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Associate Professor Natalie Gately

Associate Professor

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5930
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO4.203  

Natalie is the Academic Lead for the Criminology Discipline, she is a Lecturer, Principal Researcher and Higher Degrees Supervisor in the School of Arts and Humanities.


Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm

Current teaching

  • CRI1104 - The Psychology of Criminal Behaviour
  • CRI3300 - The Criminology and Justice Capstone Project
  • CRI3105 - Community Corrections (Unit Coordinator)
  • SAH5100 - Honour Development
  • CRI6415 – Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power


Natalie has won awards for her teaching and research and has written and taught a wide range of units at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She is a principal investigator on a number of projects including: young offenders and youth justice; the crime/drug nexus; and public perceptions of crime related issues. She also researches families, such as those with a family member in prison; parents of young offenders; and family structures such as stepfamilies. More recently she is investigating profiles of murderers and Family Violence. She has supervised Honours, Masters and Doctoral students studying a range of criminological and psychological topics such as arson and firesetting; juvenile arsonists; sex trafficking; family violence and coercive control; drug and alcohol use; the impact on incarceration on families of young Aboriginal offenders; Drug Courts; Youth Drug Courts; and rape stereotypes. Natalie is well known for her collaboration with industry in both teaching and research, for the benefit of the wider community. Some industry partners have included WA Police Force, Department of Justice, Mental Health Commission, the Commissioner for the Victims of Crime, DFES, the Children's Court of WA; the Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services; and Constable Care Foundation.

Professional associations

  • 2022 - West Australian Coroner's Court Ethics Committee
  • 2022 - ANZAPPL (Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law Inc) Member,
  • 2022 - ANZSOC (Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology) West Australian Representative

Awards and recognition

University and National Teaching Awards

  • 2022 - Honour Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Media in 2022
  • 2021 - Vice-Chancellor's Staff Award for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning
  • 2021 - Alfred and Ricks Allen Prize
  • 2020 - The School of Arts and Humanities Research Award
  • 2018 - The School of Arts and Humanities Learning and Teaching Award
  • 2018 - The School of Arts and Humanities Psychology and Criminology Staff Award
  • 2012 - Faculty of Business and Law, Dean's Award for Achieving a PhD
  • 2006 - The Dean’s Professional and Community Engagement Award

Research areas and interests


  • Young offenders and youth justice
  • Drugs and crime
  • Arson and firesetting
  • Public perceptions of crime
  • Family Law
  • Families (prisoner families, young offender families)
  • CJS Process (policing, courts, corrections, throughcare)


  • Families (family functioning - stepfamilies etc.)
  • Impact of COVID on individuals and families
  • Human Behaviour
  • Student University Experiences

Technical and industry reports:

  • Gately, N. & Henry, P. (2020). An evaluation of the Alternatives to Violence Project in Acacia Prison, Western Australia. A report prepared for the Alternatives to Violence Program of Western Australia.
  • Gately, N. & McCue, J. P. (2019). Romance scams: A different crime of passion. A report prepared for WA Police Force, Cybercrime Division.
  • Gately, N., Finney, J. & Ellis, S. (2021). Utilising online presentations to increase knowledge of the General Court Intervention Program (GCIP). A report prepared for the GCIP, Department of Justice.
  • Gately, N., Ellis, S. & Finney, J. (2021). When is a child not a child? When they offend. The Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility in Western Australia: Insights from the public. A report prepared for Social Reinvestment WA; WA Council of Social Service; and Wungening Aboriginal Corporation.
  • Gately, N., McCue., J., & Ellis, S. (2017). Voices of young people who offend, insight into modus operandi and lived experiences. Funded by WA Police and Industry Collaborative Grant) In collaboration with WA Police, The Children’s Court of Western Australia and Simon Fraser University, Vancouver (in progress).
  • Gately, N., Ellis, S., & McCue., J. (2016). “Tough on Crime?” How information shapes public support for the Children’s Court Drug Court (In collaboration with Magistrate Horrigan, Judge Reynolds and the Children’s Court of Western Australia).
  • Gately, N., Ferguson, C., Ellis, S. & Cock. R. (2016). The Prisoners Review Board of Western Australia: What do the public know about parole? A report prepared for the Prisoners Review Board of Western Australia.
  • Gately, N., McCue, J. & Ellis, S. (2015). LINKS Program Utilisation Study. A report prepared for the Mental Health Commission of Western Australia.
  • Gately, N. & Ellis, S. (2014). Offenders on Offending: An overview of detainee self- reported behaviours in Western Australia. A report prepared for the Western Australia Police.
  • Gately, N. & Ellis, S. (2014). An overview of reports of motor vehicle theft in Western Australia. A report prepared for the Western Australia Police.
  • Gately, N., Ellis, S. & Morris, R. (2014). Drug Use Monitoring in Australia: An expansion in the Pilbara. National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund NDLERF (Commonwealth Government).
  • Gately, N., Fleming, J., Morris, R., & McGregor, C. (2012). Amphetamine users among detainees at the East Perth Watchhouse: What is the impact on crime? Canberra: Criminology Research Council.
  • Kraemer, S., Gately, N., & Kessell, J. (2009). HoPE (Health of Prisoner Evaluation): Pilot study of prisoner physical health and psychological wellbeing. Joondalup, WA: Edith Cowan University.
  • Clare, J., Gately, N., Quinn, L. & Rock, S. (2023) What offenders do with the stuff they steal: Offenders’ perspectives on acquisitive crime targets and stolen goods disposal methods. A report prepared for the Western Australian Office of Crime Statistics and Research, Department of Justice.
  • Gately, N., Finney, J. & Rock, S. (2023). Complex lives, procedural constraints and homelessness. Detainees’ ‘life happens’ explanations for breaching orders in Western Australia. A report prepared for the Western Australian Office of Crime Statistics and Research, Department of Justice.
  • Rock, S. & Gately, N. (2023). Kids, courts, and canines: An evaluation of the Justice Facility Dog pilot program in Perth’s Children’s Court. A report prepared for the Western Australian Office of Crime Statistics and Research, Department of Justice.


  • Bachelor of Arts, Edith Cowan University.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Deakin University, 2012.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Gately, N., Rock, S., Finney, J., Parry, C. (2024). Complex lives and procedural barriers: Detainees’ “life happens” explanations for breaching orders. Journal of Criminology, 2024(Article in press), 22 pages.
  • Finney, J., Gately, N., Rock, S. (2024). Recidivism outcomes for young people who have committed a sexual offence and received treatment: A systematic narrative review of studies conducted in Australia and New Zealand. Journal of Sexual Aggression: an international, interdisciplinary forum for research, theory and practice, 2024(Article in press), TBD.
  • Clare, J., Quinn, L., Gately, N., Rock, S. (2024). Offenders’ perspectives on acquisitive crime targets and stolen goods disposal methods. Journal of Criminology, 2024(Article in press), 20 pages.
  • Rock, S., Gately, N. (2024). Kids, courts and canines: Evaluating the Justice Facility Dog Program through a therapeutic lens in the Perth Children's Court. Journal of Criminology, 57(4), 469-487.
  • Blanco, C., Gately, N., Pooley, JA. (2024). Family belief system influences on COVID-19 vaccination decisions among First Nations Australians. Journal of Family Psychology, 38(7), 1029-1039.
  • Rock, S., Gately, N., Moraro, P., Finney, J. (2024). From ‘raise the age’ to ‘raise the awareness’: how knowledge affects public opinion of the minimum age of criminal responsibility in Western Australia. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2024(Article in press), 21 pages.


  • Gately, N., Tubex, H. (2024). Profile of Women in Prison: Qualitative Report. Department of Justice. Government of Western Australia.
  • Gately, N., Tubex, H. (2024). Women In Prison Quantitative Report. Department of Justice. Government of Western Australia.

Journal Articles

  • Tubex, H., Gately, N. (2023). “Living with life”: Experiences of families of people serving a life sentence in Western Australia. Journal of Criminology, 2023(2023), TBD.
  • Rock, S., Gately, N., McCue, J., St Martin, N. (2023). Temptations, Techniques and Typologies: Insights from a Western Australian Sample of Young People Who Burgle. Youth Justice, 23(3), 311-331.


  • Rock, S., Gately, N. (2023). Kids, Courts and Canines: An evaluation of the justice facility dog pilot program in Perth s Children's Court. Perth, Australia. ECU.

Journal Articles

  • Seah, G., Bartels, L., Tubex, H., Gately, N. (2022). WHEN LIFE MEANS WHAT THE MINISTER SAYS IT MEANS: THE NEED TO REFORM PAROLE LAWS FOR PRISONERS SERVING LIFE SENTENCES IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA. University of Western Australia Law Review, 49(2), 273-300.


  • Gately, N., Rock, S., Finney, J. (2022). Utilising online presentations to increase knowledge of the General Court Intervention Program (GCIP). Perth, Australia. ECU.


  • Gately, N., Ellis, S., Finney, J. (2021). When is a child not a child? When they offend. The Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility in Western Australia: Insights from the public. Australia. Social Reinvestment WA & Red Cross.

Journal Articles

  • Hollett, R., Gately, N. (2019). Risk intentions following pill test scenarios are predicted by MDMA use history and sensation seeking: A quantitative field study at an Australian music festival. Drug and Alcohol Review, 38(5), 473-481.

Journal Articles

  • Gately, N., Rock, S., McCue, J., Horrigan, A. (2018). 'Tough on crime?’ How information shapes public support for the Children’s Court Drug Court. Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 2(4), 71-83.
  • Rock, S., Gately, N., Rogers, S., Horrigan, A. (2018). Give Them a Chance: Public Attitudes to Sentencing Young Offenders in Western Australia. Youth Justice: an international journal, 18(2), 169-187.

Journal Articles

  • Gately, N., Ferguson, C., Rock, S., Cock, R. (2017). The Prisoners Review Board of Western Australia: What Do the Public Know about Parole?. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 28(3), 293-310.
  • Gately, N., Rock, S., Britton, K., Fleming, T. (2017). Understanding and Overcoming Barriers: Learning Experiences of Undergraduate Sudanese Students at an Australian University. International Journal of Higher Education, 6(2), 121-132.
  • Hodgkinson, T., Gately, N., McCue, J., Shuhad, A., Corrado, RR., Andresen, MA. (2017). Fear of Crime in an Island Paradise: Examining the Generalizability of Key Theoretical Constructs in the Maldivian Context. International Criminal Justice Review, 27(2), 108-125.

Journal Articles

  • Gately, N., Rock, S., Morris, R. (2016). Drug Use Monitoring in Australia: An expansion into the Pilbara. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, 2016(504), 1-13.


  • Gately, N., Rock, S., Morris, R. (2016). Drug Use Monitoring in Australia (DUMA): An expansion into the Pilbara, Western Australia. National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, 61. Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund.

Journal Articles

  • Goggin, LS., Gately, N., Bridle, RI. (2015). Novel psychoactive substance and other drug use by young adults in Western Australia. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 47(2), 140-148.

Journal Articles

  • Gately, N., Fleming, J., McGinty, N., Scott, A. (2014). The 'oldest tricks in the book' do not work! Reports of burglary by DUMA detainees in Western Australia. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, 489(2014), 1-8.

Journal Articles

  • Gately, N., Fleming, J., Morris, R., McGregor, C. (2012). Amphetamine users and crime in Western Australia, 1999-2009. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, June(437), 6p..
  • Fleming, J., Gately, N., Kraemer, S. (2012). Creating HoPE: Mental health in Western Australian maximum security prisons. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 19(1), 60-74.
  • Stambulich, D., Pooley, JA., Gately, N., Taylor, M. (2012). Some of my children are worth more than others: Perceptions of non-residential fathers with second families as to the fairness of the Australian Child Support Agency's handling of first family child support financial arrangements. Marriage and Family Review, 48(8), 769-791.


  • Gately, N., Fleming, J., Scott, A. (2012). "The Oldest Tricks in the Book". An overview of reports of burglary by DUMA detainees in Western Australia. Perth, WA. Edith Cowan University.

Journal Articles

  • McGregor, C., Gately, N., Fleming, J. (2011). Prescription drug use among detainees: Prevalence, sources and links to crime. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, August 2011(423), 1-6.


  • Gately, N., Fleming, J., Kraemer, S., McGregor, C. (2011). An overview of the Young Offender Risk Instrument (YORI): Preliminary findings from the pilot project. Perth, WA. Edith Cowan University.


  • McGregor, C., Gately, N., Kraemer, S., Kessell, J. (2010). Youth Offenders Risk Identification (YORI): A screening tool for youth offenders in Western Australia. Perth, WA. Edith Cowan University.


  • McGregor, C., Gately, N., Kraemer, S. (2009). Developing a screening tool for youth offenders in Western Australia. Perth, WA. Edith Cowan University.

Journal Articles

  • Gately, N., Pike, L., Murphy, P. (2006). An exploration of the impact of the Family Court process on "Invisible" stepparents. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 44(3-4), 31-52.

Research Projects

  • RISE UP – Transforming Criminality to Contribution, Department of Justice WA, Criminal Property Confiscation Grant, 2024 ‑ 2026, $20,000.
  • DUMA WA - Drug Use Monitoring in Australia (Western Australia), Department of Justice WA, Tender, 2022 ‑ 2026, $524,592.
  • Women in Prison (Profile of Women in Prisons 2022-23), Department of Justice WA, WACSAR Criminal Justice Research Grant Fund, 2022 ‑ 2023, $4,467.
  • Kids, Courts and Canines: An evaluation of the justice facility dog pilot program in Perth s Children's Court, Department of Justice WA, WACSAR Criminal Justice Research Grant Fund, 2022 ‑ 2023, $9,496.
  • Dropouts and Refusers: Why some young sex offenders do not engage with treatment, Department of Justice WA, WACSAR Criminal Justice Research Grant Fund, 2022 ‑ 2023, $4,181.
  • What offenders do with 'the stuff they steal'. Comparing offender explanations of stolen goods disposal from 2005 to 2022. , Department of Justice WA, WACSAR Criminal Justice Research Grant Fund, 2022 ‑ 2023, $112,402.
  • Drug Use Monitoring in Australia (DUMA) data collection services in Western Australia, Australian Institute of Criminology, National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, 2017 ‑ 2021, $590,166.
  • Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) evaluation in Acacia Prison, Lotterywest, Grant, 2018 ‑ 2020, $10,000.
  • Juvenile Justice Teams Review, Edith Cowan University, School of Arts and Humanities Research Grant Scheme 2017, 2017 ‑ 2018, $6,875.
  • Through the looking glass: Examining offence pathways of young offenders and their experiences in the Children’s Court of Western Australia., Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Scheme - 2016 Open Round, 2016 ‑ 2017, $59,666.
  • To coordinate data collection for the Drug Use Monitoring in Australia (DUMA) Program, Australian Institute of Criminology, Grant, 2013 ‑ 2017, $535,360.
  • Current and national need to understand the effectiveness of implementing pill testing facilities at music festivals in Australia as a form of harm prevention, Edith Cowan University, School of Arts and Humanities Research Grant Scheme 2016, 2016 ‑ 2017, $11,950.
  • Legal Aid 'When Separating' Multimedia Research, Legal Aid WA, Legal Aid WA Grant, 2014 ‑ 2015, $9,984.
  • Drug Use Monitoring in Australia: An expansion to the Pilbara, Western Australia., Australian Institute of Criminology, National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, 2013 ‑ 2014, $45,252.
  • Offenders on Offending, WA Police, Grant, 2014, $18,177.
  • Drug Use Monitoring (DUMA) WA Police Offenders on Offending, WA Police, Grant, 2013, $18,172.
  • Drug Use Monitoring of Australia DUMA (Phase II), Australian Institute of Criminology, Grant, 2009 ‑ 2012, $528,000.
  • Amphetamine Use Among Detainees at the East Perth Watch House: What is the Impact on Crime?, Criminology Research Council, Grant, 2010 ‑ 2011, $50,229.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The characteristics and effectiveness of treatment for indigenous and first nations people who have sexually offended: A meta-analysis
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Coercive Control in the Legal System: A case study of Systems Abuse in the Family Court of Western Australia

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, An Examination of Self Reported False Guilty Pleas

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Criminal Justice by Research, The Characteristics and Effectiveness of Treatment For Young Sex Offenders in Australia and New Zealand: A Systematic Review
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Through a lens of therapeutic jurisprudence: A case study of the Children's Court Drug Court in Perth
  • Master of Criminal Justice by Research, Public Perceptions of Child Sex Offenders
  • Master of Criminal Justice by Research, Drug users' experiences of a residential rehabilitation program in Western Australia: A thematic analysis of drug users lived experiences
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Punishment or respite? - women's voices - an insider's perspective of women's imprisonment in Western Australia

Associate Supervisor

  • Master of Criminal Justice, Psychostimulants and Western Australian detainees: A social profile
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Young people who fireset in Western Australia: Peer group influences and impulsiveness trump consequences

Adjunct Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The impact of literacy on Aboriginal people who experience the criminal justice system.
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