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Dr Jo Jung


Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 6162
Campus: Mount Lawley  
Room: ML10.210  

Jo is a Lecturer in the School of Arts and Humanities.


  • Bachelor of Arts Multimedia Design, Curtin University of Technology.
  • Bachelor of Arts Design, Curtin University of Technology.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Curtin University of Technology.
  • Diploma of Technology (Interactive Multimedia), TAFE WA.
  • Certificate IV in Technology (Interactive Multimedia), TAFE WA.

Research Outputs

Book Chapters

Conference Publications

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Conference Publications

  • McMahon, M., Jung, J., Brook, L. (2020). A Multi-domain approach to assuring digital literacy in an undergraduate discipline. ICERI2020 Proceedings. 13th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (3031-3041). International Academy of Technology, Education and Development.

Conference Publications

Conference Publications

  • Jung, J., McMahon, M. (2016). Peer review as learning tool in design units. Proceedings of ACUADS 2016 Adaptation (15 pages). ACUADS Publishing.
  • McMahon, M., Jung, J. (2016). Applying a Learning Outcomes Taxonomy to Ensure Digital Literacy in Undergraduate Units of Study. EdMedia 2016--World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (1061-1067). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Conference Publications

  • Haimes, P., Jung, J., Medley, S. (2013). Bridging the gap: scenario-based design as a solution for delayed access to users. Australian Council of University Art & Design Schools Conference Proceedings (1-10). Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools.

Conference Publications

  • Jung, J., McMahon, M. (2012). Press Any Key: Repositioning digital literacy as an enabler for self-regulated learning. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2012 (632-637). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Conference Publications

  • Clarkson, B., Jung, J., Masek, M. (2011). Shared Assessment: a Strategy for Managing Multidisciplinary Projects. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (2925-2930). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
  • McMahon, M., Jung, J. (2011). The Natives are Restless: Meeting the diversity and needs of millennial students in a large undergraduate unit. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (476-481). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
  • Masek, M., Jung, J., Clarkson, B. (2011). Managing Multidisciplinary Student Design Teams. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (465-470). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
  • Jung, J., Clarkson, B., Masek, M. (2011). Thinking outside the “I am the user” box: a trial of social-emotional design in HCI education. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (412-418). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Conference Publications

  • Jung, J., Henderson, S. (2010). ClimbIt as an interdisciplinary collaboration teaching strategy. ConnectED 2010 2nd International Conference on Design Education (390-395). University of New South Wales.

Conference Publications

  • Jung, J., Love, T. (2008). A Strategy For Creating Design Methods Based On Social Behaviours For Pleasurable User Experience In Human Computer Interaction. Design & Emotion Conference 2008. Dare to Desire Conference Proceedings (14p.). School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Research Projects

  • Request for food and nutrition curriculum support materials as part of the WA Healthy Children Program - K-10 School Food and Nutrition Curriculum Support Materials, Department of Health WA, WA Healthy Children Program, 2013 ‑ 2022, $1,141,835.

Research Student Supervision

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Relational design education by proximity
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Empowering Hazard Management: The impact of user-centred design on the Department of Fire and Emergency Services intranet

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Improving motivation to support physical activity through fitness app in China: A co-design approach

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, A new approach to data visualisation through traditional Chinese aesthetics and gesture-based gaming technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Unveiling graphic design significance with holistic, human-centred design: Diversifying the role for graphic design among local industry projects
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Aesthetic choices: Defining the range of aesthetic views in interactive digital media including games and 3D virtual environments (3D VEs)
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A sound idea. An investigation into accessible video game design for the deaf and hard of hearing
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