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Professor Panizza Allmark

Professor of Visual and Cultural Studies

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 6956
Campus: Mount Lawley  
Room: ML13.233  

Panizza is a Professor within the School of Arts and Humanities.


Over the course of ten years, Panizza has undertaken a number of prominent leadership roles, such as Associate Dean, Program Director, Associate Head of School, course coordinator of Media and Cultural Studies, course coordinator of the Master of Professional Communication and Higher Degrees Research Coordinator. Panizza is a Leadership WA Fellow. Her results focused leadership has been benchmarked at 20% higher than the Australian university average. Panizza has led curriculum innovation and developed five undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Some of Panizza’s achievements include: leading the revision of the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Media and Communication degrees, leading and designing the new dual degree with Portsmouth University, Global Media and Communication, and leading the Media and Cultural Studies major. Through her leadership of the Communication discipline, it has ranked in the top 200 QS World Ranking, and ECU’s Communication degree has been among the top six courses in Australia. ECU’s Communication course is ranked as number one out of similar courses in Western Australia.

Panizza has been the recipient of six teaching and research awards. These include the award of an ARC linkage grant. Panizza has presented her cultural studies research at the University of Cambridge, Sorbonne University, New York University, the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, amongst other international institutions. Panizza is Chief Editor of the internationally recognised Q1 journal, Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, published by Taylor and Francis, with which she has been involved for over fifteen years.

Panizza has mentored many early career academics and has successfully supervised thirteen PhD completions. Panizza has been an invited speaker and given keynotes in the UK, US, Australia and Indonesia, in which she has discussed her published work in the field visual culture, identity, feminism and urban space. In 2018 Panizza was a visiting Professor at Airlangga University, Indonesia.

For over twenty years, Panizza has worked as a documentary photographer and has spent time working across Asia, Europe, North and South America. Panizza has had fifteen solo exhibitions and numerous group exhibitions. Her work has been exhibited in London, New York, Frankfurt, Shanghai and in Italy and Australia.

Professional associations

  • Leadership of Western Australia (Fellow)
  • Cultural studies Association of Australasia (CSAA)
  • International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA)
  • Centre for Creative Industries, Noongar Institute of WA (NIWA)
  • Association of Cultural Studies (ACS)
  • International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM)

Awards and recognition

University and National Teaching Awards

  • 2014 - ECU Outstanding Performance in Research Supervision
  • 2011 - ECU Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • 2012 - ECU Faculty Research Fellowship
  • 2006 - ECU Faculty Award for Excellent for Postgraduate Coursework Teaching, Education and Arts
  • 2005 - ECU Faculty Award for Excellent for Postgraduate Coursework Teaching, Education and Arts

National and International Research Positions

  • Chief Editor of 'Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies'
  • Assessor for the Australian Research Council


  • PhD, Edith Cowan University.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Stratton, J., Allmark, P. (2024). The Nutbush Reframed: further analysis related to 'Doing the Nutbush'. Continuum, 2024(Article in press), 9 pages.
  • Allmark, P., Stratton, J. (2024). Doing the Nutbush: how Australia got its very own line dance. Continuum, 2024(Article in press), TBD.
  • Wahyudi, I., Allmark, P. (2024). Social Media as a Coping Strategy for Indonesian Migrant Mothers in Hong Kong to Maintain Mothering Roles. Journal of International Women's Studies, 26(4), Article number 10.

Book Chapters

  • Allmark, P. (2023). The visual spectacle of shopping malls as tourist destinations. Ambiance, Tourism and the City (Ambiances, Atmospheres and Sensory Experiences of Spaces) (77-94). Taylor & Francis.
  • Allmark, P. (2023). Framing a Photographie Féminine Photography of the City. Visual Research Methods in the Social Sciences: Awakening Visions (243-254). Taylor & Francis.

Journal Articles

  • Wahyudi, I., Ida, R., Allmark, P., Kinasih, SE. (2023). State-sponsored stigma and discrimination: female Indonesian migrants in Hong Kong during the Pandemic. Continuum, 2023(2023), TBD.

Book Chapters

  • Allmark, P. (2021). Colourful Scenery, Colourful Language: Representing White Australia in the ‘Where the Bloody Hell are you?’ Australian Tourism Campaign. Audiovisual Tourism Promotion A Critical Overview (247-262). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Green, L., Stevenson, K., Allmark, P. (2021). Disadvantaged Children’s Creative Visualisation of Possible Futures. Tracing behind the image: An interdisciplinary exploration of visual literacy (116-133). Brill.
  • Allmark, P. (2021). Dangerous Women Feminism: Female Pop Music Artists’ Concert Tours and the Hostility That Has Ensued. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Women, Voice, and Agency (134-158). IGI Global.

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Allmark, P., Wahyudi, I. (2019). Travel, sexuality and female Indonesian domestic migrant workers in Hong Kong. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 33(5), 630-642.
  • Allmark, P., Stratton, J. (2019). Into the groove: Experiencing difference in the Perth nightclub scene of the 1980s. Social Identities: journal for the study of race, nation and culture, 25(5), 704-723.

Conference Publications

  • Allmark, P. (2019). Making a Difference: Social Media, Photography, Activism and Women in Asian Contexts. International Conference on Emerging Media, and Social Science (8p.). EUDL European Union Digital Library.

Journal Articles

Conference Publications

  • Allmark, P., Stevenson, K., Stotzer, T. (2017). Having a voice and being heard: Children’s communication through photovoice. Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2017 - Communication Worlds: Access, Voice, Diversity, Engagement (14p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.

Book Chapters

  • Allmark, P., Wahyudi, I. (2016). Female Indonesian Migrant Domestic Workers in Hong Kong: A Case Study of Advocacy through Facebook and the Story of Erwiana Sulistyaningsih. The Asia-Pacific in the Age of Transnational Mobility: The Search for Community and Identity on and through Social Media (19-40). Anthem Press.

Journal Articles

  • Allmark, P. (2016). Pushing the boundaries: Weeds, Motherhood, Neoliberalism and Postfeminism. Outskirts: Feminisms along the Edge, 35(November), 1-23.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Allmark, P. (2016). Seeing the Outside In: Shopping Centres and Spectacle. G511ery London.

Conference Publications

  • Allmark, P. (2014). Statues, Subversive actions and Surveillance. Lisbon Street Art and Urban Creativity 2014 International Conference​ (220-226). Pedro Soares Neves.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Allmark, P. (2014). Candidasa #1. Perth Centre of Photography.

Conference Publications

  • Elund, J., Allmark, P. (2013). Virtual travel and the pleasure peripheries – case study of Second Life. ANZCA Conference Proceedings (10p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Allmark, P. (2013). Pas de deux: Paris 2012. Spectrum Project Space.
  • Allmark, P. (2013). Island Isolation. Art Gallery of University of Shanghai for Science & Technology, China.
  • Allmark, P. (2013). Global Connections: New York vs Paris and the Photographic Gaze (Solo Exhibition). Esplanade Hotel, Fremantle.
  • Allmark, P. (2013). New York Times Square, 2009. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies 2013, Vol. 27, No. 2 (cover image).

Journal Articles

  • Allmark, P. (2012). War Zone Rhetoric, Photography and the 2011 Riots in England. Environment, Space, Place, 4(1), 120-134.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Allmark, P. (2012). New York City: Stories of Interest: Masculinity, Demonstration and Desire, (Solo Exhibition). Calllahan Center Art Gallery, New York.
  • Allmark, P. (2012). World Cup Italy. Perth Centre of Photography, 100 Aberdeen St. Perth.
  • Allmark, P. (2012). New York Stories: An Empire State of Mind (Solo Exhibition). Spectrum Gallery.

Journal Articles

  • Allmark, P. (2011). Safe Spectatorship? Photography, Space, Terrorism and the London Bombings. Environment, Space and Place, 3(1), 138-162.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Allmark, P. (2011). Cities, Feminine Images and Gendered Spatial Boundaries. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.

Book Chapters

  • Allmark, P. (2010). Towards a photographie feminine: photography of the city. Visual Research Methods in the Social Sciences: Awakening Visions (171-183). Routledge.
  • Allmark, P. (2010). So What… I Am Still a Rock Star: Celebrity and Feminist Music Videos in the New Millennium. Feminism and Women in Leadership (145-154). Nova Publishers.

Conference Publications

  • Allmark, P. (2010). Media in Asia: Teaching Asian Culture within an Australian Context. The International Conference on Language, Society, and Culture in Asian Contexts: Proceedings (131-140). Mahasarakham University.

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

  • Allmark, P. (2008). Photography After the Incidents: We'Re Not Afraid. M/C Journal, 11(1), 1-6.
  • Allmark, P. (2008). Framing Plaza De Mayo: Photographs of Protest. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 22(6), 839-850.

Journal Articles

  • Allmark, P. (2007). Flagging Australia: Photographs of Banal Nationalism. Illumina: An Academic e-journal for Performance, 1(2), 31-43.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Allmark, P. (2006). City Sights: Double Visions.

Research Projects

  • A hand up: Disrupting the communication of intergenerational welfare dependency, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Projects), 2014 ‑ 2019, $187,500.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Cultural-based perceptions about the Human Papillomavirus Vaccination, amongst Surabaya's female university students in Surabaya Indonesia
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Command Center, the Smart City and community engagement: A critical Public Relations analysis in ICT risk communication in two Smart Cities in East Java, Indonesia
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Media Framing of the Double Reduction Policy in China 2019-2024
  • Doctor of Philosophy, ‘The deliberately silenced, or the preferably unheard’: A reflection on identity, photography and protest in Perth (Boorloo), Western Australia

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The development of community cable television in Taizhou and the rise of the Chinese middle class.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A voice through media for minority ethnicities: An analysis of Taiwan Indigenous television.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The gendered body in virtual space: Sexuality, performance and play in four second life spaces
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Selling the modern day tribe: The commodification of rave culture
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Ángel del Hogar y Perfecta Casada / Angel of the Home and Perfect Wife: The Construction of Womanhood under the Sección Femenina during Post-Spanish Civil War Franco Dictatorship 1939–1975
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Photography and the paradigm of the trace.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Participation in isolation: Female Indonesian migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong and media activism
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Uncertain surrenders: The coextistence of beauty and menace in the maternal bond and photography
  • Master of Communications by Research, Deteksi's newspaper polls: The representation and commodification of Indonesian teenagers' identities.

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, A death in custody story: Critical reflexivity in journalism and writing
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The role of the internet in managing transition during women's middle years.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Memory, truth and justice: A contextualisation of the uses of photographs of the victims of state terrorism in Argentina, 1972-2012: Communicating an intersection of art, politics and history.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Photography and the medium: A photographic dialogue in China.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, An examination of media ethics and journalism pedagogy for news communicators: Theory and practice implications of a framing analysis of The Mercury (Tasmania)'s coverage of the Dunblane (March 1996) and Port Arthur (April 1996) killings.
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