems, K., Green, L., Holloway, D., Stevenson, K. (2017). Very Young Children Online: Media discourse and parental practice. Peer Reviewed Proceedings of 8th Annual Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand (PopCAANZ) (67-77). Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand.
  • Green, L., Holloway, D. (2017). Discursive constructions of the internet of toys. Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2017 - Communication Worlds: Access, Voice, Diversity, Engagement (18p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Stevenson, K., Green, L. (2017). Voicing a new life narrative: communicating the dynamics of change in a welfare–dependent family. Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2017 - Communication Worlds: Access, Voice, Diversity, Engagement (11p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Henkel, C., Michell, A., Green, L. (2017). The disrupted screen production sector reveals patterns of consistency. Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2017 - Communication Worlds: Access, Voice, Diversity, Engagement (13p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Jaunzems, K., Green, L., Leith, D., Teague, C. (2017). Ethnographic insights into safety communication for frontline workers.. Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2017 - Communication Worlds: Access, Voice, Diversity, Engagement (13p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.

Book Chapters

  • Ballico, C., Green, L. (2016). Perth: An examination of the one movement for music festival which was a three to five year plan, but stopped after two.. Culture, Creative Industries and Urban Regeneration (126-133). WQBook.

Journal Articles

Conference Publications

  • Donkin, A., Holloway, D., Green, L. (2016). Towards a participatory Netnography: collaborating with children in virtual worlds research. Platform: Journal of Media and Communication (5-16). University of Melbourne.
  • Green, L., Holloway, D. (2016). Communicative Ecologies and the Value of MyFireWatch to the Community of Kununurra. Culture, Technology, Communication. Common World, Different Futures 10th IFIP WG 13.8 International Conference. IFIP Advances in Communication Technology (110-130). Springer.

Book Chapters

  • Green, L. (2015). People Have to Find Their Own Way of Making a Living: The Sale of Food in an Informal Ha Noi Street Market. Informal Urban Street Markets: International Perspectives (17-27). Routledge.
  • Hope, C., Mackinney, L., Green, L., Travers, M., Mahoney, T. (2015). The Western Australian New Music Archive: Performing as remembering. Research, Records and Responsibility: ten years of PARADISEC (209-225). Sydney University Press.

Journal Articles

  • Holloway, D., Green, L., Stevenson, K. (2015). Digitods: Toddlers, Touch Screens and Australian Family Life. M/C Journal, 18(5), 5p..
  • Greensmith, G., Green, L. (2015). Reporting mass random shootings: The copycat effect?. Ethical Space: the international journal of communication ethics, 12(3/4), 73-80.

Conference Publications

  • Elund, J., Green, L., Guinery, C. (2015). Using collaborative review to deepen conceptual engagement?. Refereed proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association conference: Rethinking communication, space and identity (1-13). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Donkin, A., Holloway, D., Green, L. (2015). Towards an online ethnography of children's virtual worlds: A review of current literature and research methods. ANZCA Conference Proceedings 2015 (15p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Holloway, D., Holloway, D., Green, L. (2015). Geo-based technologies, tourists and bushfires in northern Australia. ANZCA Conference Proceedings 2015 (14p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Stevenson, K., Green, L., Haddon, L. (2015). Learning as it goes down the line: siblings and family networked in the acquisition of online skills. ANZCA Conference Proceedings 2015 (11p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Green, L., Hope, C., Stevenson, K., Mahoney, T. (2015). Archiving the new, now, for future users yet unknown. ANZCA Conference Proceedings 2015 (11p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Greensmith, G., Green, L. (2015). Rethinking the reporting of the mass random shooting – or is it an autogenic massacre?. Refereed proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association conference: Rethinking communication, space and identity (1-10). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.

Journal Articles

  • Green, L. (2014). Children’s digital literacies: a contested space. Fusion Journal, 2014(5), Online.
  • Teague, C., Quin, R., Green, L., Bahn, S. (2014). Transit officer training recommendations to improve safety in a high stress environment. International Journal of Training Research, 12(1), 16-28.
  • Green, L., Brady, D. (2014). Do Australian children trust their parents more than peers when seeking support for online activities?. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 28(1), 112-122.
  • Green, L. (2014). No taste for health: How tastes are being manipulated to favour foods that are not conducive to health and wellbeing. M/C Journal, 17(1), Online.
  • Green, L., Aly, A. (2014). Bastard immigrants: Asylum seekers who arrive by boat and the illegitimate fear of the other. M/C Journal, 17(5), 1.
  • Holloway, D., Green, L., Love, C. (2014). "It's all about the apps": Parental mediation of their pre-schoolers' digital lives. Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy, 153(November 2014), 148-156.

Conference Publications

  • Holloway, D., Green, L., Holloway, D. (2014). Politics of fire in northern savanna lands: Communication. Refereed Proceedings of the 2014 ANZCA Conference: The digital and the social: communication for inclusion and exchange (14p.). ANZCA.
  • Green, L., Holloway, D. (2014). Zero to eight: Very young children and the domestication of touch screen technologies in Australia. Refereed Proceedings of the 2014 ANZCA Conference: The digital and the social: communication for inclusion and exchange (10p.). ANZCA.
  • Green, L., Mahoney, T., Hope, C., Mackinney, L. (2014). Publishing an archive: A meta-narrative of (be)longing. Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference, 2014 (1-15). ANZCA.
  • Green, L., Holloway, D., Haddon, L. (2014). How do parents and peers negotiate troubling peer-based digital interactions?. Refereed Proceedings of the 2014 ANZCA Conference: The digital and the social: communication for inclusion and exchange (18p.). ANZCA.
  • Uridge, L., Green, L., Rodan, D., Cullen, T. (2014). A vulnerable community of heart patients re/constructs media stories about cardiovascular disease. Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference, 2014 (1). ANZCA.


  • Stald, G., Green, L., Barbovski, M., Haddon, L., Mascheroni, G., Ságvári, B., Scifo, B., Tsaliki, L. (2014). Online On The Mobile: Internet Use On Smartphones And Associated Risks Among Youth in Europe. London, England. EU Kids Online.

Book Chapters

  • Green, L., Brady, D. (2013). Young people online. A companion to new media dynamics (461-471). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
  • Holloway, D., Green, L. (2013). Using ethnography to understand everyday media practices in Australian family life. The international encyclopedia of media studies, Vol. 4: Audience and interpretation (1-22). Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Teague, C., Leith, D., Green, L. (2013). Symbolic interactionism in safety communication in the workplace. 40th Anniversary of Studies in Symbolic Interactionism (175-199). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Journal Articles

  • Green, L., Holloway, D., Holloway, D. (2013). Biological metaphor of 'natural history' for Internet use: The child-adult social maturation journey. Asia Pacific Media Educator, 23(2), 281-294.
  • Holloway, D., Green, L., Brady, D. (2013). FireWatch: Creative Responses to Bushfire Catastrophes. M/C Journal, 16(1), online.
  • Green, L., Nguyen, V. (2013). Cooking from life: The real recipe for street food in Ha Noi. M/C Journal, 16(3), online.
  • Witney, C., Green, L., Costello, L., Bradshaw, V. (2013). Creativity in an online community as a response to the chaos of a breast cancer diagnosis. M/C Journal, 16(1), 1-7.
  • Green, L. (2013). In their own words: Using interview materials when writing up qualitative research. Australian Journal of Communication, 40(3), 105-119.

Conference Publications

  • Holloway, D., Green, L. (2013). FireWatch: Community engagement and the communication of bushfire information. Proceedings of the Emerging Issues in Communication Research and Policy Conference, 2013 - Refereed Papers (127-136). News and Media Research Centre.
  • Green, L., Holloway, D., Haddon, L. (2013). It makes them streetwise. What parents and children tell themselves and each other about young people’s activities online. Proceedings of the Emerging Issues in Communication Research and Policy Conference, 2013 - Refereed Papers (60-69). University of Canberra.
  • Hope, C., Green, L., Mackinney, L., Mahoney, T. (2013). Harnessing the Arc Hive. Proceedings of the Emerging Issues in Communication Research and Policy Conference, 2013 - Refereed Papers (23-31). University of Canberra.
  • Holloway, D., Haimes, P., Green, L. (2013). Developing a user friendly FireWatch site: debunking sociotechnological assumptions about Internet users in remote communities. Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference 2013 (141-158). AST Management Pty Ltd.
  • Miller, M., Hearn, L., Fletcher, A., Green, L. (2013). Ngala Healthy You, Healthy Baby: a personalized online program to support healthy weight in pregnancy and early life. Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association conference: Global Networks-Global Divides: Bridging New and Traditional Communication Challenges (21p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Green, L., Holloway, D., Holloway, D. (2013). Towards a natural history of internet use? Working to overcome the implications for research of the child-adult divide. Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference Proceedings 2013 (1-10). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Hope, C., Green, L., Mahoney, T. (2013). The Western Australian New Music Archive: finding, accessing, remembering and performing a community of practice. Refereed Proceedings of the 2013 Australian and New Zealand Communication Association conference: Global Networks-Global Divides: Bridging New and Traditional Communication Challenges (18p). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Holloway, D., Green, L., Holloway, D. (2013). "Your neighbours are your friends": An investigation into microgeographical exchanges in the remote northwest of Australia between 1987-2012. Refereed Proceedings of the 2013 Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference: (11p). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Dare, J., Costello, L., Green, L. (2013). Nutritional narratives: Examining perspectives on plant based diets in the context of dominant western discourse. Refereed Proceedings of the 2013 Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference: Global Networks-Global Divides: Bridging New and Traditional Communication Challenges (13p). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Costello, L., Dare, J., Green, L. (2013). Sustaining online communities in the charitable health sector: how to keep a good thing going. Refereed Proceedings of the 2013 Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference: Global Networks-Global Divides: Bridging New and Traditional Communication Challenges (17 p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Holloway, D., Green, L., Brady, D. (2013). 0-8: Young children's Internet use. Refereed Proceedings of the 2013 Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference: (11p). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Green, L. (2013). Analysing data from innovative designs. London School of Economics and Political Science.


  • Green, L., Brady, D., Holloway, D., Staksrud, E., Olafsson, K. (2013). What bothers Australian kids online? Children comment on bullies, porn and violence. Australia. ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation.
  • Holloway, D., Green, L., Livingstone, S. (2013). Zero to eight: Young children and their internet use. London, UK. London School of Economics.
  • Barbovschi, M., Green, L., Vandoninck, S. (2013). Innovative approaches for investigating how children understand risk in new media: Dealing with methodological and ethical challenges. United Kingdom. London School of Economics.

Book Chapters

  • Rodan, D., Uridge, L., Green, L. (2012). Negotiating a new identity online and off-line: The HeartNET experience. New Media and Intercultural Communication: Identity, Community and Politics (139-154). Peter Lang Publishing.
  • Green, L., Kabir, N. (2012). Australian migrant children: ICT use and the construction of future lives. Migration, Diaspora and Information Technology in Global Societies (91-103). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Barnes, D., Fusco, D., Green, L. (2012). Developing a taste for coffee: Bangladesh, Nescafe, and Australian student photographers'. M/C Journal, 15(2), 1.
  • Bradshaw, V., Witney, C., Green, L., Costello, L. (2012). Embodying knowledge of breast cancer in a disembodied community?. M/C Journal, 15(4), online.
  • Green, L. (2012). Children's and young people's interests as recognised in the Convergence Review, 2012. Australian Journal of Communication, 39(3), 87-103.

Conference Publications

  • Witney, C., Green, L., Costello, L., Bradshaw, V. (2012). Building an online community in the context of an existing social network site. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication 2012 (CATAC) (270-283). Murdoch University.
  • Brady, D., Holloway, D., Green, L. (2012). Firewatch: Use of satellite imagery by remote communities in northern Australia for fire risk communications. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication (CATaC) 2012 (372-382). School of Information Technology, Murdoch University.
  • Green, L. (2012). Censoring, censuring or empowering? Young people and digital agency. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication (CATaC) 2012 (514-529). School of Information Technology, Murdoch University.
  • Green, L. (2012). Children's interests in the National Classification Scheme Review. Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Assocation (ANZCA) Conference: Communicating Change and Changing Communication in the 21st Century (17). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Costello, L., Green, L. (2012). Reflecting upon the challenges of building online community, or: "a techie's guide to the help dummies need'. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication (CATaC) 2012 (359-371). School of Information Technology, Murdoch University.
  • Costello, L., Witney, C., Green, L., Bradshaw, V. (2012). Self-revelation in an online health community: Exploring issues around co-presence for vulnerable members. Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Assocation (ANZCA) Conference: Communicating Change and Changing Communication in the 21st Century (12). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.


  • Smahel, D., Helsper, E., Green, L., Kalmus, V., Blinka, L., Olafsson, K. (2012). Excessive internet use among European children. London, UK.. London School of Economics.
  • Green, L., Olafsson, K., Brady, D., Smahel, D. (2012). Excessive internet use among Australian children. Summary report. Australia. ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation.

Book Chapters

  • Green, L., Aly, A. (2011). How Australian Muslims Construct Western Fear of the Muslim Other. Negotiating Identities Constructed Selves and Others (65-90). Rodopi.

Journal Articles

  • Green, L., Brady, D., Olafsson, K., Hartley, J., Lumby, C. (2011). Risks and safety for Australian children on the internet: Full findings from the AU Kids Online survey of 9-16 year olds and their parents. Cultural Science, 4(1), 1-73.
  • Dare, J., Green, L. (2011). Rethinking social support in women’s midlife years: Women’s experiences of social support in online environments. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 14(5), 473-490.
  • Holloway, D., Green, L., Holloway, D. (2011). The Intratourist Gaze: Grey Nomads and 'Other Tourists'. Tourist Studies: an international journal, 11(3), 235-252.

Conference Publications

  • Green, L., Hartley, J., Lumby, C., Brady, D. (2011). Australian children's experiences of parents' online mediation. Network Insight Institute.


  • Green, L. (2010). The internet: an introduction to new media. Berg New Media Series, 246. Berg Publishers.

Journal Articles

  • Hartley, J., Green, L., Lumby, C. (2010). Refused classification and the proposed Australian internet filter: An assault on the Open Society. Australian Journal of Communication, 37(3), 1-14.
  • Aly, A., Green, L. (2010). Fear, anxiety and the state of terror.. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 33(3), 268-281.
  • Castellino, D., Green, L. (2010). Media freedom in China as reflected in the development of the Sanlu milk scandal, 2008.. Australian Journal of Communication, 37(3), 87-102.
  • Teague, C., Green, L., Leith, D. (2010). An ambience of power? Challenges inherent in the role of the public transport transit officer.. M/C Journal, 13(2), 1.
  • Elund, J., Clayden, J., Green, L. (2010). Getting to know your avatar in Second Life.. Australian Journal of Communication, 37(2), 73-86.
  • Green, L., Costello, L., Dare, J. (2010). Veganism, health expectancy, and the communication of sustainability. Australian Journal of Communication, 37(3), 51-72.

Conference Publications

  • Devauld, C., Green, L. (2010). "Don't throw anything away!" Greenwashing in public relations.. Media Democracy and Change: Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communications Association Annual Conference (1-12). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Green, L. (2010). The planned, the surprising and the serendipitous: exploring the creative writing process. The strange bedfellows or perfect partners papers: Refereed Proceedings (9p.). Aust. Assoc. of Writing Programs.
  • Green, L. (2010). Internet savvy? Children and online risk. Record of CPRF Communications Policy and Research Forum 2010 (226-235). Network Insight Institute.
  • Rodan, D., Uridge, LK., Green, L. (2010). Using nicknames, psuedonyms and avatars on HeartNET: A snapshot of an online health support community.. Media Democracy and Change: Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communications Association Annual Conference (16p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • McQueen, T., Green, L. (2010). Obama's election campaign and the integrated use of social media.. Cultural attitudes towards technology and communication. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on cultural attitudes towards technology and communication (315-330). School of Information Technology, Murdoch University.
  • Teague, C., Green, L., Leith, D. (2010). Watching me, watching you: The use of CCTV to support safer workplaces for public transport transit officers.. Media Democracy and Change: Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communications Association Annual Conference (11p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Uridge, LK., Rodan, D., Green, L. (2010). Negotiating conflict and negativity in an online community for recovering heart patients.. Cultural attitudes towards technology and communication. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on cultural attitudes towards technology and communication (231-246). School of Information Technology, Murdoch University.

Book Chapters

  • Green, L., Bruns, A. (2009). .au Australia. Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2009-2010 (135-143). SAGE Publications.

Journal Articles

  • Green, L., Costello, L. (2009). Fractures between an online and offline community (and the ethical responses). International Journal of Web Based Communities, 5(3), 462-475.
  • Noble, J., Green, L. (2009). Synchronous Asynchronicity: The use of mobiles to pattern face to face encounters in chaotic environments. Australian Journal of Communication, 36(1), 1-10.

Conference Publications

  • Knight, M., Green, L. (2009). BitTorrents and Family Guy: teenage peer group interactions around a peer-to-peer Internet download community. Communication, Creativity and Global Citizenship: Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2009 (209-222). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Uridge, L., Green, L., Rodan, D. (2009). Enhancing wellness: HeartNET an online interactive community supporting people with cardiovascular disease. 2008 Vario Health Conference Physical and Mental Wellness Integrative Approaches to Health Conference Proceedings (145-150). Edith Cowan University.
  • Green, L. (2009). Minors online and their risks from cyber predators: Should we protect or empower?. The Good, The Bad and The Challenging: The user and the future of information and communication technologies. Conference Proceedings Volume 1 (283-299). ABS-Center.

Book Chapters

  • Green, L., Bruns, A. (2008). .au Australia. Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2007-2008 (92-101). SAGE Publications.

Journal Articles

  • Green, L. (2008). Is it meaningless to talk about 'the internet'?. Australian Journal of Communication, 35(3), 1-14.
  • Aly, A., Green, L. (2008). Moderate Islam': Defining the Good Citizen. M/C Journal, 10/11(6/1), 7p.
  • Green, L., Goode, S. (2008). The 'Hollywood' Treatment of Paedophilia: Comparing Some Cinematic and Australian Press Constructions of Paedophilia Between 2003 and 2006. Australian Journal of Communication, 35(2), 71-85.
  • Green, L., Bloustien, G., Balnaves, M. (2008). "We are next!" Listening to Jewish voices in a multicultural country. M/C Journal, 11(5), 1-19.
  • Green, L. (2008). The digital review of Asia-Pacific (2003-2006). Observatorio (OBS*), 2(1), 055-063.
  • Holloway, D., Green, L. (2008). Room to View: Family Television Use in the Australian Context. Television and New Media, 9(1), 47-61.
  • Aly, A., Green, L. (2008). Less Than Equal: Secularism, Religious Pluralism and Privilege. M/C Journal, 11(2), 14p.

Conference Publications

  • Green, L. (2008). Designing A National Innovation System To Allow The Creative Industries To Add Value. Creating value: Between commerce and commons conference papers (7). ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation.
  • Kabir, NA., Green, L. (2008). What The British Papers Said On The Second Anniversary Of The London Bombings. Power and Place: Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2008 (21). Massey University.
  • Green, L. (2008). Being Vegangelical and the Radical Sustenance of Culture. Online proceedings arising out of the 'Sustaining Culture' Conference held at The University of South Australia (12). The Cultural Studies Association of Australasia.
  • Green, L., Kabir, NA. (2008). What The British Papers Said On The First Anniversary Of The London Bombing. Communication, Civics, Industry : Proceedings of the ANZCA 2007 Annual Conference (10). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
  • Uridge, L., Rodan, D., Green, L. (2008). HeartNET: Moving Towards a Transformative Space?. Proceedings of the Transforming Information & Learning Conference (On Line). Edith Cowan University.

Journal Articles

  • Costello, L., Green, L. (2007). Finding a new kind of knowledge on the HeartNET website. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 24(s1), 67-76.
  • Green, L., Costello, L., McMahon, T. (2007). Adapting to a New Identity: Reconstructing the Self as a Heart Patient. M/C Journal, 10(2), 1-6.

Conference Publications

  • Costello, L., Green, L. (2007). Online Community -- The Near Death Experience -- Masks and Miscommunication. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference (79-87). IADIS Press.
  • Green, L. (2007). Recognising practice-led Research at Last. Hatched 07 (9-12). Perth Institute of Contempory Arts.
  • Green, L. (2007). Evaluating quality practice-led research: Still a moving target?. Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth, CADE - Computers in Art and Design Education Conference Proceedings (95-102). Curtin University of Technology.

Journal Articles

  • Costello, L., Green, L., Swanson, MG. (2006). Communication on a health-related website offering therapeutic support: Phase 1 of the HeartNET website. Australian Journal of Communication, 33(2), 89-107.
  • Green, L. (2006). Creative writing as practice-led research. Australian Journal of Communication, 33(2.3), 175-188.
  • Green, L. (2006). Understanding celebrity and the public sphere. Cultural Studies Review, 12(2), 215-225.
  • Green, L. (2006). Research outputs in the creative and performing arts: 'Australianising' an international debate. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources, 118(022006), 5-15.

Conference Publications

  • Green, L., Guinery, B. (2006). Play up! Play up! And play the game!. Electronic Proceedings: The UnAustralia Papers (17). School of Creative Communication, University of Canberra.
  • Green, L., Henley, N. (2006). Readying ourselves for an Avian Flu pandemic. Fifth International Conference on Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication 2006 (65-73). School of Information Technology, Murdoch University.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Green, L. (2006). A Price to Pay. Hidden Desires: Australian Women Writing. Ginninderra Press.

Book Chapters

  • Green, L., Lallana, E., Shafiee, M., Zahorom, N. (2005). Social, political and cultural aspects of ICT: E-governance, popular participation and international politics. Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2005/2006 (31-46). Charron, Claude-Yves.
  • Green, L. (2005). Australia. Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2005/2006 (67-73). Charron, Claude-Yves.

Journal Articles

  • Green, L. (2005). Why academic authorship can be an appropriate indicator of a potential novelist: A critical essay on an aspect of the writer's craft. Australian Journal of Communication, 32(1), 1-12.
  • Green, L. (2005). Reviewing the scourge of self-plagiarism. M/C Journal, 8(5), Online.
  • Green, L. (2005). Scanning the satellite signal in remote Western Australia. M/C Journal, 8(4), Online.
  • Costello, L., Green, L., Swanson, MG. (2005). Affect and an effective online therapeutic community. M/C Journal, 8(6), Online.

Book Chapters

  • Green, L., Holloway, D., Quin, R. (2004). @ home Australian family life and the internet. Virtual Nation The internet in Australia (88-101). UNSW Press.
  • Green, L. (2004). Television and the internet: Multimedia communications. Contemporary world television (49-53). British Film Institute.

Journal Articles

  • Holloway, D., Green, L., Quin, R. (2004). What porn? Children and the family internet. M - C Journal, 7(4), 1-5.
  • Green, L. (2004). Bordering on the Inconceivable: The Pacific solution, the migration zone, and 'Australia's 9/11'. Australian Journal of Communication, 31(1), 19-36.
  • Green, L., Holloway, D. (2004). The role of everyday life in confounding expectations in communication research. Australian Journal of Communication, 31(2), 167-184.
  • Green, L., Guinery, C. (2004). Harry Potter and the fan fiction phenomenon. M - C Journal, 7(5), 1-5.

Conference Publications

  • Seddon, J., Holloway, D., Green, L., Elliott, M. (2004). Capturing research participants online: bouncing off the net. Australia & New Zealand Communication Association Conference Proceedings (ANZCA04) (0). Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education.
  • Green, L. (2004). Wanting it Both Ways?. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication 2004 (0). Murdoch University.
  • Green, L. (2004). The advent of broadcast advertising in the everyday life of remote WA. Everyday Transformations: The Twenty-First Centry Quotidian (0). Murdoch University.
  • Green, L. (2004). Talking Arts Research with a British Accent. Creative Connections Symposium @ BEAP 04 (0). Edith Cowan University.

Book Chapters

  • Green, L. (2003). Australia. Digital Review of Asia Pacific (28-46). ORBICOM.
  • Green, L. (2003). Perfect imperfection: Feeling cool on the nude beach. Sport, Culture & Society, Vol. 3. Some Like it Hot: The Beach as a Cultural Dimension (110-128). Meyer & Meyer.

Journal Articles

  • Green, L. (2003). 11 September. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 17(1), 95-104.
  • Green, L., Jacka, L. (2003). The new 'others': Media and society post-September 11. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources, 109(Nov), 7-13.
  • Green, L. (2003). Attempting to ground ethnographic theory and practice. Australian Journal of Communication, 30(2), 133-145.

Conference Publications

  • Quin, R., Elliott, M., Green, L. (2003). Working cooperatively with employers and students to develop a critical competencies and skills assessment tool. The Thirteenth World Conference on Cooperative Education Proceedings (6 pages). HBO Netherlands Association of Universities of Professional Education.
  • Holloway, D., Green, L. (2003). The Sesame St. effect: Work, study, play and the family internet. Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association (7 pages). ANZCA & Queensland University of Technology.
  • Holloway, D., Green, L. (2003). Home is where you hang your @: Australian women on the net. Communications Research Forum 2003 papers (22 pages). Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts..


  • Green, L. (2002). Technoculture: From Alphabet to Cybersex. Allen & Unwin.

Journal Articles

  • Green, L. (2002). Who is being helped when we help our self. A Journal of Media and Culture, 5(5),
  • Green, L. (2002). Did the world really change on 9/11?. Australian Journal of Communication, 29(2), 1-14.
  • Green, L., Trevaskis, M. (2002). If media planning and buying hadn't existed, would we have invented it this way?. Media International Australia, 105(Nov), 84-94.
  • Green, L., Maras, S. (2002). From impartial objectivity to responsible affectivity: Some ethical implications of the 9/11 attacks on America and the war on terror. Australian Journal of Communication, 29(3), 17-30.
  • Green, L. (2002). Sex: What's love got to do with it?. A Journal of Media and Culture, 5(6),

Conference Publications

  • Holloway, D., Green, L. (2002). What do family members think they are doing when they're using the Internet@home. Communications and research forum 2002 (). Communications research unit of the Department of Communication, Information Technology and the Arts.

Journal Articles

  • Green, L. (2001). Is it sick to want to live to 100? the popular culture of health and longevity. M - C Journal, 4,
  • Green, L. (2001). Treating internet users as 'audiences': suggesting some research directions. Australian Journal of Communication, 28, 33-42.
  • Green, L. (2001). Technoculture: another term that means nothing and gets us nowhere?. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources, 98, 11-25.
  • Green, L. (2001). The work of consumption: why aren't we paid?. M - C Journal, 4,
  • Green, L. (2001). Hiding behind nakedness on the nude beach. Australian Journal of Communication, 28, 1-10.

Conference Publications

  • Green, L., Miller, M. (2001). The community mothers' program: Empowering community-based leadership. Commemorative Issue: Selected Conference Papers 1998-2000 (193--200). Women in Leadership -- ECU.
  • Green, L. (2001). Communities of broadcasting and communities of interactivity. Communications World (0). WSES Press,.
  • Green, L., Miller, M. (2001). The W A Community Mothers' Program: the perspective of volunteer supporters. Women in Leadership Conference Procedings 2001 (CD-Rom). Edith Cowan University, WA.

Research Projects

  • Teen-informed strategies to counter sexual image abuse and sextortion , Australian Research Council, Discovery Projects (DP25), 2025 ‑ 2027, $496,013.
  • ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child, Australian Research Council, Grant - Centres of Excellence (CEE126), 2021 ‑ 2027, $4,744,116.
  • ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child - First-time parents' plans for the digital lives of their preschool child(ren), Australian Research Council, Grant - Centres of Excellence (CEE126), 2022 ‑ 2025, $12,597.
  • A comparative investigation into Australian adolescents’ perceptions of harm from accessing online sexual content, Australian Research Council, Grant - Discovery Projects, 2019 ‑ 2025, $475,660.
  • ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child - The parent-child communication implications of infant feeding apps, Australian Research Council, Grant - Centres of Excellence (CEE126), 2022 ‑ 2024, $15,565.
  • The Internet of Toys: Benefits and risks of connected toys for children, Australian Research Council, Grant - Discovery Projects, 2018 ‑ 2023, $438,200.
  • Digital safety and citizenship roundtables: using consultation and creativity to engage stakeholders (children, policy influencers, industry) in best practice in India, South Korea and Australia), The Lego Group, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $144,555.
  • ECU participation in a bid for an ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child, Edith Cowan University, ECU Collaboration Enhancement Scheme – 2017 Round 2, 2018 ‑ 2019, $7,960.
  • A hand up: Disrupting the communication of intergenerational welfare dependency, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Projects), 2014 ‑ 2019, $187,500.
  • Toddlers and tablets: exploring the risks and benefits 0-5s face online, Australian Research Council, Grant - Discovery Projects, 2015 ‑ 2019, $381,993.
  • Young Children’s Rights and Digital Technologies Consortium , Edith Cowan University, ECU Collaboration Enhancement Scheme - 2016 Round 2, 2017 ‑ 2018, $8,710.
  • The spaces between us: Interdisciplinary, practice-led research into colonial Western Australian infanticide, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher Grant - 2016, 2016 ‑ 2018, $30,000.
  • The Western Australia New Music Archive: 1970 – today: Finding, accessing, remembering, performing., Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Projects), 2012 ‑ 2017, $342,840.
  • Narratives in health communication - a multi-disciplinary approach to strengthen understanding of the roles and uses of narratives in conveying health information and changing health behaviours, European Commission, Marie Curie Actions - IRSES, 2013 ‑ 2017, $123,525.
  • Parents or peers: Which group most affects the experiences of young people online and how?, Australian Research Council, Grant - Discovery Projects, 2011 ‑ 2016, $145,000.
  • Biomechanical analyses of injury risks experienced in elite dance training, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher Grant - 2015, 2015 ‑ 2016, $25,000.
  • Using community engagement and enhanced visual information to promote FireWatch satellite communication as a support for collaborative decision-making, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Projects), 2012 ‑ 2016, $215,982.
  • AU Kids Online, Australian Research Council, Grant - Centres of Excellence (CEE126), 2010 ‑ 2015, $255,120.
  • Developing Guidelines for Integrating Social Networking Technologies and Professional Advice-Giving in Constructing an Online Community for Supporting Breast Cancer Survivors, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Projects), 2009 ‑ 2014, $311,000.
  • ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, Australian Research Council, Grant - Centres of Excellence (CEE126), 2005 ‑ 2014, $204,000.
  • ‘The stubborn murmur’: The Armenian Genocide in artistic decision., Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher Grant - 2012 (Round 1), 2012 ‑ 2014, $24,879.
  • Facilitating Flexible, Enquiry-based Experiential through an Accessible Three-Dimensional Virtual Learning Environment (3DVLE) Project, Office for Learning and Teaching, OLT - Competitive Grants, 2008 ‑ 2012, $203,973.
  • Construction of the subject as heart patient in the context of the gift economy, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (APAI), 2007 ‑ 2012, $110,047.
  • An ethnographic investigation into the everyday work and communication cultures of public transport transit guards: reducing risk and injury, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (APAI), 2006 ‑ 2011, $151,857.
  • Research on Online Content, University of New South Wales, Grant, 2010, $3,000.
  • Australian responses to the images and discourses of terrorism and the other: establishing a metric of fear, Australian Research Council, Grant - Discovery Projects, 2005 ‑ 2009, $146,000.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of online support in building community, promoting healthy behaviours and supporting philanthropy., Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (APAI), 2004 ‑ 2007, $101,552.
  • Family Internet: Theorising Domestic Internet Consumption, Production and Use Within Australian Families., Australian Research Council, Grant - Discovery Projects, 2002 ‑ 2004, $195,404.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Born into Porn: Young People's sources of Sexual Information. Perspectives on Pornography and Challenges and Resistances to Relationships and Sexuality Education by young people
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A collaborative approach to photographic portraiture: Toying with photographic practice

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Communicating health promotioni on the web: The building, functioning and marketing of a therapeutic online community.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Memory, truth and justice: A contextualisation of the uses of photographs of the victims of state terrorism in Argentina, 1972-2012: Communicating an intersection of art, politics and history.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Increasing rural women's involvement in government decision-making using information and communication technologies.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Grey nomads: Retirement, leisure and travel in the Australian context.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The discourse on terror and audience constructions of terrorism and the 'other'.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The photographic other: Paradox in the cathexis of longing
  • Doctor of Philosophy, How do children play in virtual worlds? An Ethnography of Australian children's digital gameplay practices
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The documentary mind
  • Doctor of Philosophy, An examination of media ethics and journalism pedagogy for news communicators: Theory and practice implications of a framing analysis of The Mercury (Tasmania)'s coverage of the Dunblane (March 1996) and Port Arthur (April 1996) killings.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Everyday ethics and storytelling after terrorism: Collaborative ethnographies exploring intersubjective identities through anthropology, victim/survivor studies and communication and cultural studies
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Hardwiring consumer desire: Publishing and promoting the online technocultural experience. A critical analysis of "Wired" magazine and its advertising 1993-1996.
  • Master by Research: Multiply-mediated households: Space and power reflected in everyday media use
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Queering photography: An ethnographic exploration of RuPaul's Drag Race, the social media landscape, and queer time in the Perth drag scene
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Bury me deep in isolation: A cultural examination of a peripheral music industry and scene.
  • Doctor of Philosophy: An ethnographic investigation of the relevance of shop floor culture to effective safety communication in an Australian minerals refinery
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The role of the internet in managing transition during women's middle years.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A death in custody story: Critical reflexivity in journalism and writing
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Drawn from artists' lives: An empirical study of the situation and realisation of professional visual art practices in the Western Australian field of cultural production.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Creative river journeys: Using reflective practice to investigate creative practice-led research
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Facebook as a disruptor of journalism and political debate in Vietnam
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Thumb on the pulse: The use of copresent-, location - and gossip-based SMS texting by young adults engaging in the twenty-four hour economy.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Communicating workplace safety and health: Disrupting OSH messaging to embrace diversity via digital media and innovate around the social side of safety
  • Doctor of Philosophy, You don't know what you don't know: Investigating the information needs of clients of web based public sector information services.
  • Master of Arts, An archaeological re-investigation of Mulka's Cave Aboriginal rock art site, near Hyden, Southwestern Australia.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Socrates cafe: An effective mechanism for realising a more participatory democracy?
  • Doctor of Philosophy, On fate and fatalism: Photography and fatal theories
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Reducing risk and injury to transit officers
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Internet of Toys: Working towards best practice in digital governance and the recognition of children’s rights in mediated contexts

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Just a 'click' away from evidence-based online breast cancer information advice and support provided by a specialist nurse: An ethnonetnographic study
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The identity of the heart patient in the context of gift economy: Heartnet and media framing.
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